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[MirageOS-devel] [ANN] Logs 0.4.2


I'd like to announce the first release of Logs. Here's the blurb:

  Logs provides a logging infrastructure for OCaml. Logging is performed 
  on sources whose reporting level can be set independently. Log message 
  report is decoupled from logging and is handled by a reporter.

  A few optional log reporters are distributed with the base library and 
  the API easily allows to implement your own. 

  Logs depends only on the `result` compatibility package. The optional 
  `Logs_stdo` reporter on standard outputs depends on Fmt. The optional
  `Logs_browser` reporter that reports to the web  browser console depends 
  on js_of_ocaml. The optional `Logs_cli` library that provides command line
  support for controlling Logs depends on `Cmdliner`.

  Logs and its reporters are distributed under the BSD3 license.

Feedback on the API is welcome, it could still change a bit before stabilizing 
on a 1.0.0 release. 

Homepage: http://erratique.ch/software/logs
API docs: http://erratique.ch/software/logs/doc

The continuation based formatting trick used by Logs for minimizing non-logging 
overhead is based on Jeremy Yallop's findings; Gabriel Radanne helped to make 
further tests. Thanks to them and see [1] for the full discussion. 



[1] https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-git/pull/130#issue-111278246

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