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Re: [Wg-test-framework] COLO Cabinet Layout-12.xlsx

Paul L. George writes ("COLO Cabinet Layout-12.xlsx"):
> New Layout attached, we are going to put the rimava 0/1 systems above the ARM
> crate when we get the new power supplies.  There is a grounding bolt at the
> bottom of the rack that makes getting the server to slide into the rack very
> hard.  It is also very hard to work on the server at floor level.

Thanks.  I see Don Slutz copied that into git.  I have renamed the
file to `COLO Cabinet Layout.xlsx'.  We don't need version numbers in
filenames when the file is in a revision control system ...

> Oscelata 0/1 were tested and the BIOS for each system was updated to 2.3.0.
> Oscelata 1 & 0 are back in the rack. Dell replaced the mother board in 
> Oscelata
> 1 due to a failure discovered while testing the BIOS update.
> New MAC for Eh0 ? 08:9e:01:62:dd:89
> New MAC for Eth1 -  08:9e:01:62:dd:8A   
> Both systems were BOOT tested for hours without any failures..


Does that mean you are handing these machines back to me ?  If so I
will run another set of commissioning tests.


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