Hi all,
Please remember to use the new dial in details, as per the meeting invitation.
Thanks to Ian we now have a detailed costing and breakdown for Jump in the UK.
Don to provide similar for Allnet, and Lars to confirm HW discounts available from LF.
In this month’s meeting we should aim to make a decision and plan the next steps to purchasing equipment and services and establishing our lab.
== Agenda ==
--Actions review
--Lab and colo decision and next steps to make it happen
--Next meeting
== Actions ==
[Action] DonS to confirm power cost and taxes
[Action] Ian to speak to Allnet about requirements after an e-mail introduction by DonS
[Action] Ian and Chris cost put together power budget based on original mail from Ian
---see email of 17th June from Ian, budget 200W per machine
[Action] Ian spec out detailed proposal (based on 24 servers and power budget)
---Jump: see emails from Ian, in summary the costs are $8,705 per month plus $8,905 setup
[Action] Don spec out detailed proposal (based on 24 servers and power budget)
---Allnet: Don to provide detailed costing on the lines of Ian’s costing for Jump
[Action] Lars to follow up with LF on finding out HW discounts. CC list (to happen in parallel with power budget)