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Re: [MirageOS-devel] getting criticism for a workload idea


Which kind of workload are you trying to run? If it's an OCaml program, yes sure, MirageOS might be a good option. 

If not, there are other unikernels: HalVM in Haskell, Erlang-on-Xen, OSv for the JVM, etc... They are basically all tied to a specific language runtime environment and they can interoperate between each other and with legacy OS at the API level.


On 16 Aug 2014, at 16:50, Nick Hardiman <nick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have been trying to come up with an easy way to move workloads around. This is for a home lab POC, not for a commercial application.

I think an OpenMirage unikernel might work well as a workload container (container as in 'a package of stuff', not as in 'Docker'). However, before I burn evenings and weekends going off in the wrong direction (done that plenty), I'd like to get some expert criticism first. 

How would I present the high level idea, and how would I get advice on how to use work done so far on OpenMirage?

Many thanks, 

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