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Re: [MirageOS-devel] [ANN] release of dog 0.1.0

On 16 Feb 2015, at 23:45, Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> just given it a quick go and i suspect i'm missing something obvious... :)
>> in ~/t/dog:
>> ```
>> : mort@greyjay:dog$; dog listen
>> Server started on port 8080.
>> ```
> Can you connect to the server direcly? ie. does http://localhost:8080 returns 
> something useful in your browser (and http://localhost:8080/graph)?

That particular set of commands works for me, so I suspect this is something to 
do with Conduit binding to an unexpected interface.  If it does turn out to be 
this, could you leave a comment on:



>> in ~/t/dogc:
>> ```
>> : mort@greyjay:dogc$; dog push -m "bark bark" http://localhost:8080
>> Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ECONNREFUSED, "connect", "")
>> ```
>> how should i be trying to get a message logged?
>> On 16 February 2015 at 21:55, Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
>> wrote:
>>> I'd like to announce the first (very alpha) release of a new 
>>> synchronisation tool: "dog"
>>> To install it: `opam install dog`
>>> The tool is built using Irmin and it demonstrate a simple distributed log 
>>> server. Every client has a local (and partial) state of the system (a valid 
>>> Git repository, whose active branch is the name of the client), and they 
>>> synchronise explicitly with a server using the Irmin synchronisation 
>>> protocol. The server listens for new clients and rebase every client 
>>> branches into a sub-directory of the master branch. The server state is 
>>> also stored in a Git repository, and it contains all the client history as 
>>> well. So if you have:
>>> Client A:
>>> branch A:
>>> - foo.txt
>>> and Client B:
>>> branch B:
>>> - foo.txt
>>> On the server you'll have:
>>> branch A:
>>> - foo.txt
>>> branch B:
>>> - foo.txt
>>> branch master:
>>> A/foo.txt
>>> B/foo.txt
>>> This is very simple but already quite useful. As usual, feedback 
>>> appreciated on https://github.com/samoht/dog/issues.
>>> Best,
>>> Thomas
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>> -- 
>> Richard Mortier
>> mort@xxxxxxxxxx
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