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Re: [Xen-devel] A few questions

Ian's answered the rest, so I won't duplicate what he's said.  I wanted to 
expand on this, however:

> - Could you please enlighten me about the internals of xen, regarding
> network? How does it establishes the network with the host system? Can I
> run a firewall on a virtual server without any problems ?

From a configuration point of view, it's as if dom0 had a dedicated NIC for 
each guest NIC, connected by crossover cable.  Configuring guest networks is 
then just like setting up a Linux machine with multiple NICs.  Bridging, 
routing, firewalling, etc should all work fine.

> - Any plans to port to OpenBSD?

Lots of people have talked about it but AFAIK there's nobody working on it 
right now.


> Xen seems like a great product; I'll love to try it out, even without
> SMP on my guest OSes! Very nicely done guys, I'll watch this project
> grow :-)
> Best Regards
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