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Re: [MirageOS-devel] Small typo in hello-world doc

There is definitely a slight inconsistency around the way we give inputs
to the `mirage` tool though:

- a builtin mechanism of selecting the OS backend (--xen, --unix)
- the config.ml script can detect environment variables depending on the app 

I did play with extending the cmdliner parsing to include application-specific
things (such as --dhcp instead of setting the environment variable DHCP=1),
but decided it wasn't worth the trouble until we have a few more bigger


On 30 Jun 2014, at 22:04, Malcolm Matalka <mmatalka@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Whoops, brain fart.  You're completely right.  My brain was just working
> the wrong way today.
> Ignore me!
> Jyotsna Prakash <jyotsna.prakash@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> Hi Malcolm,
>> According to the manpage for env this syntax should be correct. It seems
>> env only sets the environment variable temporarily--so mirage configure
>> will not have FS set and will default to crunch in the newline case.
>> However I believe that you can do
>> $ export FS=fat
>> $ mirage configure
>> to get the same results.
>> - Jyotsna
>> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 10:32 AM, Malcolm Matalka <mmatalka@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Hey, just noticed what I believe to me a tiny typo in the hello-world
>>> doc.
>>> http://openmirage.org/wiki/hello-world
>>> Search for:
>>> env FS=fat mirage configure
>>> I believe there is a missing new line between 'fat' and 'mirage'.
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