We seem to have a few stuck reviews, e.g.
and Bob is concerned that if known bugs aren’t progressed in a timely manner, or the CI isn’t monitored and degrades, then there is no point in continuing to run it. Over time it’s likely to become more frustrating to those with the power to disable the
CI and unless they see “progress” we can’t really argue that it should remain enabled.
I don't know whether there are any other bugs that may be present in the integration. That are the only outstanding issues I could find
Hi all,
please let me know of any agenda items that you want to discuss. If we don't have anything, let's keep the meeting short.
The following actions are closed
* ACTION: Lars to wait for response from Christian Berendt and then fix extra capitalization
* ACTION: Lars to wait for 2 x 2+
* ACTION: Anthony to see whether the setup is correct
The following actions are ongoing
* ACTION: Lars get Credativ to take ownership and address montoring and backup
** Credativ have been trying to get access to the machines and are working through their TODO list
** Seems Bob's instructions were maybe missing changes to the DNS and thus jenkins.openstack.xenproject.org now points to a non-existant VM