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Re: [win-pv-devel] winpv drivers update still don't works correctly and domUs unable to boot on next reboot

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fabio Fantoni [mailto:fabio.fantoni@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: 23 October 2015 10:15
> To: win-pv-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: Paul Durrant
> Subject: winpv drivers update still don't works correctly and domUs unable to
> boot on next reboot
> In many months I have tried numerous times with numerous winpv builds on
> windows update 7/8/10 but most of the time still using earlier builds
> for one or more components, and often the next reboot fails to boot.

You have a driver incompatibility problem. You have a XENBUS 8.2.0 from 22nd 
October, but a XENVBD 8.1.0 from 11th August. So, I think what's happing is 
that the old XENVBD is unable to bind to the PDO created by the newer XENBUS, 
hence no FDO is being created, hence no disk PDOs are being created, hence you 
have no system disk and you get a 0x7B BSOD.


> In my latest test:
> Dom0:
> Wheezy (debian 7) 64 bit with xen 4.6.0 plus some small additional patches:
> https://github.com/Fantu/Xen/commits/rebase/m2r-testing-4.6
> kernel is custom build of 4.1.8 with .config in attachment
> Qemu 2.4 with some small additional patches:
> https://github.com/Fantu/qemu/commits/rebase/upstream
> Seabios 1.8.2
> DomU:
> windows 10 pro 64 bit
> xl cfg in attachment
> I updated all winpv components to latest build without saw errors but on
> reboot windows fails to boot, in qemu log I saw a trace about and also
> the still use older build of at least one component.
> Full qemu log with trace in attachment.
> I had similar problem many time with different versions of xen, qemu,
> seabios, winpv, windows ecc...
> I also already did at least one other report about time ago if I
> remember good.
> If you need more informations/tests tell me and I'll post them.
> Thanks for any reply and sorry for my bad english.

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