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Re: [Xen-devel] Multiple priviliged domains

> 2. Have there been discussions about allowing multiple simultaneous
> privileged domains, among which the physical resources are split?  Or
> perhaps "semiprivileged" domains -- for example, a domain that handles all
> the I/O requests to a particular storage device, or alternatively handles
> all the I/O requests for a particular class/subset of unprivileged
> domains?

This has been done - it's possible to give domans direct control of aa 
particular device, whilst still limiting their ability to interact with other 
devices in the system.

It should also be possible to have unprivileged domains use different backend 
domains for different devices.  I think there's some support for this in 

> I envision a desire for a master control partition (with 
> priority resource allocation) that forms the root of a hierarchical domain
> structure, under which one or more I/O partitions execute.  (I recall
> reading about this sort of design in one of the older VMM papers, or
> perhaps a recent Denali paper?)

You can do that sort of thing if you want, although it's not a particularly 
common setup so the control tools don't support it that well.

Obviously, dom0 will need control of some physical devices  inorder to have 
something to boot from (unless  ofcourse you use a *really big* initrd :-) ).

We're planning to maintain the flexibility to configure driver domains and 
possibly extend it some more - it's rather useful for various things we'll be 
looking at in the future.


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