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Re: [MirageOS-devel] MirageOS and GSoC (was: Re: IMPORTANT: GSoC 2015 page created - Need to confirm old projects, create/review new ones and fix projects with issues before Feb 22nd)

On 9 Feb 2015, at 11:52, Lars Kurth <lars.kurth.xen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>> On 8 Feb 2015, at 19:03, Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 6 Feb 2015, at 18:19, Amir Chaudhry <amc79@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> How about we just link the Pioneer Projects page to the Xen Project wiki?  
>> It'll be useful not to duplicate these things.
> That works for me, with maybe with a list of the projects and a set of 
> instructions on how to apply for them as part of GSoC. I would suggest to add 
> something like
> ==== Additional Pioneer Projects ====
> {{project
> |Project=Additional Pioneer Projects
> |Date=01/30/2015
> |Verified=Feb 8th, 2015 (see this 
> [http://lists.xenproject.org/archives/html/mirageos-devel/2015-02/msg00046.html
>  conversation])
> |Contact=Send a mail to mirageos-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you're 
> interested in starting on one or several of these projects. 
> |Difficulty=Various levels of difficulty
> |Skills=OCaml
> |Desc=This is a list of pioneer projects for Mirage OS, covering area such as 
> '''Build Tools''', '''New Libraries''', '''Storage Technologies''', 
> '''Networking Technologies''', '''Interfaces to Non-Ocaml (aka foreign) 
> Languages''' and other topics. Note that some of these projects may be too 
> small or too big for a single GSoC project. If you are interested in one of 
> these, make sure you discuss first on mirageos-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - 
> we can then merge or split these as needed for GSoC.
> References:
> * [https://github.com/mirage/mirage-www/wiki/Pioneer-Projects Complete list 
> of Pioneer Projects]
> |GSoC=yes, but do check mirageos-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx first
> }}

If it works for you, then that's fine with me.  I've made an edit to the Xen 
GSoC Project page (with the above suggestion) and will copy back the existing 
three projects over to the Pioneer's page.

Then it's just about collating more projects.

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