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Re: [Wg-test-framework] AllNet Xen Project Call - May 6th

On Wed, 6 May 2015 10:43:28 -0400
Lars Kurth <lars.kurth@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> = Attendees =
> * Lars Kurth
> * Ian Jackson
> * Paul George 
> * Don Koch
> = Agenda =


> == OsoletaX ==
> Paul: worked with Dell last week. Got logs as needed and sent it to L2 
> service support group (on Thu)
> Paul: was escalated to L3 - have not heard back
> Paul: Dell will try and reproduce
> Don: did you forward info from email list to Dell which describes the point 
> where it hang? This was raised after Dell ticket was raised.
> Don: suspects that there may be an issue with broadcom
> Paul: wasn't sure
> Ian: hasn't seen that mail
> Action: Paul will chase today and verify whether Dell has the latest info 
> (ETA for a reply was 3 days, which has passed)
> Action: Don to forward missing mail to list
> Don: managed to reproduce the issue from the bench while in the track
> Paul: has no managed to reproduce the issue on the bench via serial line, 
> while the network was plugged in
> Ian: how and how often did you test on the bench
> Paul: rebooted it when logged in (local keyboard and monitor), which is 
> different to network reboot. Tried about 40 times
> Ian: 40 times may not be enough, but is is more likely that the issue has to 
> do with the network

Last script check showed 33 reboots before hanging.

> Ian: suggest to use esher reboot script


> Both Ian and Don so a hard hang


> Ian: we need to make sure that the bug can be reproduced on the bench 
> reliably, such that we can verify whether the issue is fixed. Tests have to 
> be automated.
> Don: will try and set up a script to reproduce the issue, such that he can 
> hand it off to Paul

Script is done.

Note: sympathy and expect don't play nice together. (And the "-N" option breaks
the connection altogether; so, I can't use it.) For the most part, it works if
you reboot by hand and immediately start the script.

If it hangs and the script hits its timeout, it prints a message with the time
and the number of reboot commands issued.

> Ian: if the issue can't be reproduced, then Ian can re-create the environment
> Paul: OsoletaX is back in the rack - and machines are still in the state 
> since machines were handed back to Ian last

Best to test it in the rack.


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