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[Wg-test-framework] Test project costings -- EarthLink

I promised to send a worked-out costing for going with EarthLink (datacenter) 
All-Net (Sys Admin & backup).

Things which need to be included:

  Hosting in a proper datacentre[0]
  Space charges[1]
  Power charges
  External internet connection (at least one
     for each infrastructure server) [2]
  Bandwidth charges [3]
  Inter-rack connectivity if expand to multiple racks
  Physical rack cabinet
  PDU-controlled socket for each machine
  Remote serial console access to infrastructure servers
  Sysadmin on contract basis


  Space and power:
    2 infrastructure servers at 2U and 200VA (~=200W) each
    24 test servers at 1U and 200VA each
    1 internal switch at 1U, 100VA
    1 external switch at 1U, 100VA
  For a total of 30U, 5400VA

    Total external 2Mbit/s 95%ile.

  Contract sysadmin from All-Net Computer Solutions
    100h setup over one to two weeks.
    4h per week ongoing (includes backup).
Things NOT included (to match Jump costings):

  Servers, testbed systems
  Internal switches
  Internal CAT-45 wiring
  Multi-port serial boards
  Serial leads

All-Net does have a guess for the hardware at $53,079 (L30,993).

The proposal would involve the following invoice line items from EarthLink
(Note: Quote has expired (June 11, 2014) and so may change):

  * Colo total rack power 4x 30A 208V 3 phase for ~4800VA per. So
    expected that 2 will do.  Cost is based on actual use with a base
    add of $110/month
  * EarthLink setup: $935
  * Consultancy $85/hr, 100h setup, 4h ongoing:  $8500 setup, $1360/month.

Bottom line:

  Total $3034/month, $9435 setup.  At the current exchange rate of
  US$1 = UKL0.58392, that's L1772/month, L5509 setup.


The power budget above is probably an overestimate, perhaps by a
factor of two or so, so the bottom line I have quoted is a maximum.

EarthLink's quote is for a 3-year term, they may be able offer us a "empty" 2
rack (I.E. if we expand soon, the 2 racks could be next to each other, otherwise
so sort of inter rack networking can be setup).  If we don't have certainty of
funding for a 3-year term we can probably negotiate a shorter term with a higher

I have attached a spreed sheet with all the numbers for both EarthLink and Jump.
And the All-net details.

   -Don Slutz

[0] In this case EarthLink @ Marlborough (SSAE 16 SOC2)
[1] Earthlink has a cost per rack.
[2] Earthlink actually offer 22 connections per rack.
[3] Earthlink bundle 2Mbit/s 95%ile per rack.

Attachment: Wg-test-framework Document-1.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: XenProjectColo.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

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