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[Wg-test-framework] Minutes from today's Xen Project - Allnet call (Feb 18 2015)

Notes from our conversation today.  Please let me know if I have
missed anything or got anything wrong.

Attendees: Paul George, Don Koch, Ian Jackson.

* ARM crate

  This was shipped on Monday and appears to have cleared customs.
  It is expected at All-net today or tomorrow.

  ACTION: Ian to give Paul the FedEx tracking number

* Motherboard with MSI BIOS without serial access

  Paul reports that we have had no progress from MSI.  We agreed that
  it would be wise to start investigating the plan (b).  Accordingly

  ACTION: Ian to ask AMD to recommend an alternative motherboard

* Cable management

  Cable management has been improved but is not complete.  Paul
  intends to label all the cables, but after the ARM crate has
  arrived.  In the meantime:

  ACTION: Paul to send some photos of the back of the rack

* MAC addresses and serial access

  Don K has recorded in the COLO Layout spreadsheet and the DHCP
  server the MAC addresses of the machines for which he was able to
  find the address via the serial console.  He has also been verifying
  that the connections correspond.

  With some of the machines there were problems; eg they didn't seem
  accessible via serial (or the for-testing Debian install didn't seem

  Judging from the spreadsheet, of the 24 test boxes:
    - 2 with the problematic MSI BIOS are not in the rack 
    - 11 have some kind of problem
    - 11 are sorted out

  ACTION: Paul and Don K to investigate and sort out

  Hardware testing may become easier after the next task is further

* osstest software setup

  ACTION: Ian is going to start setting up osstest on the provided VMs
  etc., and conduct initial testing with 4 or 6 of the test boxes.

  Ian expects this to take 1-2 weeks to set up, depending on other
  time commitments.

* Physical access list

  The Earthlink colo's physical access authority ought to be rooted in
  the Xen Project.

  ACTION: Paul to investigate how to get Lars on the access control
  list, with authority to add and remove people, and to ask how this
  will be authorised remotely (ie without Lars himself having to

  Paul thinks that Earthlink will need a driver's licence (photo ID)

  ACTION: Ian to ask Lars for this


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