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[Wg-test-framework] COLO Cabinet Layout-12.xlsx


New Layout attached, we are going to put the rimava 0/1 systems above the ARM crate when we get the new power supplies.  There is a grounding bolt at the bottom of the rack that makes getting the server to slide into the rack very hard.  It is also very hard to work on the server at floor level.


Oscelata 0/1 were tested and the BIOS for each system was updated to 2.3.0.

Oscelata 1 & 0 are back in the rack. Dell replaced the mother board in Oscelata 1 due to a failure discovered while testing the BIOS update.

New MAC for Eh0 – 08:9e:01:62:dd:89

New MAC for Eth1 -  08:9e:01:62:dd:8A   


Both systems were BOOT tested for hours without any failures..



Attachment: COLO Cabinet Layout-12.xlsx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet

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