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Re: [MirageOS-devel] pretty charts from OCaml and js_of_ocaml

For Mirage, I think it would be fun to extend the mirage-www's built-in stats reporting (GC live words etc) with a nice automatically-updating chart.

Indeed! Do you think it would be easy to re-use the RRD code to store the data and c3 to draw the graph? Currently I'm using a bounded-size queue[1] to store the GC stats, which is not very ideal as we loose historical events. 

I was wondering about that as well. I've started making a patch to try to use the RRD code-- I think it's possible, but the interface needs a bit of tidying (for example, some of the functions take a "domid" which is clearly part of the xapi application logic, but it's ended up in slightly the wrong place.) I'll see if I can complete the patch and send it.

And Dave's pretty graphs are now live! https://mirage.io/stats/gc


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