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Re: [MirageOS-devel] Timer library

In Lwt, you can use the core library to do timers by calling OS.sleep and 
building up the required abstractions.

I notice that there is a Unix-only Lwt_timeout library in the distribution:

The only use of Lwt_unix in this library is for Lwt_unix.sleep:

So we could generalise this by modifying the Lwt_timeout.sleep () function to 
take a (?sleep) function that is passed in the relevant function.  In the case 
of Mirage, this would be OS.Time.sleep, and in Unix the existing Lwt_unix.sleep.

What other requirements do you have?  Do you want these timers to be persistent 
in the case of restarts?


> On 23 Apr 2015, at 13:00, Nick Betteridge <buzzheavyyear@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone recommend a good Timer library to use with mirage - I need it for 
> firing off events - add, stop, start, stop, pause, one-off, cyclic etc.
> Thanks,
> Nick
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