Status Report
We finished bench testing the remaining servers. Items 3,5,7 & 9. Nocera 0 & 1, oselata 0 & 1, elbling 0&1, pinot 0 & 1.
I installed the AMD chips sent from AMD to bring the Supermicro server (pinot 0& 1) in-line with the spec.
We installed 4 of the remaining servers (Item 3 and 5) Nocera 0 & 1, oselata 0 & 1. We will install the last 4 [elbling 0&1, pinot 0 & 1.]
this week.
We removed the Newcastle Comtrol controller, Cable and Patch Panel and replaced with the repaired components. We connected the serial ports to the same patch panel ports that were connected to Newcastle. We connect new castle to port 32 for testing purposes. The damaged components will be sent back to Comtrol Monday for repair.
DonK was having some trouble with the serial connections so I will check the connections and run the diagnostics on all the path panel ports with the loop back plug.
We also connected Servers huxelrebe 0& 1 and itaila 0& 1to AC and Serial ports to the Comtrol.
We are still waiting for the MSI team to get us a new BIOS to configure the serial port as console.
Paul L. George
PLG Enterprises, Inc.
All-Net Computer Solutions
42 East Main Street
Westboro, MA 01581
Office 508-898-9057
Cell: 508-450-9332