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Re: [Publicity] Blog: Xen ARM and DT vs ACPI


I forgot about Thanksgiving. I had a look through and it is not really 
controversial. But the piece is not very clear either. And because of the Linux 
controversy there is a danger that somebody from the press will quote Ian, 
which could backfire. So it is worth to be clear.

I can spend some time giving feedback tomorrow morning

Given that next week are US holidays, Fridays are usually slow, maybe we can 
wait for a week. 

I had a bit of a press search and only 
 came up.


-----Original Message-----
From: Russell Pavlicek 
Sent: 21 November 2013 17:26
To: Lars Kurth; Ian Campbell; #XenOrg
Cc: Dario Faggioli; Lars Kurth; publicity@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Blog: Xen ARM and DT vs ACPI

FWIW, if it goes out Tuesday it is unlikely to get any US readership at all.

Thanksgiving week is next week.  Thursday & Friday are holidays for most 
everyone (except the unfortunate folks who work retail or food service).  
Wednesday is frequently a travel day (many places close around lunchtime to 
allow people to begin travelling to family locations for the holiday).  Tuesday 
is either a very slow day or hideously hectic, depending on the industry.  
Either way, not many people will be paying attention.

I'd pull the trigger on the piece whenever it makes sense for the piece.  I'll 
push my blog to external sources and do what I can for readership.  Since the 
ARM piece is important, push it when everyone thinks it is ready (whenever that 
is).  But if you wait until next week, I'd suggest maybe Monday (and even that 
is weak) or wait one more week.  Later in the week makes sense only if US 
people are not a major part of the potential audience (seems unlikely, but you 
folks know better than I).

Just my opinion.  Thanks,

Russ Pavlicek
Xen Project Evangelist, Citrix Systems
Home Office: +1-301-829-5327
Mobile: +1-240-397-0199
UK VoIP: +44 1223 852 894

-----Original Message-----
From: Lars Kurth 
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 12:16 PM
To: Ian Campbell; #XenOrg
Cc: Dario Faggioli; Lars Kurth; publicity@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Blog: Xen ARM and DT vs ACPI

Adding publicity.

Russell's post just went out, so this week would be unwise now. 

Maybe early next week: Tue?  That would also give us a chance to review the 
post thoroughly. This is a sensitive topic and we don't want to hurt ourselves 
unintentionally (which seems to be happening to vendors that are pushing their 
angle too hard). We don't really want that to happen to us.

I would even suggest to wait until Stefano is back from holidays and had a 
chance to catch up on ongoing discussions. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Campbell 
Sent: 21 November 2013 17:07
To: #XenOrg
Cc: Dario Faggioli; Lars Kurth
Subject: Blog: Xen ARM and DT vs ACPI

We'd like to say something about our position here, so I've drafted
this: http://blog.xen.org/?p=8347&preview=true

Ideally it would be posted soon, ie.. tomorrow. Does that fit in with the 


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