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Re: [MirageOS-devel] An HTTP server with TLS

On 8 January 2015 at 11:35, Thomas Leonard <talex5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 7 January 2015 at 17:35, Dave Scott <Dave.Scott@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On 7 Jan 2015, at 17:12, Thomas Leonard <talex5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On 7 January 2015 at 10:56, Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> On 7 Jan 2015, at 10:45, Thomas Leonard <talex5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> On 7 January 2015 at 10:42, Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> On 5 Jan 2015, at 09:53, Thomas Leonard <talex5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>> I'd like to add TLS to my Mirage web server. What's the best way to do 
>>>>>>> this?
>>>>>>> My Unikernel.Main functor currently takes a (H : Cohttp_lwt.Server)
>>>>>>> argument. I see that main.ml configures this using:
>>>>>>> module Conduit1 = Conduit_mirage.Make(Stackv41)(Vchan1)
>>>>>>> module Http1 = HTTP.Make(Conduit1)
>>>>>>> Can conduit deal with TLS for me? The conduit docs say "The reason
>>>>>>> this library exists is to provide a degree of abstraction from the
>>>>>>> precise SSL library used", which suggests that it should.
>>>>>> Conduit_mirage doesn't support this yet -- just Conduit_lwt_unix.
>>>>>> Before adding it in, I was waiting for xentropyd and the C bindings
>>>>>> to work, which should all be in the trees.  If we could now get a
>>>>>> mirage-skeleton example of a manual SSL server using the TCP/IP
>>>>>> stack directly, then the Conduit_mirage version won't be too far
>>>>>> behind.
>>>>> tls/mirage/example has a direct example that works on Xen. I'm going
>>>>> to look at getting HTTPS support working now, unless you want to do it
>>>>> first.
>>>> Go for it!  I'm taking a shot at pulling the OCaml runtime out of
>>>> mirage-platform at the moment.
>>> OK. Could someone clarify the buffer-alignment rules for me again?
>>> V1.mli says:
>>> module type NETWORK = sig
>>>  type page_aligned_buffer
>>>  (** Abstract type for a page-aligned memory buffer *)
>>> and
>>> module type ETHIF = sig
>>>  type buffer
>>>  (** Abstract type for a memory buffer that may not be page aligned *)
>>> tcpip's ethif.ml just passes the (non-aligned) buffer straight through
>>> to Netif, which seems wrong.
>>> V1_LWT restricts the types with:
>>> module type NETWORK = NETWORK
>>>   with type page_aligned_buffer = Io_page.t
>>> module type ETHIF = ETHIF
>>>   with type buffer = Cstruct.t
>>> io-page is a bit vague about what an Io_page.t is:
>>> type t = (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) 
>>> Bigarray.Array1.t
>>> (** Type of memory blocks. *)
>>> Io_page.get n returns "a memory block of [n] pages", so an Io_page.t
>>> isn't a single page of memory.
>>> The actual problem I'm seeing with TLS on Xen is:
>>> Invalid page: offset=2920, length=1245
>>> This comes from Netif. The buffer underlying buffer is page aligned
>>> (it's allocated by Tls_mirage.conv_io), so I assume tcpip is splitting
>>> it at an unfortunate point.
>>> It appears it was working before because HTTP_IO buffers its writes
>>> using tcpip's Channel module, which batches them into single IO pages.
>>> With TLS, these page-sized chunks don't go directly to TCP, but got
>>> via TLS instead.
>>> So:
>>> 1. What does "page-aligned memory buffer" really mean?
>> Itâs a bit of a mess atm :)
>> I think we need to write down our alignment requirements somewhere. I assume
>> they all come from the low-level drivers i.e. the higher-level layers donât
>> really care (is that true?)
>> Skimming though the netfront code I think that the protocol allows you to
>> grant a page and provide an offset within it, so you donât need to align
>> everything. You do need to split requests that cross page boundaries though.
>> One wrinkle is that if you donât trust the network backend (say itâs in
>> a driver domain with a dodgy wifi driver and has been compromised) then
>> you may not want to grant a page which happens to also contain some secret
>> data as well as your payload, since the untrustworthy backend can ignore the
>> offset and read the whole thing. Thinking about it, I suppose that would be
>> the driver-domain equivalent of heartblead: leaking random (Cstruct) buffers
>> on every packet.
> It might be worth having Netif just copy everything to a pool of
> pre-shared pages. That would save the time used granting and revoking
> pages too, as well as improving security.
> Interestingly, it wouldn't add any performance overhead in this case
> because copying the data in Netif would simply avoid the need for a
> similar copy in TLS.

I've now implemented this:


In the non-TLS case, my benchmark (sending UDP packets) increased in
speed from 132 MB/s to 181 MB/s on Xen running under VirtualBox on my

I was also able to download a 176M file over https from a Xen
unikernel, at 16.2MB/s (before, it didn't work at all due to alignment

Dr Thomas Leonard        http://0install.net/
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