== Attendees ==
Chair: Chris Shepherd
Community Rep: Ian Jackson
AMD: Aravind Gopalakrishnan
Intel: Donald D Dugger
Oracle: Marcos Matsunaga
Verizon: Don Slutz (Lead)
==Not present==
Citrix: Lars Kurth
== Actions ==
===All existing actions closed===
===New actions===
DonS: get revised Earthlink quote stating in detail which services will be provided and what it'll cost (incl 4MBps bandwidth)
Chris to talk to Lars about what the next AWB approval step for hardware purchasing is
DonS to ask All Net to turn their vague list of machines into a more detailed list of specifications.
Chris to ask Lars how we can pay All Net for this
== Agenda ==
===Services procurement for test lab===
Compared the quotes from Earthlink and Jump, concluded that the Earthlink is substantially cheaper.
Decision: we will go with Earthlink, on condition that firm detailed quotes from Earthlink including 4Mbps bandwidth instead of 2, does not exceed $4k per month. If this is confirmed we will forward this to the AWB for approval to enter
into contract with Earthlink. If more than $4k we will revert to Test WG for discussion.
Action: DonS to get the revised quote / contract with 4Mbps bandwidth, stating in detail which services will be provided and what it'll cost.
===Hardware procurement for test lab===
We have a vague hardware list incl costs from All Net. We also have an hourly labor quotation from All Net.
Action: DonS to ask Allnet to turn their vague list of machines into a more detailed list of specifications.
Note we can pay them for this (hourly rate) and will need to iterate with them - we do not guarantee to buy from them.
Action: Chris to ask Lars whether we can pay Allnet, what else we need to do make this happen.
Note 3rd party machines are ok, do not need homogenous Dell kit, say.
The list we have so far only contains Intel, we're not aware of anyone supplying ARM kit that could just be dropped into a standard test env. However Iain Campbell @ Citrix has some proto boards that we intend to rackmount and ship over
to our hosting center. Ultimate aim would be to have 50/50 Intel/AMD but will be hard to achieve.
Action: Chris to talk to Lars about what the next approval step is wrt the AWB. We believe we will need to spend $50-60k.
===Desired outcome===
By the time of the August Test WG we should have agreement from AWB to enter into contract with Earthlink, and should have approval from AWB to spend up to $60k on hardware. We should also have a detailed list of the hardware we want that
we can hand over to our preferred supplier or procurement agency (possibly LF).