Hi all,
I wanted to quickly touch base with you regarding the WG Test Framework group meeting. There are a few things I wanted to cover:
a) I had a conversation with the Linux Foundation on specking out a few options for possible options for what a test rig hosted at the Linux Foundation would look like and cost
The purpose is to have a starting point for some feasibility work
* I basically looked at what we have now in OSSTest and where we would like it to be in terms of Hardware as well as sys admin support
* This should give us an indication what can be done within the budget constraints available
* We can then also check whether the same HW setup would work for OSSTest as well as XenRT
Hopefully I will get the data in the next couple of days and will be able to send this out before the Thursday Test WG meeting. I would then feed this into the budget for the Xen Project AB.
b) An update from Citrix on XenRT
c) An update on the test discussion on xen-devel (the timing was bad due to the release cycle, so we did not get much traction)
Best Regards