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Re: [MirageOS-devel] simple dns server

Hm, I had this same problem.  I was able to get the server to run by making the following changes to data/test.zone (although the initialization still complains about unknown services in other lines):

on line 55, s/udp/17/

Then, rerun `mirage configure --unix` and `make`.  After doing that and starting the server, I'm able to get a response from `dig @ ns0.d1.signpo.st.` ( because I'm running in socket mode).


On 05/11/2015 11:06 AM, Nick Betteridge wrote:

I'm trying to get the simple dns server to work that Heidi has in her examples (github.com/heidi-ann/ocaml-dns-examples) and I'm getting an error which I don't really understand - it's occurs both on the cubieboard and my amd64 desktop:

$ sudo ./mir-dns
Manager: connect
plugging into tap0 with mac c2:9d:56:19:d7:2c..
Netif: connect tap0
Manager: connect
Manager: configuring
Manager: configuring
Netif: error, terminating listen loop
Manager: Interface to nm gw []

Manager: socket config currently ignored (TODO)
ARP: sending gratuitous from
Manager: configuration done
Warning (<string> line 47): Converting MD to MX
Warning (<string> line 48): Converting MF to MX
Error (<string> line 54): udp is not a known IP protocol
Error (<string> line 56): unknown service "chargen" for protocol 6
Warning (<string> line 47): Converting MD to MX
Warning (<string> line 48): Converting MF to MX
Error (<string> line 54): udp is not a known IP protocol
Error (<string> line 56): unknown service "chargen" for protocol 6
Netif: error, terminating listen loop

$ sudo ./mir-dns
plugging into tap0 with mac c2:9d:56:19:d7:2c..
Netif: connect tap0
Manager: connect
Manager: connect
Manager: configuring
Manager: Interface to nm gw []

ARP: sending gratuitous from
Manager: configuration done
Manager: configuring
Warning (<string> line 47): Converting MD to MX
Warning (<string> line 48): Converting MF to MX
Error (<string> line 54): udp is not a known IP protocol
Error (<string> line 56): unknown service "chargen" for protocol 6
Manager: socket config currently ignored (TODO)
Warning (<string> line 47): Converting MD to MX
Warning (<string> line 48): Converting MF to MX
Error (<string> line 54): udp is not a known IP protocol
Error (<string> line 56): unknown service "chargen" for protocol 6

Does anyone have any idea how I can move forward on this?


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