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Re: [Wg-test-framework] Xen Project - AllNet Minutes from March 18th

On Wed, 18 Mar 2015 14:29:20 +0000
Lars Kurth <lars.kurth@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> == Attendees ==
> Lars Kurth
> Don Koch
> Paul George
> Ian Campbell : excused
> == Action Follow-up ==
> Agreement:  letâs try and reply to status mailâs rather than start new 
> threadâs to make status updates easier.
> === Access ===
> Lars organized access for Russell on Friday.
> Lars to give Russell Paulâs number

We never heard from Russell.

> === Huxelrebe ===
> Don: two issues
> * No serial BIOS availability
> * IanC believes we could use VNC/ANT access instead of serial
> * But we do not know whether this will work with OSSTEST â need IanJ
> Ebling1 and pinot1:
> * Established that itâs not the cabling â either serial portâs not compatible 
> with COMTROL
> * Don: could be a baud rate setting
> *  Paul: is puzzled why these are not working compared to Ebling0 and pinot0
> ACTION Don: check whether he can use VNC access

I got web access working; didn't see a VNC setting. Will be poking at it
remotely. (Locally poking has a noise issue: the AC fans are loud.)

> ACTION Don: to verify baud rate settings and track down the issue

Both pinot1 and elbling1 are now available. One of them was just working when
we got there (suspect cable seating issue). The other (hux1) had all the usual
BIOS setting correct but one odd one, swap COM1 and COM2, set wrong.


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