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Re: [MirageOS-devel] Irmin roadmap

Absolutely agree here -- the underlying structures in Irmin are basically the same, with the challenge being the reconciliation protocols to converge faster (which we worked on this summer with Matthieu and Magnus)


On 15 Sep 2014, at 15:52, Jon Crowcroft <jon.crowcroft@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

esp. use of (sparse, very big) merkle trees, gossip for consistency, etc

reminded me should also re-view work from MPI on dealing with adversaries (e.g. peer review etc

On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 1:08 PM, Jon Crowcroft <Jon.Crowcroft@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
v cool

here's a (another) possible use case for irmin:

In missive <69D665AD-E191-40B2-8E41-0111697C2E7F@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Thomas Gazagn
aire typed:

 >>Hi all,
 >>Lots of people starting asked me about the status of Irmin. As you might have notice, I'vent had much time to spend on Irmin last month, but I plan to fix that. My current priorities are:
 >>1/ make Irmin compiles on the Xen backend of Mirage.  https://github.com/mirage/irmin/issues/81
 >>This means dropping the dependency to core_kernel (for now on). The external API will not change.
 >>2/ improve the high-level JSON API. This is related to https://github.com/mirage/irmin/issues/80
 >>Currently, we only have a JSON API for the low-level stores, and the very partial implementation of the higher-level calls. Needs to complete and document that.
 >>3/ implement a pure-ocaml Git server to be able to at least `git pull` from it. https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-git/issues/15
 >>Together with 1/ this will make possible to query the state of a running Mirage unikernel with a simple `git pull <vm-address>`
 >>4/ implement a simple distributed log server .https://github.com/mirage/irmin/issues/82
 >>Could use Benjamin's rope implementation, that I first need to release properly.
 >>5/ try to come up with a solution to the "unlimited" memory/storage usage issues https://github.com/mirage/irmin/issues/83
 >>This is the most uncertain part of the short-term roadmap. I'll need to check again what are the limitation of Git shallow copies and see how we can use them to limit the history size to remember.
 >>There are also few open embarrassing bugs that I want to fix as well (regarding fd leaks ...).
 >>If anyone is interested to help me on any of these topics, please feel free to comment on the related issues on Github -- I'll gladly share the workload. Also, feel free to reply to that email if you think there is any important Imrin features that you think are missing now.
 >>MirageOS-devel mailing list



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