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Re: [MirageOS-devel] request for beginner project suggestion

Great, thanks for the quick response! i assume below advice still holds true, in that case.

You could start by cloning the mirage-skeleton repository and making a
new example based on "console" that usesÂloggingÂrather than printing.

For modifying libraries, you'll need to know how to "opam pin" a
modified package for testing. There's some useful information here:


(however, I find it easier to look in the Makefile to find the
dependencies, rather than reading the source of the mirage tool, and
make sure you do "opam pin -k git" to pin in "mixed mode", or you'll
have endless trouble with stale OASIS files)

Is there a recommended regression test set? i looked aroundÂhttps://mirage.io/wiki/contributing, but couldn't find any pointers.

Thanks a lot!

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 8:40 AM, Thomas Leonard <talex5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 27 January 2016 at 16:28, Madhuri Yechuri <cosmokramer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> i am interested in contributing to MirageOS (during non-work hours), and
> wondering if there is a beginner project recommendation? This would be my
> first project in OCAML (have 15 years industry coding experience in C
> (Oracle Database Server, VMware ESX) and C++ (VMware vCenter), and recent 9
> months in Python (Flocker)).
> Looking through https://github.com/mirage/mirage-www/wiki/Pioneer-Projects ,
> i understand Logging is taken from recent emails on this mailing list. Is
> there is any other beginner-friendly project that i could take up?
> Thanks a lot!
> madhuri.

Hi Madhuri,

There are lots of libraries that need improved logging, so as long as
people say which ones they're working on there should be no problem -
it would be great if you want to work on that!

Dr Thomas Leonard    http://roscidus.com/blog/
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