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Re: [MirageOS-devel] simple dns server

It's not obvious, but that particular zone file came from a regression test of the original OCaml DNS library written in 2006, and so is an odd choice (my fault) for an example zone file!

Feel free to change it around to something a little more accessible.  The other thing missing from the DNS library is a more natural way to add and remove records without going through a zone file, and so that's a good area for improvement.

Now that the TLS stack is up and running, I'm going to move the mirage.io DNS over to a unikernel as well. We used to run the DNS self-hosted, but it has migrated to Gandi recently.  The GitHub workflow is proving to be quite an effective deployment interface, and so we're in good shape to bring back the hosted DNS as well.  It just needs a good logging interface (c.f. the other thread), but for now I'll capture the console output.


On 11 May 2015, at 11:29, Mindy <mindy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hm, I had this same problem.  I was able to get the server to run by making the following changes to data/test.zone (although the initialization still complains about unknown services in other lines):

on line 55, s/udp/17/

Then, rerun `mirage configure --unix` and `make`.  After doing that and starting the server, I'm able to get a response from `dig @ ns0.d1.signpo.st.` ( because I'm running in socket mode).


On 05/11/2015 11:06 AM, Nick Betteridge wrote:

I'm trying to get the simple dns server to work that Heidi has in her examples (github.com/heidi-ann/ocaml-dns-examples) and I'm getting an error which I don't really understand - it's occurs both on the cubieboard and my amd64 desktop:

$ sudo ./mir-dns
Manager: connect
plugging into tap0 with mac c2:9d:56:19:d7:2c..
Netif: connect tap0
Manager: connect
Manager: configuring
Manager: configuring
Netif: error, terminating listen loop
Manager: Interface to nm gw []

Manager: socket config currently ignored (TODO)
ARP: sending gratuitous from
Manager: configuration done
Warning (<string> line 47): Converting MD to MX
Warning (<string> line 48): Converting MF to MX
Error (<string> line 54): udp is not a known IP protocol
Error (<string> line 56): unknown service "chargen" for protocol 6
Warning (<string> line 47): Converting MD to MX
Warning (<string> line 48): Converting MF to MX
Error (<string> line 54): udp is not a known IP protocol
Error (<string> line 56): unknown service "chargen" for protocol 6
Netif: error, terminating listen loop

$ sudo ./mir-dns
plugging into tap0 with mac c2:9d:56:19:d7:2c..
Netif: connect tap0
Manager: connect
Manager: connect
Manager: configuring
Manager: Interface to nm gw []

ARP: sending gratuitous from
Manager: configuration done
Manager: configuring
Warning (<string> line 47): Converting MD to MX
Warning (<string> line 48): Converting MF to MX
Error (<string> line 54): udp is not a known IP protocol
Error (<string> line 56): unknown service "chargen" for protocol 6
Manager: socket config currently ignored (TODO)
Warning (<string> line 47): Converting MD to MX
Warning (<string> line 48): Converting MF to MX
Error (<string> line 54): udp is not a known IP protocol
Error (<string> line 56): unknown service "chargen" for protocol 6

Does anyone have any idea how I can move forward on this?


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