I try to install the dsm of xpenology on xen but I do not control all the configuration xen command line. Is someone could help me to transcribe it:
- Using 32MB primary boot disk, and 8GB second system disk, 2 VCPU, 512MB RAM
- Using HVM (Other install media, during Xen VM creation).
- Disabled viridian `xe vm-param-set uuid=â platform:viridian=false` (Makes sure virt-what coretly recognizes Xen)
- gnoBoot image installed using `dd if=gnoboot-alpha-vfat.img of=/dev/sda1` (Using Debian Live distro)
- Modified `/boot/grub/menu_alpha.lst` and `/boot/grub/menu_me.lst` added `vga=0Ã318 sn=B3JN00â`
- DSM 5.0 4458 installed after booting with grub menu item gnoboot.me â> install/upgrade/downgrade 4458
in command line ?
at least for the introduction of the working environment. (Disc creation, .conf parameter file)