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[win-pv-devel] winpv drivers update still don't works correctly and domUs unable to boot on next reboot

In many months I have tried numerous times with numerous winpv builds on windows update 7/8/10 but most of the time still using earlier builds for one or more components, and often the next reboot fails to boot.

In my latest test:
Wheezy (debian 7) 64 bit with xen 4.6.0 plus some small additional patches:
kernel is custom build of 4.1.8 with .config in attachment
Qemu 2.4 with some small additional patches:
Seabios 1.8.2

windows 10 pro 64 bit
xl cfg in attachment

I updated all winpv components to latest build without saw errors but on reboot windows fails to boot, in qemu log I saw a trace about and also the still use older build of at least one component.
Full qemu log with trace in attachment.
I had similar problem many time with different versions of xen, qemu, seabios, winpv, windows ecc... I also already did at least one other report about time ago if I remember good.

If you need more informations/tests tell me and I'll post them.

Thanks for any reply and sorry for my bad english.

Attachment: kernel-config
Description: Text document

Attachment: qemu-dm-W10.log
Description: Text document

Attachment: W10.cfg
Description: Text document

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