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[xen staging] remove netchannel2 hotplug script... ancient history

commit 484fca9569f03fbcb0fa5704f59164f95b0a8fcb
Author:     Paul Durrant <pdurrant@xxxxxxxxxx>
AuthorDate: Tue Aug 11 09:02:02 2020 +0100
Commit:     Wei Liu <wl@xxxxxxx>
CommitDate: Thu Aug 27 10:04:28 2020 +0000

    remove netchannel2 hotplug script... ancient history
    configuration is not parsed by libxl so there is no reason for the hotplug
    script to exist
    Signed-off-by: Paul Durrant <pdurrant@xxxxxxxxxx>
    Acked-by: Wei Liu <wl@xxxxxxx>
 tools/hotplug/Linux/Makefile |  1 -
 tools/hotplug/Linux/vif2     | 54 --------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/hotplug/Linux/Makefile b/tools/hotplug/Linux/Makefile
index 3a90990594..0b1d111d7e 100644
--- a/tools/hotplug/Linux/Makefile
+++ b/tools/hotplug/Linux/Makefile
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ XEN_SCRIPTS = vif-bridge
 XEN_SCRIPTS += vif-route
 XEN_SCRIPTS += vif-nat
 XEN_SCRIPTS += vif-openvswitch
-XEN_SCRIPTS += vif2
 XEN_SCRIPTS += vif-setup
 XEN_SCRIPTS-$(CONFIG_LIBNL) += remus-netbuf-setup
 XEN_SCRIPTS += block
diff --git a/tools/hotplug/Linux/vif2 b/tools/hotplug/Linux/vif2
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bd555c6f0..0000000000
--- a/tools/hotplug/Linux/vif2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-dir=$(dirname "$0")
-. "$dir/xen-hotplug-common.sh"
-. "$dir/xen-network-common.sh"
-bridge=$(xenstore_read_default "$XENBUS_PATH/bridge" "$bridge")
-if [ -z "$bridge" ]
-    then
-    if which brctl >&/dev/null; then
-        nr_bridges=$(($(brctl show | cut -f 1 | grep -v "^$" | wc -l) - 1))
-    else
-        nr_bridges=$(bridge link | wc -l)
-    fi
-    if [ "$nr_bridges" != 1 ]
-       then
-       fatal "no bridge specified, and don't know which one to use 
($nr_bridges found)"
-    fi
-    if which brctl >&/dev/null; then
-        bridge=$(brctl show | cut -d "
-" -f 2 | cut -f 1)
-    else
-        bridge=$(bridge link | cut -d" " -f6)
-    fi
-case "$command" in
-    "online")
-       if [ "$bridge" != "-" ]
-           then
-           setup_virtual_bridge_port "$vif"
-           add_to_bridge "$bridge" "$vif"
-       else
-           # Just let the normal udev rules for interfaces handle it.
-           true
-       fi
-       success
-       ;;
-    "add")
-       success
-       ;;
-    "remove")
-       ;;
-    *)
-       echo "Unknown command: $command"
-       echo 'Valid commands are: add, remove, online'
-       exit 1
generated by git-patchbot for /home/xen/git/xen.git#staging



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