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Re: [MirageOS-devel] Building mirage-www fails

Minor correction:Âsudo docker pull avsm/docker-opam

The only point I would add is that if you only want an image for one OS then you can save time and disk space by pulling just one tag, e.g.Âdocker pull avsm/docker-opam:ubuntu-trusty-4.01.0


On 22 October 2014 21:03, Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
CCing the devel list so everyone knows how this works.

If you have a Linux box with Docker installed, you can clone the
precise environment by:

$ sudo docker pull avsm/docker

This gives you access to a number of 'tags' (which are predefined
builds of OPAM/OCaml on various filesystems). Full list of tags are:


You can use a tag directly via:

$ sudo docker build -t avsm/docker:ubuntu-trusty-4.01.0 <cmd>

The scripts referenced below already do this, and are all in:

The cron.sh is the one that's run regularly and sync with the
Docker registry and builds every combination.

To recreate one of them, just run build.sh directly; e.g.

./build.sh ubuntu-trusty-4.01.0 mirage-skeleton

If you already have a suitable environment with OPAM and OCaml
installed system-wide, you can just run the shell scripts in
is-mirage-broken/scripts/ directly to fix them.


On 22 Oct 2014, at 13:55, Nik Sultana <ns441@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Anil, is this something I can try locally to see if the modified script works, or do I need to run the script on a build server somewhere? Feel free to point me to any "BUILD" notes i could use for this, in case I can test it and make a PR, if it's still an open issue.
> Best,
> Nik
> On 2014-10-21 16:18, Richard Mortier wrote:
>> if you read the docs i quoted, that's exactly as documented:
>>>>>>>Â Â Â Â Ââ The -e setting shall be ignored when executing the compound list
>>>>>>> following the while, until, if, or elif reserved word, a pipeline
>>>>>>> beginning with the ! reserved word, or any command of an AND-OR list
>>>>>>> other than the last.
>> it might be rather counter-intuitive and of dubious merit, but it's
>> the documented behaviour...
>> On 21 Oct 2014, at 16:01, Nik Sultana <ns441@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I think Richard might be right. The semantics of && seems to be a bit
>>> counterintuitive in this case. Consider this script:
>>> #!/bin/sh
>>> set -e #line1
>>> false && echo hello #line2
>>> echo hello2
>>> false #line4
>>> echo world
>>> It gives the output:
>>> hello2
>>> which is odd, because we expect the script to be terminated at line2 --
>>> the line "echo hello2" should never be reached. Instead, the script
>>> continues on and is only terminated at line4.
>>> Just to test the effect of "set -e", commenting line1 and running the
>>> script gives the output:
>>> hello2
>>> world
>>> On 2014-10-21 15:49, Anil Madhavapeddy wrote:
>>>> The && should catch that failure. Consider:
>>>> #!/bin/sh -ex
>>>> exit 1 && echo hello
>>>> echo world
>>>> Executing that:
>>>> $ ./test.sh
>>>> + exit 1
>>>> If the make depend fails, I'd expect the && to fail, and the resulting
>>>> non-zero exit code to cause the whole shell to exit.
>>>> -anil
>>>> On 21 Oct 2014, at 15:37, Richard Mortier
>>>> <Richard.Mortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> but isn't it the "make depend" step that's failing as far as the
>>>>> is-mirage-broken/scripts/mirage-www script is concerned -- hence it
>>>>> won't exit according to point 2. below (-e is ignored if it's any
>>>>> command of an AND-OR list other than the last).
>>>>> with -e on, seems expected practice is to issue the commands
>>>>> individually i.e.
>>>>> make depend
>>>>> make configure
>>>>> make build
>>>>> ...and let the -e fail them if required. (assuming you don't want to
>>>>> accumulate info about failures of depend/configure on other platforms
>>>>> before bailing out.)
>>>>> On 21 Oct 2014, at 15:18, Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> It's here:
>>>>>> https://github.com/mirage/is-mirage-broken/blob/master/scripts/mirage-www
>>>>>> And the `make` invocations do seem to exit with a non-zero exit code.
>>>>>> -ani
>>>>>> On 21 Oct 2014, at 15:02, Richard Mortier
>>>>>> <Richard.Mortier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>> not sure precisely where the script being executed actually is but
>>>>>>> could it be because it's a command in a multi-command pipeline?
>>>>>>> http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/V3_chap02.html
>>>>>>> -e
>>>>>>> When this option is on, when any command fails (for any of the
>>>>>>> reasons listed in Consequences of Shell Errors or by returning an
>>>>>>> exit status greater than zero), the shell immediately shall exit
>>>>>>> with the following exceptions:
>>>>>>>Â Â Â Â Ââ The failure of any individual command in a multi-command pipeline
>>>>>>> shall not cause the shell to exit. Only the failure of the pipeline
>>>>>>> itself shall be considered.
>>>>>>>Â Â Â Â Ââ The -e setting shall be ignored when executing the compound list
>>>>>>> following the while, until, if, or elif reserved word, a pipeline
>>>>>>> beginning with the ! reserved word, or any command of an AND-OR list
>>>>>>> other than the last.
>>>>>>>Â Â Â Â Ââ If the exit status of a compound command other than a subshell
>>>>>>> command was the result of a failure while -e was being ignored, then
>>>>>>> -e shall not apply to this command.
>>>>>>> This requirement applies to the shell environment and each subshell
>>>>>>> environment separately. For example, in:
>>>>>>> set -e; (false; echo one) | cat; echo two
>>>>>>> the false command causes the subshell to exit without executing echo
>>>>>>> one; however, echo two is executed because the exit status of the
>>>>>>> pipeline (false; echo one) | cat is zero.
>>>>>>> On 21 Oct 2014, at 14:31, Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Great! For the rest of the list, it looks like mirage-dev is
>>>>>>>> working with the external OPAM solver (aspcud, on Ubuntu-trusty),
>>>>>>>> but not with the internal one (CentOS builds):
>>>>>>>> https://github.com/mirage/is-mirage-broken/tree/master/logs
>>>>>>>> This is probably due to our excessive use of depopts; I will
>>>>>>>> replace those with explicit virtual packages (e.g. dns-mirage) that
>>>>>>>> encode all the dependencies they need.
>>>>>>>> More mysteriously, the `set -e` in the shell script isn't causing
>>>>>>>> it to terminate early, so the `MIRAGE WORKS` string is always
>>>>>>>> printed. We need a is-mirage-working-working script to fix our
>>>>>>>> is-mirage-working script :-)
>>>>>>>> -anil
>>>>>>>> On 20 Oct 2014, at 15:09, Luke Dunstan <lukedunstan81@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks, I was able to compile and run mirage-www on a Docker image
>>>>>>>>> with 4.01.
>>>>>>>>> Luke
>>>>>>>>> On 20 October 2014 09:28, Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 19 Oct 2014, at 03:17, Luke Dunstan <lukedunstan81@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> I tried to build mirage-www as per
>>>>>>>>>> http://openmirage.org/wiki/mirage-www
>>>>>>>>>> $ env NET=socket FS=crunch mirage configure --unix
>>>>>>>>>> (success)
>>>>>>>>>> $ make depend
>>>>>>>>>> (success*)
>>>>>>>>>> $ make
>>>>>>>>>> camlbuild -classic-display -use-ocamlfind -pkgs
>>>>>>>>>> lwt.syntax,conduit.mirage,cow.syntax,cowabloga,cstruct,io-page,io-page.unix,lwt,mirage-console.unix,mirage-fs-unix,mirage-http,mirage-types,mirage-types.lwt,tcpip.stack-socket
>>>>>>>>>> -tags "syntax(camlp4o),annot,bin_annot,strict_sequence,principal"
>>>>>>>>>> -cflag -g -lflags -g,-linkpkg main.native
>>>>>>>>>> ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -annot -bin-annot -principal
>>>>>>>>>> -strict-sequence -package tcpip.stack-socket -package
>>>>>>>>>> mirage-types.lwt -package mirage-types -package mirage-http
>>>>>>>>>> -package mirage-fs-unix -package mirage-console.unix -package lwt
>>>>>>>>>> -package io-page.unix -package io-page -package cstruct -package
>>>>>>>>>> cowabloga -package cow.syntax -package conduit.mirage -package
>>>>>>>>>> lwt.syntax -syntax camlp4o -o main.cmo main.ml
>>>>>>>>>> + ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -annot -bin-annot -principal
>>>>>>>>>> -strict-sequence -package tcpip.stack-socket -package
>>>>>>>>>> mirage-types.lwt -package mirage-types -package mirage-http
>>>>>>>>>> -package mirage-fs-unix -package mirage-console.unix -package lwt
>>>>>>>>>> -package io-page.unix -package io-page -package cstruct -package
>>>>>>>>>> cowabloga -package cow.syntax -package conduit.mirage -package
>>>>>>>>>> lwt.syntax -syntax camlp4o -o main.cmo main.ml
>>>>>>>>>> File "main.ml", line 98, characters 2-13:
>>>>>>>>>> Error: Unbound module OS
>>>>>>>>>> Command exited with code 2.
>>>>>>>>>> make: *** [main.native] Error 10
>>>>>>>>>> To try to ensure that this was reproducible I also tried starting
>>>>>>>>>> from the "avsm/docker-opam:ubuntu-trusty-4.01.0" Docker image and
>>>>>>>>>> got the same error. However, I had to change the ounit package
>>>>>>>>>> URL because forge.ocamlcore.org is apparently down.
>>>>>>>>>> Also, I had to "apt-get install libssl-dev" to get past the
>>>>>>>>>> "configure" / "make depend" step because it was apparently
>>>>>>>>>> required to compile ssl-0.4.7, so maybe that is related to the
>>>>>>>>>> problem?
>>>>>>>>> Hi Luke,
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the bug report, and bonus points for trying the Docker
>>>>>>>>> repository out. I've fixed the underlying issue that was causing
>>>>>>>>> the unbound OS module to show up -- it's because of some recent
>>>>>>>>> shuffling of dependencies in console handling, and this resulted
>>>>>>>>> in mirage-unix no longer being implicitly depended on. I've
>>>>>>>>> modified the mirage tool to explicitly add the dependency in.
>>>>>>>>> In order to help keep things working across the increasing number
>>>>>>>>> of distributions, I've also created a couple of cron jobs that
>>>>>>>>> automatically build things and publish the logs
>>>>>>>>> - The Docker registry now has OPAM tags for Ubuntu/CentOS on OCaml
>>>>>>>>> 4.01 and 4.02:
>>>>>>>>> https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/avsm/docker-opam/builds_history/15669/
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/avsm/docker-opam has the sources
>>>>>>>>> - https://github.com/mirage/is-mirage-broken runs as a cronjob
>>>>>>>>> (cron.sh) on blobs.openmirage.org daily and pushes the logs to the
>>>>>>>>> logs/ directory in this repo. When that's completed running (and
>>>>>>>>> we've fixed the build breakages!), it should be easy to get it on
>>>>>>>>> the website as a badge so we can see the status of repos at a
>>>>>>>>> glance.
>>>>>>>>> About to hop on a flight now, so I've left the cron job running
>>>>>>>>> and will check it out tomorrow. If anyone else can test out the
>>>>>>>>> Docker images in the meanwhile, feel free...
>>>>>>>>> -anil
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>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> R.
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> R.
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