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[win-pv-devel] [PATCH] Revert all settings stealing code

This patch accompanies commit bf92f4b7 to XENVIF. That patch reverts
XENVIF to using the settings copy mechanism employed in the 8.1 driver,
so this patch accordingly removes all relevant modifications to the
XENNET co-installer.

The patches reverted are:

9695e3bd "Re-instate code network settings code in the co-installer"
59901522 "Remove code to clear stolen stack binding"
ed747f69 "Clear stolen linkage on device removal"

Signed-off-by: Paul Durrant <paul.durrant@xxxxxxxxxx>
 src/coinst/coinst.c | 1622 ++-------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 61 insertions(+), 1561 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/coinst/coinst.c b/src/coinst/coinst.c
index 371414a..acbb5ff 100644
--- a/src/coinst/coinst.c
+++ b/src/coinst/coinst.c
@@ -55,17 +55,6 @@ __user_code;
 #define SERVICES_KEY "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services"
-#define SERVICE_KEY(_Driver)    \
-        SERVICES_KEY ## "\\" ## #_Driver
-#define ADDRESSES_KEY   \
-        SERVICE_KEY(XENVIF) ## "\\Addresses"
-#define CONTROL_KEY "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control"
-#define CLASS_KEY   \
-        CONTROL_KEY ## "\\Class"
 static VOID
 #pragma prefast(suppress:6262) // Function uses '1036' bytes of stack: exceeds 
@@ -320,92 +309,35 @@ fail1:
     return FALSE;
-static BOOLEAN
-    IN  HDEVINFO            DeviceInfoSet,
-    IN  PSP_DEVINFO_DATA    DeviceInfoData,
-    OUT PHKEY               Key
+    IN  HDEVINFO                    DeviceInfoSet,
+    IN  PSP_DEVINFO_DATA            DeviceInfoData,
-    HRESULT                 Error;
-    *Key = SetupDiOpenDevRegKey(DeviceInfoSet,
-                                DeviceInfoData,
-                                DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL,
-                                0,
-                                DIREG_DRV,
-                                KEY_ALL_ACCESS);
-    if (Key == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
-        SetLastError(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND);
-        goto fail1;
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-    Error = GetLastError();
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
+    HRESULT                         Error;
+    BOOLEAN                         Success;
+    BOOLEAN                         Allow;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
-    }
-    return FALSE;
+    Log("====>");
-static PTCHAR
-    IN  HDEVINFO            DeviceInfoSet,
-    IN  PSP_DEVINFO_DATA    DeviceInfoData,
-    IN  DWORD               Index
-    )
-    DWORD                   Type;
-    DWORD                   PropertyLength;
-    PTCHAR                  Property;
-    HRESULT                 Error;
-    if (!SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfoSet,
-                                          DeviceInfoData,
-                                          Index,
-                                          &Type,
-                                          NULL,
-                                          0,
-                                          &PropertyLength)) {
-        if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)
-            goto fail1;
-    }
+    Success = AllowInstall(&Allow);
+    if (!Success)
+        goto fail1;
-    if (Type != REG_SZ) {
-        SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT);
+    if (!Allow) {
+        SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED);
         goto fail2;
-    PropertyLength += sizeof (TCHAR);
-    Property = calloc(1, PropertyLength);
-    if (Property == NULL)
-        goto fail3;
-    if (!SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(DeviceInfoSet,
-                                          DeviceInfoData,
-                                          Index,
-                                          NULL,
-                                          (PBYTE)Property,
-                                          PropertyLength,
-                                          NULL))
-        goto fail4;
-    return Property;
-    free(Property);
+    Log("<====");
-    Log("fail3");
+    return NO_ERROR; 
@@ -421,1501 +353,69 @@ fail1:
-    return NULL;
-static BOOLEAN
-    IN  HDEVINFO            DeviceInfoSet,
-    IN  PSP_DEVINFO_DATA    DeviceInfoData,
-    OUT PTCHAR              *Location
-    )
-    HRESULT                 Error;
-    *Location = GetProperty(DeviceInfoSet,
-                            DeviceInfoData,
-                            SPDRP_LOCATION_INFORMATION);
-    if (*Location == NULL)
-        goto fail1;
-    Log("%s", *Location);
-    return TRUE;
-    Error = GetLastError();
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
-    }
-    return FALSE;
+    return Error;
-static BOOLEAN
-    IN  PCHAR               Buffer,
+    IN  HDEVINFO                    DeviceInfoSet,
+    IN  PSP_DEVINFO_DATA            DeviceInfoData,
-    ULONG                   Length;
-    HRESULT                 Error;
-    Length = 0;
-    for (;;) {
-        CHAR    Character;
-        UCHAR   Byte;
-        Character = *Buffer++;
-        if (Character == '\0')
-            break;
-        if (Character >= '0' && Character <= '9')
-            Byte = Character - '0';
-        else if (Character >= 'A' && Character <= 'F')
-            Byte = 0x0A + Character - 'A';
-        else if (Character >= 'a' && Character <= 'f')
-            Byte = 0x0A + Character - 'a';
-        else
-            break;
-        Byte <<= 4;
-        Character = *Buffer++;
-        if (Character == '\0')
-            break;
-        if (Character >= '0' && Character <= '9')
-            Byte += Character - '0';
-        else if (Character >= 'A' && Character <= 'F')
-            Byte += 0x0A + Character - 'A';
-        else if (Character >= 'a' && Character <= 'f')
-            Byte += 0x0A + Character - 'a';
-        else
-            break;
-        Address->Byte[Length++] = Byte;
-        // Skip over any separator
-        if (*Buffer == ':' || *Buffer == '-')
-            Buffer++;
-    }
-    if (Length != ETHERNET_ADDRESS_LENGTH) {
-        SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT);
-        goto fail1;
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-    Error = GetLastError();
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
-    }
+    Log("<===>");
-    return FALSE;
+    return NO_ERROR;
-static BOOLEAN
-    IN  HDEVINFO            DeviceInfoSet,
-    IN  PSP_DEVINFO_DATA    DeviceInfoData,
+    IN  HDEVINFO                    DeviceInfoSet,
+    IN  PSP_DEVINFO_DATA            DeviceInfoData,
-    PTCHAR                  Location;
-    HRESULT                 Error;
-    HKEY                    AddressesKey;
-    DWORD                   MaxValueLength;
-    DWORD                   BufferLength;
-    PTCHAR                  Buffer;
-    DWORD                   Type;
-    BOOLEAN                 Success;
-    Log("====>");
-    Success = GetLocation(DeviceInfoSet,
-                          DeviceInfoData,
-                          &Location);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail1;
-    Error = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
-                         ADDRESSES_KEY,
-                         0,
-                         KEY_READ,
-                         &AddressesKey);
-    if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        SetLastError(Error);
-        goto fail2;
-    }
-    Error = RegQueryInfoKey(AddressesKey,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            &MaxValueLength,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL);
-    if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        SetLastError(Error);
-        goto fail3;
-    }
-    BufferLength = MaxValueLength + sizeof (TCHAR);
-    Buffer = calloc(1, BufferLength);
-    if (Buffer == NULL)
-        goto fail4;
-    Error = RegQueryValueEx(AddressesKey,
-                            Location,
-                            NULL,
-                            &Type,
-                            (LPBYTE)Buffer,
-                            &BufferLength);
-    if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        SetLastError(Error);
-        goto fail5;
-    }
-    if (Type != REG_SZ) {
-        SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT);
-        goto fail6;
-    }
-    Success = ParseMacAddress(Buffer, Address);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail7;
-    free(Buffer);
-    RegCloseKey(AddressesKey);
-    free(Location);
-    Log("%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",
-        Address->Byte[0],
-        Address->Byte[1],
-        Address->Byte[2],
-        Address->Byte[3],
-        Address->Byte[4],
-        Address->Byte[5]);
-    Log("<====");
-    return TRUE;
-    Log("fail7");
-    Log("fail6");
-    Log("fail5");
-    free(Buffer);
-    Log("fail4");
-    Log("fail3");
-    RegCloseKey(AddressesKey);
-    Log("fail2");
-    free(Location);
-    Error = GetLastError();
+    HRESULT                         Error;
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
+    if (!Context->PostProcessing) {
+        Error = __DifInstallPreProcess(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, Context);
+        if (Error == NO_ERROR)
+    } else {
+        Error = Context->InstallResult;
+        if (Error == NO_ERROR) {
+            (VOID) __DifInstallPostProcess(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, 
+        } else {
+            PTCHAR  Message;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
+            Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
+            Log("NOT RUNNING (__DifInstallPreProcess Error: %s)", Message);
+            LocalFree(Message);
+        }
-    return FALSE;
+    return Error;
-static BOOLEAN
-    OUT PNET_LUID           *NetLuid
+    IN  HDEVINFO                    DeviceInfoSet,
+    IN  PSP_DEVINFO_DATA            DeviceInfoData,
-    PMIB_IF_TABLE2          Table;
-    DWORD                   Index;
-    PMIB_IF_ROW2            Row;
-    HRESULT                 Error;
-    Error = GetIfTable2(&Table);
-    if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        SetLastError(Error);
-        goto fail1;
-    }
-    for (Index = 0; Index < Table->NumEntries; Index++) {
-        Row = &Table->Table[Index];
-        Log("checking %ws (%ws)",
-            Row->Alias,
-            Row->Description);
-        if (!Row->InterfaceAndOperStatusFlags.ConnectorPresent)
-            continue;
-        if (Row->PhysicalAddressLength != sizeof (ETHERNET_ADDRESS))
-            continue;
-        if (memcmp(Row->PermanentPhysicalAddress,
-                   Address,
-                   sizeof (ETHERNET_ADDRESS)) != 0)
-            continue;
-        if (Row->OperStatus != IfOperStatusUp)
-            continue;
-        goto found;
-    }
-    *NetLuid = NULL;
-    goto done;
-    *NetLuid = calloc(1, sizeof (NET_LUID));
-    if (*NetLuid == NULL)
-        goto fail2;
-    (*NetLuid)->Value = Row->InterfaceLuid.Value;
-    Log("%08x.%08x",
-        (*NetLuid)->Info.IfType,
-        (*NetLuid)->Info.NetLuidIndex);
-    FreeMibTable(Table);
-    return TRUE;
-    Log("fail2");
-    FreeMibTable(Table);
-    Error = GetLastError();
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
-    }
-    return FALSE;
-static BOOLEAN
-    IN  const GUID  *Guid,
-    OUT PHKEY       Key
-    )
-    TCHAR           KeyName[MAX_PATH];
-    HRESULT         Result;
-    HRESULT         Error;
-    Result = StringCbPrintf(KeyName,
-                            MAX_PATH,
-                            CLASS_KEY,
-                            Guid->Data1,
-                            Guid->Data2,
-                            Guid->Data3,
-                            Guid->Data4[0],
-                            Guid->Data4[1],
-                            Guid->Data4[2],
-                            Guid->Data4[3],
-                            Guid->Data4[4],
-                            Guid->Data4[5],
-                            Guid->Data4[6],
-                            Guid->Data4[7]);
-    if (!SUCCEEDED(Result)) {
-        SetLastError(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);
-        goto fail1;
-    }
-    Error = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
-                         KeyName,
-                         0,
-                         KEY_READ,
-                         Key);
-    if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        SetLastError(Error);
-        goto fail2;
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-    Log("fail2");
-    Error = GetLastError();
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
-    }
-    return FALSE;
-static BOOLEAN
-    OUT PTCHAR              *SoftwareKeyName
-    )
-    const GUID              *Guid = &GUID_DEVCLASS_NET;
-    BOOLEAN                 Success;
-    PNET_LUID               NetLuid;
-    HKEY                    NetKey;
-    HRESULT                 Error;
-    DWORD                   SubKeys;
-    DWORD                   MaxSubKeyLength;
-    DWORD                   SubKeyLength;
-    PTCHAR                  SubKeyName;
-    DWORD                   Index;
-    HKEY                    SubKey;
-    Log("====>");
-    Success = GetNetLuid(Address, &NetLuid);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail1;
-    *SoftwareKeyName = NULL;
-    if (NetLuid == NULL)
-        goto done;
-    Success = OpenClassKey(Guid, &NetKey);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail2;
-    Error = RegQueryInfoKey(NetKey,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            &SubKeys,
-                            &MaxSubKeyLength,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL);
-    if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        SetLastError(Error);
-        goto fail3;
-    }
-    SubKeyLength = MaxSubKeyLength + sizeof (TCHAR);
-    SubKeyName = calloc(1, SubKeyLength);
-    if (SubKeyName == NULL)
-        goto fail4;
-    for (Index = 0; Index < SubKeys; Index++) {
-        DWORD   Length;
-        DWORD   Type;
-        DWORD   IfType;
-        DWORD   NetLuidIndex;
-        SubKeyLength = MaxSubKeyLength + sizeof (TCHAR);
-        memset(SubKeyName, 0, SubKeyLength);
-        Error = RegEnumKeyEx(NetKey,
-                             Index,
-                             (LPTSTR)SubKeyName,
-                             &SubKeyLength,
-                             NULL,
-                             NULL,
-                             NULL,
-                             NULL);
-        if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-            SetLastError(Error);
-            goto fail5;
-        }
-        Error = RegOpenKeyEx(NetKey,
-                             SubKeyName,
-                             0,
-                             KEY_READ,
-                             &SubKey);
-        if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS)
-            continue;
-        Length = sizeof (DWORD);
-        Error = RegQueryValueEx(SubKey,
-                                "*IfType",
-                                NULL,
-                                &Type,
-                                (LPBYTE)&IfType,
-                                &Length);
-        if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ||
-            Type != REG_DWORD)
-            goto loop;
-        Length = sizeof (DWORD);
-        Error = RegQueryValueEx(SubKey,
-                                "NetLuidIndex",
-                                NULL,
-                                &Type,
-                                (LPBYTE)&NetLuidIndex,
-                                &Length);
-        if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ||
-            Type != REG_DWORD)
-            goto loop;
-        if (NetLuid->Info.IfType == IfType &&
-            NetLuid->Info.NetLuidIndex == NetLuidIndex) {
-            *SoftwareKeyName = SubKeyName;
-            RegCloseKey(SubKey);
-            break;
-        }
-        RegCloseKey(SubKey);
-    }
-    if (*SoftwareKeyName == NULL)
-        free(SubKeyName);
-    RegCloseKey(NetKey);
-    free(NetLuid);
-    Log("%s", (*SoftwareKeyName == NULL) ? "[NONE]" : *SoftwareKeyName);
-    Log("<====");
-    return TRUE;
-    Log("fail5");
-    free(SubKeyName);
-    Log("fail4");
-    Log("fail3");
-    RegCloseKey(NetKey);
-    Log("fail2");
-    free(NetLuid);
-    Error = GetLastError();
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
-    }
-    return FALSE;
-static BOOLEAN
-    IN  PTCHAR  Location,
-    IN  PTCHAR  SoftwareKeyName
-    )
-    const GUID  *Guid = &GUID_DEVCLASS_NET;
-    HKEY        NetKey;
-    HRESULT     Error;
-    HKEY        SoftwareKey;
-    DWORD       LocationLength;
-    BOOLEAN     Success;
-    Log("====>");
-    Success = OpenClassKey(Guid, &NetKey);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail1;
-    Error = RegOpenKeyEx(NetKey,
-                         SoftwareKeyName,
-                         0,
-                         KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
-                         &SoftwareKey);
-    if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        SetLastError(Error);
-        goto fail2;
-    }
-    LocationLength = (DWORD)((strlen(Location) + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR));
-    Error = RegSetValueEx(SoftwareKey,
-                          "VIF",
-                          0,
-                          REG_SZ,
-                          (LPBYTE)Location,
-                          LocationLength);
-    if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        SetLastError(Error);
-        goto fail3;
-    }
-    Log("VIF = %s", Location);
-    RegCloseKey(SoftwareKey);
-    RegCloseKey(NetKey);
-    Log("<====");
-    return TRUE;
-    Log("fail3");
-    RegCloseKey(SoftwareKey);
-    Log("fail2");
-    RegCloseKey(NetKey);
-    Error = GetLastError();
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
-    }
-    return FALSE;
-static BOOLEAN
-    IN  PTCHAR  Location,
-    OUT PTCHAR  *SoftwareKeyName
-    )
-    const GUID  *Guid = &GUID_DEVCLASS_NET;
-    BOOLEAN     Success;
-    HKEY        NetKey;
-    HRESULT     Error;
-    DWORD       SubKeys;
-    DWORD       MaxSubKeyLength;
-    DWORD       SubKeyLength;
-    PTCHAR      SubKeyName;
-    DWORD       Index;
-    DWORD       VifLength;
-    PTCHAR      Vif;
-    HKEY        SubKey;
-    Log("====>");
-    *SoftwareKeyName = NULL;
-    Success = OpenClassKey(Guid, &NetKey);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail1;
-    Error = RegQueryInfoKey(NetKey,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            &SubKeys,
-                            &MaxSubKeyLength,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL);
-    if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        SetLastError(Error);
-        goto fail2;
-    }
-    SubKeyLength = MaxSubKeyLength + sizeof (TCHAR);
-    SubKeyName = calloc(1, SubKeyLength);
-    if (SubKeyName == NULL)
-        goto fail3;
-    for (Index = 0; Index < SubKeys; Index++) {
-        DWORD   MaxValueLength;
-        DWORD   Type;
-        SubKeyLength = MaxSubKeyLength + sizeof (TCHAR);
-        memset(SubKeyName, 0, SubKeyLength);
-        Error = RegEnumKeyEx(NetKey,
-                             Index,
-                             (LPTSTR)SubKeyName,
-                             &SubKeyLength,
-                             NULL,
-                             NULL,
-                             NULL,
-                             NULL);
-        if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-            SetLastError(Error);
-            goto fail4;
-        }
-        Error = RegOpenKeyEx(NetKey,
-                             SubKeyName,
-                             0,
-                             KEY_READ,
-                             &SubKey);
-        if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS)
-            continue;
-        Error = RegQueryInfoKey(SubKey,
-                                NULL,
-                                NULL,
-                                NULL,
-                                NULL,
-                                NULL,
-                                NULL,
-                                NULL,
-                                NULL,
-                                &MaxValueLength,
-                                NULL,
-                                NULL);
-        if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-            SetLastError(Error);
-            goto fail5;
-        }
-        VifLength = MaxValueLength + sizeof (TCHAR);
-        Vif = calloc(1, VifLength);
-        if (Vif == NULL)
-            goto fail6;
-        Error = RegQueryValueEx(SubKey,
-                                "VIF",
-                                NULL,
-                                &Type,
-                                (LPBYTE)Vif,
-                                &VifLength);
-        if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ||
-            Type != REG_SZ)
-            goto loop;
-        if (strcmp(Vif, Location) == 0) {
-            *SoftwareKeyName = SubKeyName;
-            free(Vif);
-            RegCloseKey(SubKey);
-            break;
-        }
-        free(Vif);
-        RegCloseKey(SubKey);
-    }
-    if (*SoftwareKeyName == NULL)
-        free(SubKeyName);
-    RegCloseKey(NetKey);
-    Log("%s", (*SoftwareKeyName == NULL) ? "[NONE]" : *SoftwareKeyName);
-    Log("<====");
-    return TRUE;
-    Log("fail6");
-    Log("fail5");
-    RegCloseKey(SubKey);
-    Log("fail4");
-    free(SubKeyName);
-    Log("fail3");
-    Log("fail2");
-    RegCloseKey(NetKey);
-    Error = GetLastError();
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
-    }
-    return FALSE;
-static BOOLEAN
-    IN  HKEY    DestinationKey,
-    IN  HKEY    SourceKey
-    )
-    HRESULT     Error;
-    DWORD       Values;
-    DWORD       MaxValueNameLength;
-    PTCHAR      ValueName;
-    DWORD       MaxValueLength;
-    LPBYTE      Value;
-    DWORD       Index;
-    Error = RegQueryInfoKey(SourceKey,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            &Values,
-                            &MaxValueNameLength,
-                            &MaxValueLength,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL);
-    if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        SetLastError(Error);
-        goto fail1;
-    }
-    if (Values == 0)
-        goto done;
-    MaxValueNameLength += sizeof (TCHAR);
-    ValueName = calloc(1, MaxValueNameLength);
-    if (ValueName == NULL)
-        goto fail2;
-    Value = calloc(1, MaxValueLength);
-    if (Value == NULL)
-        goto fail3;
-    for (Index = 0; Index < Values; Index++) {
-        DWORD   ValueNameLength;
-        DWORD   ValueLength;
-        DWORD   Type;
-        ValueNameLength = MaxValueNameLength;
-        memset(ValueName, 0, ValueNameLength);
-        ValueLength = MaxValueLength;
-        memset(Value, 0, ValueLength);
-        Error = RegEnumValue(SourceKey,
-                             Index,
-                             (LPTSTR)ValueName,
-                             &ValueNameLength,
-                             NULL,
-                             &Type,
-                             Value,
-                             &ValueLength);
-        if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-            SetLastError(Error);
-            goto fail4;
-        }
-        Error = RegSetValueEx(DestinationKey,
-                              ValueName,
-                              0,
-                              Type,
-                              Value,
-                              ValueLength);
-        if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-            SetLastError(Error);
-            goto fail5;
-        }
-        Log("COPIED %s", ValueName);
-    }
-    free(Value);
-    free(ValueName);
-    return TRUE;
-    Log("fail5");
-    Log("fail4");
-    free(Value);
-    Log("fail3");
-    free(ValueName);
-    Log("fail2");
-    Log("fail1");
-    Error = GetLastError();
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
-    }
-    return FALSE;
-static BOOLEAN
-    IN  HKEY    DestinationKey,
-    IN  HKEY    SourceKey,
-    IN  PTCHAR  SubKeyName
-    )
-    HRESULT     Error;
-    HKEY        DestinationSubKey;
-    HKEY        SourceSubKey;
-    Log("====>");
-    Log("%s", SubKeyName);
-    Error = RegOpenKeyEx(SourceKey,
-                         SubKeyName,
-                         0,
-                         KEY_READ,
-                         &SourceSubKey);
-    if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        SetLastError(Error);
-        goto fail1;
-    }
-    Error = RegCreateKeyEx(DestinationKey,
-                           SubKeyName,
-                           0,
-                           NULL,
-                           REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
-                           KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
-                           NULL,
-                           &DestinationSubKey,
-                           NULL);
-    if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        SetLastError(Error);
-        goto fail2;
-    }
-    CopyKeyValues(DestinationSubKey, SourceSubKey);
-    RegCloseKey(DestinationSubKey);
-    RegCloseKey(SourceSubKey);
-    Log("<====");
-    return TRUE;
-    Log("fail2");
-    RegCloseKey(SourceSubKey);
-    Error = GetLastError();
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
-    }
-    return FALSE;
-static BOOLEAN
-    IN  HKEY    DestinationKey,
-    IN  HKEY    SourceKey,
-    IN  PTCHAR  ValueName
-    )
-    HRESULT     Error;
-    DWORD       MaxValueLength;
-    LPBYTE      Value;
-    DWORD       ValueLength;
-    DWORD       Type;
-    Log("====>");
-    Error = RegQueryInfoKey(SourceKey,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL,
-                            &MaxValueLength,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL);
-    if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        SetLastError(Error);
-        goto fail1;
-    }
-    ValueLength = MaxValueLength;
-    Value = calloc(1, ValueLength);
-    if (Value == NULL)
-        goto fail2;
-    memset(Value, 0, ValueLength);
-    Error = RegQueryValueEx(SourceKey,
-                            ValueName,
-                            NULL,
-                            &Type,
-                            (LPBYTE)Value,
-                            &ValueLength);
-    if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        SetLastError(Error);
-        goto fail3;
-    }
-    Error = RegSetValueEx(DestinationKey,
-                          ValueName,
-                          0,
-                          Type,
-                          Value,
-                          ValueLength);
-    if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        SetLastError(Error);
-        goto fail4;
-    }
-    Log("COPIED %s", ValueName);
-    free(Value);
-    Log("<====");
-    return TRUE;
-    Log("fail4");
-    Log("fail3");
-    free(Value);
-    Log("fail2");
-    Log("fail1");
-    Error = GetLastError();
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
-    }
-    return FALSE;
-static BOOLEAN
-    IN  HDEVINFO            DeviceInfoSet,
-    IN  PSP_DEVINFO_DATA    DeviceInfoData,
-    IN  PTCHAR              SoftwareKeyName
-    )
-    const GUID              *Guid = &GUID_DEVCLASS_NET;
-    BOOLEAN                 Success;
-    HKEY                    NetKey;
-    HRESULT                 Error;
-    HKEY                    SourceKey;
-    HKEY                    DestinationKey;
-    Log("====>");
-    Success = OpenClassKey(Guid, &NetKey);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail1;
-    Error = RegOpenKeyEx(NetKey,
-                         SoftwareKeyName,
-                         0,
-                         KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
-                         &SourceKey);
-    if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-        SetLastError(Error);
-        goto fail2;
-    }
-    Success = OpenSoftwareKey(DeviceInfoSet,
-                              DeviceInfoData,
-                              &DestinationKey);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail3;
-    Success = CopyValue(DestinationKey,
-                        SourceKey,
-                        "NetCfgInstanceID");
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail4;
-    Success = CopyValue(DestinationKey,
-                        SourceKey,
-                        "NetLuidIndex");
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail5;
-    Success = CopySubKey(DestinationKey,
-                         SourceKey,
-                         "Linkage");
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail6;
-    RegCloseKey(DestinationKey);
-    RegCloseKey(SourceKey);
-    RegCloseKey(NetKey);
-    Log("<====");
-    return TRUE;
-    Log("fail6");
-    Log("fail5");
-    Log("fail4");
-    RegCloseKey(DestinationKey);
-    Log("fail3");
-    RegCloseKey(SourceKey);
-    Log("fail2");
-    RegCloseKey(NetKey);
-    Log("fail1");
-    Error = GetLastError();
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
-    }
-    return FALSE;
-static BOOLEAN
-    IN  HDEVINFO            DeviceInfoSet,
-    IN  PSP_DEVINFO_DATA    DeviceInfoData
-    )
-    BOOLEAN                 Success;
-    HKEY                    SoftwareKey;
-    HRESULT                 Error;
-    Log("====>");
-    Success = OpenSoftwareKey(DeviceInfoSet,
-                              DeviceInfoData,
-                              &SoftwareKey);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail1;
-    (VOID) RegDeleteKey(SoftwareKey, "Linkage");
-    (VOID) RegDeleteValue(SoftwareKey, "NetLuidIndex");
-    (VOID) RegDeleteValue(SoftwareKey, "NetCfgInstanceID");
-    RegCloseKey(SoftwareKey);
-    Log("<====");
-    return TRUE;
-    Error = GetLastError();
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
-    }
-    return FALSE;
-    IN  HDEVINFO                    DeviceInfoSet,
-    IN  PSP_DEVINFO_DATA            DeviceInfoData,
-    )
-    HRESULT                         Error;
-    BOOLEAN                         Success;
-    BOOLEAN                         Allow;
-    ETHERNET_ADDRESS                Address;
-    PTCHAR                          Location;
-    PTCHAR                          SoftwareKeyName;
-    Log("====>");
-    Context->PrivateData = NULL;
-    Success = AllowInstall(&Allow);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail1;
-    if (!Allow) {
-        SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED);
-        goto fail2;
-    }
-    Location = NULL;
-    Success = GetLocation(DeviceInfoSet,
-                          DeviceInfoData,
-                          &Location);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail3;
-    Success = GetPermanentAddress(DeviceInfoSet,
-                                  DeviceInfoData,
-                                  &Address);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail4;
-    SoftwareKeyName = NULL;
-    Success = FindAliasByAddress(&Address,
-                                 &SoftwareKeyName);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail5;
-    if (SoftwareKeyName != NULL) {
-        Success = LinkAliasToLocation(Location,
-                                      SoftwareKeyName);
-        free(SoftwareKeyName);
-        if (!Success)
-            goto fail6;
-        Context->PrivateData = (PVOID)TRUE;
-        goto done;
-    }
-    SoftwareKeyName = NULL;
-    Success = FindAliasByLocation(Location,
-                                  &SoftwareKeyName);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail7;
-    if (SoftwareKeyName != NULL) {
-        Success = StealLinkageFromAlias(DeviceInfoSet,
-                                        DeviceInfoData,
-                                        SoftwareKeyName);
-        free(SoftwareKeyName);
-        if (!Success)
-            goto fail8;
-    }
-    Log("<====");
-    return NO_ERROR;
-    Log("fail8");
-    Log("fail7");
-    Log("fail6");
-    Log("fail5");
-    Log("fail4");
-    free(Location);
-    Log("fail3");
-    Log("fail2");
-    Error = GetLastError();
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
-    }
-    return Error;
-    IN  HDEVINFO                    DeviceInfoSet,
-    IN  PSP_DEVINFO_DATA            DeviceInfoData,
-    )
-    HRESULT                         Error;
-    BOOLEAN                         Success;
-    PTCHAR                          Location;
-    PTCHAR                          SoftwareKeyName;
-    Log("====>");
-    if (Context->PrivateData == NULL)
-        goto done;
-    Location = NULL;
-    Success = GetLocation(DeviceInfoSet,
-                          DeviceInfoData,
-                          &Location);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail1;
-    SoftwareKeyName = NULL;
-    Success = FindAliasByLocation(Location,
-                                  &SoftwareKeyName);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail2;
-    if (SoftwareKeyName != NULL) {
-        Success = StealLinkageFromAlias(DeviceInfoSet,
-                                        DeviceInfoData,
-                                        SoftwareKeyName);
-        free(SoftwareKeyName);
-        if (!Success)
-            goto fail3;
-    }
-    Log("<====");
-    return NO_ERROR;
-    Log("fail3");
-    Log("fail2");
-    free(Location);
-    Error = GetLastError();
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
-    }
-    return Error;
-    IN  HDEVINFO                    DeviceInfoSet,
-    IN  PSP_DEVINFO_DATA            DeviceInfoData,
-    )
-    HRESULT                         Error;
-    if (!Context->PostProcessing) {
-        Error = __DifInstallPreProcess(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, Context);
-        if (Error == NO_ERROR)
-    } else {
-        Error = Context->InstallResult;
-        if (Error == NO_ERROR) {
-            (VOID) __DifInstallPostProcess(DeviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, 
-        } else {
-            PTCHAR  Message;
-            Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-            Log("NOT RUNNING (__DifInstallPreProcess Error: %s)", Message);
-            LocalFree(Message);
-        }
-    }
-    return Error;
-    IN  HDEVINFO                    DeviceInfoSet,
-    IN  PSP_DEVINFO_DATA            DeviceInfoData,
-    )
-    HRESULT                         Error;
-    BOOLEAN                         Success;
-    PTCHAR                          Location;
-    PTCHAR                          SoftwareKeyName;
-    Log("====>");
-    Location = NULL;
-    Success = GetLocation(DeviceInfoSet,
-                          DeviceInfoData,
-                          &Location);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail1;
-    SoftwareKeyName = NULL;
-    Success = FindAliasByLocation(Location,
-                                  &SoftwareKeyName);
-    if (!Success)
-        goto fail2;
-    if (SoftwareKeyName != NULL) {
-        free(SoftwareKeyName);
-        (VOID) ClearStolenLinkage(DeviceInfoSet,
-                                  DeviceInfoData);
-    }
-    Log("<====");
+    Log("<===>");
     return NO_ERROR;
-    Log("fail2");
-    free(Location);
-    Error = GetLastError();
-    {
-        PTCHAR  Message;
-        Message = __GetErrorMessage(Error);
-        Log("fail1 (%s)", Message);
-        LocalFree(Message);
-    }
-    return Error;

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