I did not make the kind of progress I wanted to.
I have tried to contact Bruce McDaniels at Dell Executive Support. I have not heard anything since he asked for the failure scenario Don found. We sent him the procedure that Don used to generate the error scenario.
He should be able to recreate the error in their lab, which was his intent. Both my supplier and I are attempting to get an update, hopefully I will hear something tomorrow. I will follow up our email nags by phone in any case.
Don and I worked on the systems and swapped the cables from Oseleta(0/1) to Rimava(0/1) to at least eliminate the cables and the RocketPort communications controller.
Don still could not communicate but got results on the signals used.
I built Straight Thru Serial Adaptors and tested the original cables with picocom and a loop back plug. The cables, as did the Null and Straight Thru Adaptors all passed the loop back test.
In the USA this weekend was Mother’s Day, so nothing could get done over the weekend off-site and we will not touch the rack from Friday –Through Monday. I was completely tied up on Monday.
I was going to go the Data Center Tuesday(Today) but I was not feeling well and did not have the energy to attempt it. I will work with Don Tomorrow to see if we can figure out what is set wrong in the BIOS.
It has to be some kind of BIOS setting that I am missing.
Here is what we know for sure.
The Comm Ports are good
The cables are good
The adaptors are good
The systems will talk and listen to my laptop when it is hooked up with a Straight Through Serial cable, and a Null Modem Connector.
Using the same known good cables, Don cannot get the RocketPort to connect in any useable way.
My plan is to connect to the rimava systems using the tested cables and the Null Modem Adaptor
Monitor the serial setup in the BIOS to see if there is anything is amiss.
Right now we are confused because everything is testing good but it still does not seem to work,
Paul L. George
PLG Enterprises, Inc.
All-Net Computer Solutions
42 East Main Street
Westborough, MA 01581
P: 508-898-9057
C: 508-450-9332