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Re: [Xen-devel] Roadmap questions

> Hi,
> Was just looking over the Xen roadmap and have a few questions.
> 1) Bi-directional console.  Is this completed?  If so, where can I find
> documentation on it?

There's a first-cut version already in xeno-unstable. Run 'xenod'
and when you start a domain xc_dom_create will print out the TCP
port number that you can access to get the console. 
(e.g. "telnet localhost 9600")
> 2) The following is stated:
> "more flexible memory usage controls"
> What exactly does this mean?  Does this mean something such as
> "Guarantee X amount of RAM, but let burst up to Y" ?  If not, what does
> it mean?  Is there any work done in this yet?

Something like that. It will enable you to set the 'maximum' and
'target' memory for a domain.

The ability to do this is sort-of already present from within a
domain via the balloon driver, but the interface is totally
unintuitive. We need to add the ability to tell a domain what its
target should be from domain0 (by sending a message on the new
comms rings that are used for console).

We haven't had time to do this, though its pretty straightforward
if someone wants to volunteer.

> 3) Is there any documentation on the new VBD code?  

Mark wrote a pretty good readme on VBDs and put it in the tree.

> Is there yet a way to make dynamically growing (sparse) disks
> or to be able to access a domain's filesystem from domain 0?

Yes, you can add the VBD to domain0 to populate it, back it up
etc. Obviously, be careful if the domain is using it read-write
at the same time. In this case, it might be better to export it
via NFS.


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