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[win-pv-devel] [PATCH] Add PowerShell build scripts, version.vcxproj

  • To: <win-pv-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: Owen Smith <owen.smith@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2019 13:54:37 +0100
  • Authentication-results: esa4.hc3370-68.iphmx.com; dkim=none (message not signed) header.i=none; spf=None smtp.pra=owen.smith@xxxxxxxxxx; spf=SoftFail smtp.mailfrom=owen.smith@xxxxxxxxxx; spf=None smtp.helo=postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Cc: Owen Smith <owen.smith@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Delivery-date: Fri, 07 Jun 2019 12:55:10 +0000
  • Ironport-sdr: FFnMgZQdMs11bOgE3HtFPD3Qd4ow9f5LNmLC6kMcms+zcoQ80JTjAPcPsAVSzHgD0IA+HfV7iO c3KglV+F0SrUohJ+FFpw+FYuVs7D4BuSsg7AIPR9N8v3bcgmTns7p3Y+0BsFybh2EIEZ48Q85e krIy6P/PPbL/PvjUDqhUXGIGBktjzXeW6c1MowYoiPMmpwmveMV04Hym4IhYJilmL+A3/tZ4Xw uKW1srvffXKCBEVZXJkctC1io/T25G4CnXbcxsVXaC9Abi2ERpdSuuNESCkae94HocHNAAKAUz iM8=
  • List-id: Developer list for the Windows PV Drivers subproject <win-pv-devel.lists.xenproject.org>

Based on the sequence of commits to xenbus, add powershell scripts to
build the solution using the EWDK
version.vcxproj generates versioned files (version.h, xeniface.inf and
wmi.mof) using scripts/genfiles.ps1
Strips duplicated functionality from build.py toproduce consistant
builds between python and powershell.

Signed-off-by: Owen Smith <owen.smith@xxxxxxxxxx>
 build.ps1                                      |  86 ++++++++++++++++++++
 build.py                                       | 107 -------------------------
 include/version.tmpl                           |  22 +++++
 msbuild.ps1                                    |  92 +++++++++++++++++++++
 scripts/genfiles.ps1                           |  91 +++++++++++++++++++++
 src/xencons.inf                                |   4 +-
 symstore.ps1                                   |  36 +++++++++
 vs2015/package/package.vcxproj                 |  16 ++++
 vs2015/version/version.vcxproj                 |  19 +++++
 vs2015/xencons.sln                             |  31 +++++++
 vs2015/xencons/xencons.vcxproj                 |  16 ----
 vs2015/xencons_coinst/xencons_coinst.vcxproj   |   1 -
 vs2015/xencons_monitor/xencons_monitor.vcxproj |   1 -
 vs2015/xencons_tty/xencons_tty.vcxproj         |   1 -
 vs2017/package/package.vcxproj                 |  16 ++++
 vs2017/version/version.vcxproj                 |  16 ++++
 vs2017/xencons.sln                             |  31 +++++++
 vs2017/xencons/xencons.vcxproj                 |  16 ----
 vs2017/xencons_coinst/xencons_coinst.vcxproj   |   1 -
 vs2017/xencons_monitor/xencons_monitor.vcxproj |   1 -
 vs2017/xencons_tty/xencons_tty.vcxproj         |   1 -
 21 files changed, 458 insertions(+), 147 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 build.ps1
 create mode 100644 include/version.tmpl
 create mode 100644 msbuild.ps1
 create mode 100644 scripts/genfiles.ps1
 create mode 100644 symstore.ps1
 create mode 100644 vs2015/version/version.vcxproj
 create mode 100644 vs2017/version/version.vcxproj

diff --git a/build.ps1 b/build.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f154aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Main build script
+       [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+       [string]$Type,
+       [switch]$Sdv
+# Script Body
+Function Build {
+       param(
+               [string]$Arch,
+               [string]$Type
+       )
+       $visualstudioversion = $Env:VisualStudioVersion
+       $solutiondir = @{ "14.0" = "vs2015"; "15.0" = "vs2017"; }
+       $configurationbase = @{ "14.0" = "Windows 8"; "15.0" = "Windows 8"; }
+       $params = @{
+               SolutionDir = $solutiondir[$visualstudioversion];
+               ConfigurationBase = $configurationbase[$visualstudioversion];
+               Arch = $Arch;
+               Type = $Type
+               }
+       & ".\msbuild.ps1" @params
+Function SdvBuild {
+       $visualstudioversion = $Env:VisualStudioVersion
+       $solutiondir = @{ "14.0" = "vs2015"; "15.0" = "vs2017"; }
+       $configurationbase = @{ "14.0" = "Windows 10"; "15.0" = "Windows 10"; }
+       $arch = "x64"
+       $params = @{
+               SolutionDir = $solutiondir[$visualstudioversion];
+               ConfigurationBase = $configurationbase[$visualstudioversion];
+               Arch = $arch;
+               Type = "sdv"
+               }
+       & ".\msbuild.ps1" @params
+if ($Type -ne "free" -and $Type -ne "checked") {
+       Write-Host "Invalid Type"
+       Exit -1
+if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Env:VENDOR_NAME)) {
+       Set-Item -Path Env:VENDOR_NAME -Value 'Xen Project'
+if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Env:VENDOR_PREFIX)) {
+       Set-Item -Path Env:VENDOR_PREFIX -Value 'XP'
+if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Env:PRODUCT_NAME)) {
+       Set-Item -Path Env:PRODUCT_NAME -Value 'Xen'
+if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Env:BUILD_NUMBER)) {
+       if (Test-Path ".build_number") {
+               $BuildNum = Get-Content -Path ".build_number"
+               Set-Content -Path ".build_number" -Value ([int]$BuildNum + 1)
+       } else {
+               $BuildNum = '0'
+               Set-Content -Path ".build_number" -Value '1'
+       }
+       Set-Item -Path Env:BUILD_NUMBER -Value $BuildNum
+Set-Item -Path Env:MAJOR_VERSION -Value '9'
+Set-Item -Path Env:MINOR_VERSION -Value '0'
+Set-Item -Path Env:MICRO_VERSION -Value '0'
+Build "x86" $Type
+Build "x64" $Type
+if ($Sdv) {
+       SdvBuild
diff --git a/build.py b/build.py
index 2f29f60..4e89dc8 100644
--- a/build.py
+++ b/build.py
@@ -23,76 +23,6 @@ def next_build_number():
     return build_number
-def make_header():
-    now = datetime.datetime.now()
-    file = open('include\\version.h', 'w')
-    file.write('#define VENDOR_NAME_STR\t\t"' + os.environ['VENDOR_NAME'] + 
-    file.write('#define VENDOR_PREFIX_STR\t"' + os.environ['VENDOR_PREFIX'] + 
-    if 'VENDOR_DEVICE_ID' in os.environ.keys():
-        file.write('#define VENDOR_DEVICE_ID_STR\t"' + 
os.environ['VENDOR_DEVICE_ID'] + '"\n')
-    file.write('#define PRODUCT_NAME_STR\t"' + os.environ['PRODUCT_NAME'] + 
-    file.write('\n')
-    file.write('#define MAJOR_VERSION\t\t' + os.environ['MAJOR_VERSION'] + 
-    file.write('#define MAJOR_VERSION_STR\t"' + os.environ['MAJOR_VERSION'] + 
-    file.write('\n')
-    file.write('#define MINOR_VERSION\t\t' + os.environ['MINOR_VERSION'] + 
-    file.write('#define MINOR_VERSION_STR\t"' + os.environ['MINOR_VERSION'] + 
-    file.write('\n')
-    file.write('#define MICRO_VERSION\t\t' + os.environ['MICRO_VERSION'] + 
-    file.write('#define MICRO_VERSION_STR\t"' + os.environ['MICRO_VERSION'] + 
-    file.write('\n')
-    file.write('#define BUILD_NUMBER\t\t' + os.environ['BUILD_NUMBER'] + '\n')
-    file.write('#define BUILD_NUMBER_STR\t"' + os.environ['BUILD_NUMBER'] + 
-    file.write('\n')
-    file.write('#define YEAR\t\t\t' + str(now.year) + '\n')
-    file.write('#define YEAR_STR\t\t"' + str(now.year) + '"\n')
-    file.write('\n')
-    file.write('#define MONTH\t\t\t' + str(now.month) + '\n')
-    file.write('#define MONTH_STR\t\t"' + str(now.month) + '"\n')
-    file.write('\n')
-    file.write('#define DAY\t\t\t' + str(now.day) + '\n')
-    file.write('#define DAY_STR\t\t\t"' + str(now.day) + '"\n')
-    file.write('\n')
-    file.close()
-def copy_inf(vs, name):
-    src = open('src\\%s.inf' % name, 'r')
-    dst = open('%s\\%s.inf' % (vs, name), 'w')
-    for line in src:
-        line = re.sub('@MAJOR_VERSION@', os.environ['MAJOR_VERSION'], line)
-        line = re.sub('@MINOR_VERSION@', os.environ['MINOR_VERSION'], line)
-        line = re.sub('@MICRO_VERSION@', os.environ['MICRO_VERSION'], line)
-        line = re.sub('@BUILD_NUMBER@', os.environ['BUILD_NUMBER'], line)
-        line = re.sub('@VENDOR_NAME@', os.environ['VENDOR_NAME'], line)
-        line = re.sub('@VENDOR_PREFIX@', os.environ['VENDOR_PREFIX'], line)
-        line = re.sub('@PRODUCT_NAME@', os.environ['PRODUCT_NAME'], line)
-        if re.search('@VENDOR_DEVICE_ID@', line):
-            if 'VENDOR_DEVICE_ID' not in os.environ.keys():
-                continue
-            line = re.sub('@VENDOR_DEVICE_ID@', 
os.environ['VENDOR_DEVICE_ID'], line)
-        dst.write(line)
-    dst.close()
-    src.close()
 def get_expired_symbols(name, age = 30):
     path = os.path.join(os.environ['SYMBOL_SERVER'], '000Admin\\history.txt')
@@ -213,29 +143,6 @@ def build_sln(name, release, arch, debug, vs):
     msbuild(platform, configuration, 'Build', name + '.sln', '', vs)
-def copy_package(name, release, arch, debug, vs):
-    configuration = get_configuration(release, debug)
-    if arch == 'x86':
-        platform = 'Win32'
-    elif arch == 'x64':
-        platform = 'x64'
-    pattern = '/'.join([vs, ''.join(configuration.split(' ')), platform, 
'package', '*'])
-    print('Copying package from %s' % pattern)
-    files = glob.glob(pattern)
-    dst = os.path.join(name, arch)
-    os.makedirs(dst, exist_ok=True)
-    for file in files:
-        new = shutil.copy(file, dst)
-        print(new)
-    print('')
 def remove_timestamps(path):
         os.unlink(path + '.orig')
@@ -409,18 +316,6 @@ def main():
         print(os.environ['GIT_REVISION'], file=revision)
-    print("VENDOR_NAME\t\t'%s'" % os.environ['VENDOR_NAME'])
-    print("VENDOR_PREFIX\t\t'%s'" % os.environ['VENDOR_PREFIX'])
-    print("PRODUCT_NAME\t\t'%s'" % os.environ['PRODUCT_NAME'])
-    print("MAJOR_VERSION\t\t%s" % os.environ['MAJOR_VERSION'])
-    print("MINOR_VERSION\t\t%s" % os.environ['MINOR_VERSION'])
-    print("MICRO_VERSION\t\t%s" % os.environ['MICRO_VERSION'])
-    print("BUILD_NUMBER\t\t%s" % os.environ['BUILD_NUMBER'])
-    print()
-    make_header()
-    copy_inf(vs, driver)
     symstore_del(driver, 30)
     release = { 'vs2015':'Windows 8',
@@ -429,10 +324,8 @@ def main():
     shutil.rmtree(driver, ignore_errors=True)
     build_sln(driver, release[vs], 'x86', debug[sys.argv[1]], vs)
-    copy_package(driver, release[vs], 'x86', debug[sys.argv[1]], vs)
     build_sln(driver, release[vs], 'x64', debug[sys.argv[1]], vs)
-    copy_package(driver, release[vs], 'x64', debug[sys.argv[1]], vs)
     symstore_add(driver, release[vs], 'x86', debug[sys.argv[1]], vs)
     symstore_add(driver, release[vs], 'x64', debug[sys.argv[1]], vs)
diff --git a/include/version.tmpl b/include/version.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6f9a48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/version.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#define YEAR_STR             "@YEAR@"
+#define MONTH_STR            "@MONTH@"
+#define DAY_STR              "@DAY@"
+#define BUILD_NUMBER         @BUILD_NUMBER@
+#define YEAR                 @YEAR@
+#define MONTH                @MONTH@
+#define DAY                  @DAY@
diff --git a/msbuild.ps1 b/msbuild.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aeac380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msbuild.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Wrapper script for MSBuild
+       [string]$SolutionDir = "vs2017",
+       [string]$ConfigurationBase = "Windows 10",
+       [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+       [string]$Arch,
+       [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+       [string]$Type
+Function Run-MSBuild {
+       param(
+               [string]$SolutionPath,
+               [string]$Name,
+               [string]$Configuration,
+               [string]$Platform,
+               [string]$Target = "Build",
+               [string]$Inputs = ""
+       )
+       $c = "msbuild.exe"
+       $c += " /m:4"
+       $c += [string]::Format(" /p:Configuration=""{0}""", $Configuration)
+       $c += [string]::Format(" /p:Platform=""{0}""", $Platform)
+       $c += [string]::Format(" /t:""{0}"" ", $Target)
+       if ($Inputs) {
+               $c += [string]::Format(" /p:Inputs=""{0}"" ", $Inputs)
+       }
+       $c += Join-Path -Path $SolutionPath -ChildPath $Name
+       Invoke-Expression $c
+Function Run-MSBuildSDV {
+       param(
+               [string]$SolutionPath,
+               [string]$Name,
+               [string]$Configuration,
+               [string]$Platform
+       )
+       $basepath = Get-Location
+       $versionpath = Join-Path -Path $SolutionPath -ChildPath "version"
+       $projpath = Join-Path -Path $SolutionPath -ChildPath $Name
+       Set-Location $projpath
+       $project = [string]::Format("{0}.vcxproj", $Name)
+       Run-MSBuild $versionpath "version.vcxproj" $Configuration $Platform 
+       Run-MSBuild $projpath $project $Configuration $Platform "Build"
+       Run-MSBuild $projpath $project $Configuration $Platform "sdv" "/clean"
+       Run-MSBuild $projpath $project $Configuration $Platform "sdv" 
"/check:default.sdv /debug"
+       Run-MSBuild $projpath $project $Configuration $Platform "dvl"
+       $refine = Join-Path -Path $projpath -ChildPath "refine.sdv"
+       if (Test-Path -Path $refine -PathType Leaf) {
+               Run-MSBuild $projpath $project $Configuration $Platform "sdv" 
+       }
+       Copy-Item "*DVL*" -Destination $SolutionPath
+       Set-Location $basepath
+# Script Body
+$configuration = @{ "free" = "$ConfigurationBase Release"; "checked" = 
"$ConfigurationBase Debug"; "sdv" = "$ConfigurationBase Release"; }
+$platform = @{ "x86" = "Win32"; "x64" = "x64" }
+$solutionpath = Resolve-Path $SolutionDir
+Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -Force Bypass
+if ($Type -eq "free") {
+       Run-MSBuild $solutionpath "xencons.sln" $configuration["free"] 
+elseif ($Type -eq "checked") {
+       Run-MSBuild $solutionpath "xencons.sln" $configuration["checked"] 
+elseif ($Type -eq "sdv") {
+       $archivepath = "xencons"
+       if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $archivepath)) {
+               New-Item -Name $archivepath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
+       }
+       Run-MSBuildSDV $solutionpath "xencons" $configuration["sdv"] 
+       Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $SolutionPath -ChildPath "*DVL*") 
-Destination $archivepath
diff --git a/scripts/genfiles.ps1 b/scripts/genfiles.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddfca48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/genfiles.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Generate version.h and xenbus.inf
+       [string]$Platform = "Win32",
+       [string]$SolutionDir = "vs2017",
+       [string]$IncludeDir = "include",
+       [string]$SourceDir = "src"
+# Copy $InFileName -> $OutFileName replacing $Token$_.Key$Token with $_.Value 
+# $Replacements
+Function Copy-FileWithReplacements {
+       param(
+               [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+               [string]$InFileName,
+               [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+               [string]$OutFileName,
+               [hashtable]$Replacements,
+               [string]$Token = "@"
+       )
+       Write-Host "Copy-FileWithReplacements"
+       Write-Host $InFileName" -> "$OutFileName
+       (Get-Content $InFileName) |
+       ForEach-Object {
+               $line = $_
+               $Replacements.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
+                       $key = [string]::Format("{0}{1}{2}", $Token, $_.Name, 
+                       if (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Value)) -and 
($line.Contains($key))) {
+                               Write-Host "Skipping Line Containing " $_.Name
+                               $line = $null
+                       }
+                       $line = $line -replace $key, $_.Value
+               }
+               $line
+       } |
+       Set-Content $OutFileName
+# Script Body
+$TheYear = [int](Get-Date -UFormat "%Y")
+$TheMonth = [int](Get-Date -UFormat "%m")
+$TheDay = [int](Get-Date -UFormat "%d")
+$InfArch = @{ "Win32" = "x86"; "x64" = "amd64" }
+$InfDate = Get-Date -UFormat "%m/%d/%Y"
+# if GitRevision is $null, GIT_REVISION will be excluded from the 
+$GitRevision = & "git.exe" "rev-list" "--max-count=1" "HEAD"
+if ($GitRevision) {
+       Set-Content -Path ".revision" -Value $GitRevision
+# [ordered] makes output easier to parse by humans
+$Replacements = [ordered]@{
+       # values determined from the build environment
+       # generated values
+       'GIT_REVISION' = $GitRevision;
+       'INF_DATE' = $InfDate;
+       'INF_ARCH' = $InfArch[$Platform];
+       'YEAR' = $TheYear;
+       'MONTH' = $TheMonth;
+       'DAY' = $TheDay
+$Replacements | Out-String | Write-Host
+$includepath = Resolve-Path $IncludeDir
+$src = Join-Path -Path $includepath -ChildPath "version.tmpl"
+$dst = Join-Path -Path $includepath -ChildPath "version.h"
+Copy-FileWithReplacements $src $dst -Replacements $Replacements
+$sourcepath = Resolve-Path $SourceDir
+$solutionpath = Resolve-Path $SolutionDir
+$src = Join-Path -Path $sourcepath -ChildPath "xencons.inf"
+$dst = Join-Path -Path $solutionpath -ChildPath "xencons.inf"
+Copy-FileWithReplacements $src $dst -Replacements $Replacements
diff --git a/src/xencons.inf b/src/xencons.inf
index 37bc628..5f1c03d 100644
--- a/src/xencons.inf
+++ b/src/xencons.inf
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ 
 ; DisplayName          Section         DeviceID
 ; -----------          -------         --------
diff --git a/symstore.ps1 b/symstore.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d24d2ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/symstore.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Store symbols for archived build
+       [string]$SymbolServer = "c:\symbols",
+       [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
+       [string]$Arch
+Function Add-Symbols {
+       param(
+               [string]$DriverName,
+               [string]$ArchivePath,
+               [string]$SymbolServer,
+               [string]$Arch
+       )
+       Write-Host Store symbols from (Resolve-Path $ArchivePath)
+       $cwd = Get-Location
+       Set-Location $ArchivePath
+       $path = Join-Path -Path ([string]::Format("{0}Debuggers", 
$env:WDKContentRoot)) -ChildPath $Arch
+       $symstore = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath "symstore.exe"
+       $inffile = [string]::Format("{0}.inf", $DriverName)
+       $Version = (Get-Content -Path $inffile | Select-String 
+       Get-ChildItem -Path "." -Include "*.pdb" -Name | Write-Host
+       & $symstore "add" "/s" $SymbolServer "/r" "/f" "*.pdb" "/t" $DriverName 
"/v" $Version
+       Set-Location $cwd
+$archivepath = Join-Path -Path (Resolve-Path "xencons") -ChildPath $Arch
+Add-Symbols "xencons" $archivepath $SymbolServer $Arch
diff --git a/vs2015/package/package.vcxproj b/vs2015/package/package.vcxproj
index d83629d..f204487 100644
--- a/vs2015/package/package.vcxproj
+++ b/vs2015/package/package.vcxproj
@@ -32,6 +32,12 @@
+  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Platform)'=='Win32'">
+    <ArchiveDir>..\..\$(SolutionName)\x86</ArchiveDir>
+  </PropertyGroup>
+  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Platform)'=='x64'">
+    <ArchiveDir>..\..\$(SolutionName)\x64</ArchiveDir>
+  </PropertyGroup>
     <ProjectReference Include="..\xencons\xencons.vcxproj">
@@ -45,6 +51,7 @@
     <ProjectReference Include="..\xencons_tty\xencons_tty.vcxproj">
+    <FilesToPackage Include="..\xencons.inf" />
   <ItemGroup Condition="Exists('$(DPINST_REDIST)')">
     <FilesToPackage Include="$(DPINST_REDIST)\x86\dpinst.exe" 
Condition="'$(Platform)'=='Win32'" />
@@ -53,4 +60,13 @@
   <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
   <ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets">
+  <ItemGroup>
+    <PackageFiles Include="$(OutDir)\$(ProjectName)\*" />
+  </ItemGroup>
+  <Target Name="Archive" AfterTargets="TestSign">
+    <Copy
+       SourceFiles="@(PackageFiles)"
+    />
+  </Target>
diff --git a/vs2015/version/version.vcxproj b/vs2015/version/version.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3c95c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vs2015/version/version.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="14.0" 
+  <Import Project="..\configs.props" />
+  <Import Project="..\targets.props" />
+  <PropertyGroup Label="Globals">
+    <ProjectGuid>{65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}</ProjectGuid>
+  </PropertyGroup>
+  <PropertyGroup>
+    <Script>..\..\scripts\genfiles.ps1</Script>
+    <SolutionDir>..</SolutionDir>
+    <IncludeDir>..\..\include</IncludeDir>
+    <SourceDir>..\..\src</SourceDir>
+  </PropertyGroup>
+  <Target Name="GetNativeManifest"></Target>
+  <Target Name="Build">
+    <Exec Command="powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile 
-NonInteractive -File $(Script) $(Platform) $(SolutionDir) $(IncludeDir) 
$(SourceDir)" />
+  </Target>
+  <Target Name="GetCopyToOutputDirectoryItems"></Target>
diff --git a/vs2015/xencons.sln b/vs2015/xencons.sln
index 7f55d78..66259fd 100644
--- a/vs2015/xencons.sln
+++ b/vs2015/xencons.sln
@@ -2,16 +2,31 @@ Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
 # Visual Studio 14
 VisualStudioVersion = 14.0.25420.1
 MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "version", 
"version\version.vcxproj", "{65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}"
 Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xencons", 
"xencons\xencons.vcxproj", "{4674B8C2-876B-4F2A-AB71-BAC968A9B529}"
+       ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7} = 
+       EndProjectSection
 Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xencons_coinst", 
+       ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7} = 
+       EndProjectSection
 Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xencons_monitor", 
+       ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7} = 
+       EndProjectSection
 Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xencons_tty", 
"xencons_tty\xencons_tty.vcxproj", "{79D98F83-5A2F-4DE6-B62C-530D70B88C3F}"
+       ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7} = 
+       EndProjectSection
 Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "package", 
"package\package.vcxproj", "{8B5B8F4B-7FF3-4B64-AC4A-5246026217E7}"
        ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7} = 
                {4674B8C2-876B-4F2A-AB71-BAC968A9B529} = 
                {6CC9B8DD-A5AE-427D-8157-E91D21DD7E19} = 
                {8991F0A5-408B-43E0-88CC-9550D4AAE616} = 
@@ -30,6 +45,22 @@ Global
                Windows 8 Release|x64 = Windows 8 Release|x64
        GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 10 
Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Windows 10 Debug|Win32
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 10 
Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Windows 10 Debug|Win32
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 10 
Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Windows 10 Debug|x64
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 10 
Debug|x64.Build.0 = Windows 10 Debug|x64
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 10 
Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Windows 10 Release|Win32
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 10 
Release|Win32.Build.0 = Windows 10 Release|Win32
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 10 
Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Windows 10 Release|x64
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 10 
Release|x64.Build.0 = Windows 10 Release|x64
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 8 
Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Windows 8 Debug|Win32
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 8 
Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Windows 8 Debug|Win32
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 8 
Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Windows 8 Debug|x64
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 8 
Debug|x64.Build.0 = Windows 8 Debug|x64
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 8 
Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Windows 8 Release|Win32
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 8 
Release|Win32.Build.0 = Windows 8 Release|Win32
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 8 
Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Windows 8 Release|x64
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 8 
Release|x64.Build.0 = Windows 8 Release|x64
                {4674B8C2-876B-4F2A-AB71-BAC968A9B529}.Windows 10 
Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Windows 10 Debug|Win32
                {4674B8C2-876B-4F2A-AB71-BAC968A9B529}.Windows 10 
Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Windows 10 Debug|Win32
                {4674B8C2-876B-4F2A-AB71-BAC968A9B529}.Windows 10 
Debug|Win32.Deploy.0 = Windows 10 Debug|Win32
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index a730afc..3093a13 100644
--- a/vs2015/xencons/xencons.vcxproj
+++ b/vs2015/xencons/xencons.vcxproj
@@ -35,33 +35,20 @@
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-      <SpecifyArchitecture>true</SpecifyArchitecture>
-      <SpecifyDriverVerDirectiveVersion>true</SpecifyDriverVerDirectiveVersion>
-      <EnableVerbose>true</EnableVerbose>
-    </Inf>
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-    <Inf>
-      <Architecture>x86</Architecture>
-    </Inf>
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-    <Inf>
-      <Architecture>amd64</Architecture>
-    </Inf>
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@@ -77,9 +64,6 @@
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-    <Inf Include="..\xencons.inf" />
-  </ItemGroup>
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--- a/vs2015/xencons_coinst/xencons_coinst.vcxproj
+++ b/vs2015/xencons_coinst/xencons_coinst.vcxproj
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
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-    <FilesToPackage Include="@(Inf->'%(CopyOutput)')" Condition="'@(Inf)'!=''" 
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index 7b6fe20..c1c8f66 100644
--- a/vs2015/xencons_monitor/xencons_monitor.vcxproj
+++ b/vs2015/xencons_monitor/xencons_monitor.vcxproj
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@
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index 135126c..2b42662 100644
--- a/vs2015/xencons_tty/xencons_tty.vcxproj
+++ b/vs2015/xencons_tty/xencons_tty.vcxproj
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
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-    <FilesToPackage Include="@(Inf->'%(CopyOutput)')" Condition="'@(Inf)'!=''" 
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index e6ffc1f..2248fe0 100644
--- a/vs2017/package/package.vcxproj
+++ b/vs2017/package/package.vcxproj
@@ -32,6 +32,12 @@
+  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Platform)'=='Win32'">
+    <ArchiveDir>..\..\$(SolutionName)\x86</ArchiveDir>
+  </PropertyGroup>
+  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Platform)'=='x64'">
+    <ArchiveDir>..\..\$(SolutionName)\x64</ArchiveDir>
+  </PropertyGroup>
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@@ -45,6 +51,7 @@
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Condition="'$(Platform)'=='Win32'" />
@@ -53,4 +60,13 @@
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+  <ItemGroup>
+    <PackageFiles Include="$(OutDir)\$(ProjectName)\*" />
+  </ItemGroup>
+  <Target Name="Archive" AfterTargets="TestSign">
+    <Copy
+       SourceFiles="@(PackageFiles)"
+    />
+  </Target>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d149d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vs2017/version/version.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="14.0" 
+  <Import Project="..\configs.props" />
+  <PropertyGroup Label="Globals">
+    <ProjectGuid>{65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}</ProjectGuid>
+  </PropertyGroup>
+  <PropertyGroup>
+    <Script>..\..\scripts\genfiles.ps1</Script>
+    <SolutionDir>..</SolutionDir>
+    <IncludeDir>..\..\include</IncludeDir>
+    <SourceDir>..\..\src</SourceDir>
+  </PropertyGroup>
+  <Target Name="Build">
+    <Exec Command="powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile 
-NonInteractive -File $(Script) $(Platform) $(SolutionDir) $(IncludeDir) 
$(SourceDir)" />
+  </Target>
diff --git a/vs2017/xencons.sln b/vs2017/xencons.sln
index 95702da..89d95e3 100644
--- a/vs2017/xencons.sln
+++ b/vs2017/xencons.sln
@@ -1,14 +1,29 @@
 Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "version", 
"version\version.vcxproj", "{65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}"
 Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xencons", 
"xencons\xencons.vcxproj", "{4674B8C2-876B-4F2A-AB71-BAC968A9B529}"
+       ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7} = 
+       EndProjectSection
 Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xencons_coinst", 
+       ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7} = 
+       EndProjectSection
 Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xencons_monitor", 
+       ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7} = 
+       EndProjectSection
 Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "xencons_tty", 
"xencons_tty\xencons_tty.vcxproj", "{79D98F83-5A2F-4DE6-B62C-530D70B88C3F}"
+       ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7} = 
+       EndProjectSection
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"package\package.vcxproj", "{8B5B8F4B-7FF3-4B64-AC4A-5246026217E7}"
        ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7} = 
                {4674B8C2-876B-4F2A-AB71-BAC968A9B529} = 
                {6CC9B8DD-A5AE-427D-8157-E91D21DD7E19} = 
                {8991F0A5-408B-43E0-88CC-9550D4AAE616} = 
@@ -27,6 +42,22 @@ Global
                Windows 8 Release|x64 = Windows 8 Release|x64
        GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 10 
Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Windows 10 Debug|Win32
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 10 
Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Windows 10 Debug|Win32
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 10 
Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Windows 10 Debug|x64
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 10 
Debug|x64.Build.0 = Windows 10 Debug|x64
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 10 
Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Windows 10 Release|Win32
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 10 
Release|Win32.Build.0 = Windows 10 Release|Win32
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 10 
Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Windows 10 Release|x64
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 10 
Release|x64.Build.0 = Windows 10 Release|x64
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 8 
Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Windows 8 Debug|Win32
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 8 
Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Windows 8 Debug|Win32
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 8 
Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Windows 8 Debug|x64
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 8 
Debug|x64.Build.0 = Windows 8 Debug|x64
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 8 
Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Windows 8 Release|Win32
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 8 
Release|Win32.Build.0 = Windows 8 Release|Win32
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 8 
Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Windows 8 Release|x64
+               {65FA97EA-A569-4FC1-BFE7-D68E109143F7}.Windows 8 
Release|x64.Build.0 = Windows 8 Release|x64
                {4674B8C2-876B-4F2A-AB71-BAC968A9B529}.Windows 10 
Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Windows 10 Debug|Win32
                {4674B8C2-876B-4F2A-AB71-BAC968A9B529}.Windows 10 
Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Windows 10 Debug|Win32
                {4674B8C2-876B-4F2A-AB71-BAC968A9B529}.Windows 10 
Debug|Win32.Deploy.0 = Windows 10 Debug|Win32
diff --git a/vs2017/xencons/xencons.vcxproj b/vs2017/xencons/xencons.vcxproj
index b9292e9..2b1fdec 100644
--- a/vs2017/xencons/xencons.vcxproj
+++ b/vs2017/xencons/xencons.vcxproj
@@ -36,28 +36,16 @@
-    <Inf>
-      <SpecifyArchitecture>true</SpecifyArchitecture>
-      <SpecifyDriverVerDirectiveVersion>true</SpecifyDriverVerDirectiveVersion>
-      <EnableVerbose>true</EnableVerbose>
-    </Inf>
   <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Platform)'=='Win32'">
-    <Inf>
-      <Architecture>x86</Architecture>
-    </Inf>
   <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Platform)'=='x64'">
-    <Inf>
-      <Architecture>amd64</Architecture>
-    </Inf>
   <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Windows 8 Release'">
@@ -69,7 +57,6 @@
     <FilesToPackage Include="$(TargetPath)" />
     <FilesToPackage Include="$(OutDir)$(TargetName).pdb" />
-    <FilesToPackage Include="@(Inf->'%(CopyOutput)')" Condition="'@(Inf)'!=''" 
     <ClCompile Include="../../src/xencons/driver.c" />
@@ -85,9 +72,6 @@
     <ResourceCompile Include="..\..\src\xencons\xencons.rc" />
-  <ItemGroup>
-    <Inf Include="..\xencons.inf" />
-  </ItemGroup>
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diff --git a/vs2017/xencons_coinst/xencons_coinst.vcxproj 
index 006ef20..27f54c5 100644
--- a/vs2017/xencons_coinst/xencons_coinst.vcxproj
+++ b/vs2017/xencons_coinst/xencons_coinst.vcxproj
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
     <FilesToPackage Include="$(TargetPath)" />
     <FilesToPackage Include="$(OutDir)$(TargetName).pdb" />
-    <FilesToPackage Include="@(Inf->'%(CopyOutput)')" Condition="'@(Inf)'!=''" 
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diff --git a/vs2017/xencons_monitor/xencons_monitor.vcxproj 
index 1650dfd..c867fa8 100644
--- a/vs2017/xencons_monitor/xencons_monitor.vcxproj
+++ b/vs2017/xencons_monitor/xencons_monitor.vcxproj
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@
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     <FilesToPackage Include="$(OutDir)$(TargetName).pdb" />
     <FilesToPackage Include="$(OutDir)$(TargetName).dll" />
-    <FilesToPackage Include="@(Inf->'%(CopyOutput)')" Condition="'@(Inf)'!=''" 
     <MessageCompile Include="..\..\src\monitor\messages.mc" />
diff --git a/vs2017/xencons_tty/xencons_tty.vcxproj 
index 623595c..16a04ff 100644
--- a/vs2017/xencons_tty/xencons_tty.vcxproj
+++ b/vs2017/xencons_tty/xencons_tty.vcxproj
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
     <FilesToPackage Include="$(TargetPath)" />
     <FilesToPackage Include="$(OutDir)$(TargetName).pdb" />
-    <FilesToPackage Include="@(Inf->'%(CopyOutput)')" Condition="'@(Inf)'!=''" 
     <ClCompile Include="..\..\src\tty\tty.c" />

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