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Re: [Xen-devel] ip stealing, cpu qos, and hyperthreading

On Thu, 2004-11-11 at 20:01, Mark A. Williamson wrote:
> > If the anti-spoof isn't what I think is it, would using something like
> > ebtables be usable to provide what I want to do?
> I don't know about the antispoof stuff but ebtables should work fine.  
> Anything that'll work with a normal Linux ethernet device should Just Work 
> (TM) for a virtual interface.

Ok, ebtables is it then.

> > My problem is it looks 
> > like the bridge interface is based on the domain id and domain id's are
> > still dynamically assigned (poor IMHO).  What is the status on static
> > domain id's?
> The /etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge script is used to configure firewalling, etc 
> for each VIF that's created, so you don't need to statically specify 
> interface names rules.  You can make a derivative of this script and tell 
> xend-config.sxp where to find it.
> I agree that it might be nice to just set up a static set of rules but with 
> appropriate script magic, using dynamic configuration can probably be made 
> just as easy.

I have only looked at this real quick, but it looks like this should do

iptables ${iptcmd} FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-in ${vif} -s ${addr} -j

if not, I guess i'd just have to add a ebtables line right below it. 
I'll have to experiment some more.

> > It'd be good for many things, another problem is the 
> > telnet console is based off of the domain id... if I handed a Xen server
> > off to a customer i'd have to basically write an interface that they'd
> > have to log in to to find out what port they should use since the last
> > server reboot, it'd be easier to just say "telnet to this host on port
> > 9605 to gain access".
> You can specify a console port using a console= entry in your domain 
> configuration file.  This is missing from the docs at the moment... *note to 
> self...*
> Whilst you mention it, telnet is not as good as xencons for this: with 
> telnet, 
> console resizing (and some other stuff) don't work properly.  With xencons, 
> it's just like being there ;-)

Ah... I didn't even know xencons existed.  Yes, it is much better.. I
had many problems with telnet dependent on the terminal emulation.  Does
anyone see a problem with creating a user account for each domain in
domain0 whose shell runs xencons connecting to localhost with their
console port?  Since it's technically the login shell it shouldn't pose
a security problem?  I'd prefer that anyhow since it would be over ssh.

> > 2) CPU QoS - This looks good, even though this is for selling a service
> > where each customer should receive their guaranteed amount it looks like
> > the atropos scheduler is broken and it's better to use BVT for now.
> Yeah, sorry.  This ought to be working by the 2.1 release (it's on my "fix 
> this on a slow weekend") list.

Ok... that's great, but any input as far as BVT

> > What i'm confused on is how to break down the numbers based on what kind
> > of priority each domain should get.  ie. If I want the base accounts to
> > get a priority of 1 out of 4, next 2 out of 4 (total units).  That
> > doesn't even make complete sense to many of you as i'm really that
> > confused as to what to set these variables to.  Are there any more
> > specific documents or example configs for using the CPU schedulers?
> > 3) HyperThreading - Good or bad with Xen?  I'd be using the 2.6 kernel
> Hmmmm.  Depends what you're doing with it.  We found an improvement in 
> networking performance when running domains on separate HyperThreads on a UP 
> box, compared to disabling HT.  Not everyone has found this, however - it'll 
> depend on your processor model and workload.

Yes.. I read that thread.  These are Xeon's (only 512k) cache, I believe
the consensus was HT on a regular P4 was poor, but it helped on Xeon's.

> > for domain0 which I believe has full SMT support so I would assume
> > good.  Also, since each domain is assign 1 CPU this would make the
> > possibilities out of 4 instead of 2 so i'm not sure if that benefits
> > over the SMT scheduler or if domains are even threaded so they benefit
> > from having the extra logical CPU's and it just makes the load un-even
> > and increases scheduling latency.

> Xen will allow you to run a uniprocessor domain on each HyperThread.  The 
> domains won't see an HT processor.  I'm skeptical over the benefits of this, 
> since the domains on each core will compete for cache space, etc.  This 
> hasn't been benchmarked so YMMV.
> You can use the hyperthreads to provide performance isolation - e.g. if a 
> domain is blocking lots and ends up letting by a CPU intensive domain hog the 
> processor, a quick fix is to just give them a hyperthread each.

This is exactly what I was thinking, regarding the cache coherency and
CPU intensive domains. It seems it is both a pro and a con depending on
the workload.

> > 4) I/O QoS - This is just round robin for now?  I see it on the
> > roadmap.  I have already envisioned the scenario with someone purchasing
> > a server with 64MB physical ram and adding a 512MB swap file inside
> > their server and just completely thrashing the disks.  Is the current
> > system good enough to handle this (assuming some good SCSI disks are
> > being used) ?
> For network, you should be able to use any standard Linux QoS tools you want. 
> For block IO, the requests are batched and serviced in a round robin fashion. 
> This (obviously) doesn't provide service differentiation, or accounting.  I 
> think this is still on the roadmap and would certainly be cool to have.

That's what I thought also... I know for a fact the domain swapping a
lot will happen so there should definitely be a way to penalize for it
rather than having it slow down the other domains.  At least there is
_something_ in place now though.

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