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[Xen-devel] Vanderpool and Xen 3.0 question !


The following topic might be a little prematured!

From what i have understood, next generation CPUs such as Pentium D will integer Vanderpool technology also called IVT, and this technology should enable Xen 3.x to run MS Windows XP without paravirtualization kernel modification, right?

If so, here is my question:
Will Xen 3.x enable (/do xen developpers plan on enableing) users to run Windows XP NFSrooted (or some sort of "software streamed" Windows XP image on a remote server) ? I've heard about a "int 13 trick" used by proprietary programs redirecting disk accesses over the network. If no Windows-NFSroot is natively supported (i mean as described in the documentation), would Xen be the right place to implement the int 13 trick for diskless Windows?

BTW, i run my Linux LFS/BLFS 6.0 NFSrooted box under Xen and it works " 'o good Lord" impressively very great. Great job guys ;-)


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