Chris changed the IP’s on both servers the IP’s the COLO gave us. I have not rebooted the servers so if you want to check the config file just to double check they are still on line with the 219 and 217 IP’s. We may be able to get them installed tomorrow or Monday depending how much energy I have left.
We finished testing all the servers we have in-house and configured the switch with VLAN1 and VLAN2 according to the Ian’s Plumbing Diagram.
He will also change the other DB9 adaptors so that they are wired correctly. We will have a total of 26 which should be enough to populate the entire rack of servers.
Right now the COLO only gave us the IP scheme for Port1 in the cabinet, so I will bring the 8 port switch with me but I expect they will have found the IP’s for the second port by Monday.
We have a few problems that not resoled yet but should not stop us from installing the main servers and at least 2 sets of test servers at the COLO. I was hoping to get the servers installed on Sunday the 14th but I just ran out of steam. We had Myself, Chris, George and Don by phone working on getting everything tested and boxed up for transport to the COLO.
Item 10 - Dell POWEER EDGE R220 running a Xeon E3-1220 Chip seems to allow us to setup the BIOS correctly, we can run Memchk and load Debian up to the point where it asks if we want to install the graphical version. We have been using the Graphical install to test the [TEST} servers. When we select the install the server locks up and hangs. We are going to contact Dell Monday morning to find out what we are missing.
Item 13 – White box 2U Rack AMD 970-G46A does not seem to have a Serial Redirection option in the BIOS, other than that it pass all the testes and works great. I did not know if you had a work around in the OS.
Paul L. George
PLG Enterprises, Inc.
All-Net Computer Solutions
42 East Main Street
Westborough, MA 01581
P: 508-898-9057
C: 508-450-9332