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[Xen-devel] Debian, Xen and DRBD: Enabling true server redundancy

  • To: <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: "Tom Hibbert" <tom@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 10:16:42 +1200
  • Delivery-date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 22:16:12 +0000
  • List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xensource.com>
  • Thread-index: AcVxLr5XNSvKH1RUS5e+NOWmdJwAZQ==
  • Thread-topic: Debian, Xen and DRBD: Enabling true server redundancy

Hello again Xenophiles,

I have a strong case for Xen clustering, and I'm knee deep in the dead
with builds at the moment, but I thought I'd post a bit about where I'm
I've noticed a few people on the list having problems with Xen and DRBD,
so I thought I'd post an approximate walkthrough of the steps I've been
taking to bring it up. This guide is heavily Sarge oriented, and may or
may not be any use to anyone. The main reason for me documenting it is
actually so I dont forget again the next time I do it. I've also gone to
great pains to do this all the right way (the debian way), and shortly,
you'll see my Sarge packages for xen-2.0.6 and kernel-source-2.4.30. For
now, use Adam's 2.0.5 packages.

This guide assumes you already have two Xen Dom0 machines running. You
may or may not have a dedicated network interface for Heartbeat/DRBD, it
is not required.

1. Build and install the drbd
# apt-get install drbd0.7-module-source module-assistant

the module-assistant is a very handy tool that works well both with
vanilla and with debianised kernel sources. Using it eliminates the
requirement to repatch the kernel sources and rebuild.
# ARCH=xen module-assistant
--kernel-dir=/usr/src/kernels/kernel-source-2.6.10 build drbd0.7-module

Obviously replace the --kernel-dir directive with the path to your xen0
Once module assistant has completed its machinations, install the
resultant deb on both machines:

# dpkg -i /usr/src/drbd0.7-module-*
# update-modules

... and just to be sure it's worked:

# modprobe drbd

Note that drbd can only be configured as a module (for reasons
unfathomable to me).

Finally install the drbd admin utilities:

# apt-get install drbd0.7-utils

2. Configure the drbd

First, make sure both nodes have entries in hosts file that match the
output from hostname. You must be able to resolve the remote node by its

Edit the drbd.conf and add resource stanzas for all block devices you
need to replicate.

# nano /etc/drbd.conf

resource "r1" {
  protocol C;
  startup {
    wfc-timeout         60;
    degr-wfc-timeout  60;
  disk {
    on-io-error detach;
  net {
    # i have left these in incase i need to use them later
    # timeout           60;
    # connect-int       10;
    # ping-int          10;
    # max-buffers     2048;
    # max-epoch-size  2048;
  syncer {
    rate   100M;
    group   1; # sync concurrently with r0

  on uplink-xen-1 {
    device      /dev/drbd1;
    disk        /dev/md1;
    meta-disk   internal;

  on uplink-xen-2 {
    device     /dev/drbd1;
    disk       /dev/md1;
    meta-disk  internal;

Just so we're clear, the device declaration is the drbd device and the
disk declaration is the backend block device that will store the
replicated data. "meta-disk internal" means that drbd uses a part of the
device near the end to store its metadata, you can use an external
device or file here but internal reduces complexity somewhat.
NOTE when configuring replication using an existing filesystem, ie one
that wont be freshly created after drbd is brought up, you will probably
need to run e2resize on it to prevent "attempt to access beyond end of
device" errors.

Copy the drbd.conf file to both nodes and start drbd. Make sure the
referenced disks are not mounted before drbd is started, or Bad Things
Will Happen(tm).

# /etc/init.d/drbd start

drbd will come up on both nodes in "secondary" mode. 

Make your "primary" node the primary for all drbd devices:

# drbdsetup /dev/drbdX primary --do-what-I-say

You can check the drbd status with:

# cat /proc/drbd

You may wish to wait for replication to complete before moving on to the
next step.

3. Installing heartbeat

# apt-get install heartbeat

# nano /etc/heartbeat/ha.cf

deadtime 60
warntime 30
initdead 120
bcast eth0
auto_failback off
node host1
node host2
logfacility local0

# nano /etc/heartbeat/haresources
host1     drbddisk::r2 drbddisk::r2 xendomains::domU

I created a simple "xendomains" script for (re)starting xen domains from



case "$CMD" in
        $XM create -f $CONFPATH$RES
        exec $XM destroy $RES
        $XM list | awk '{print $1}'  | grep $RES > /dev/null
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]
                echo running
                echo stopped
        echo "Usage: xendomain [filename] {start|stop|status}"
        exit 1

exit 0

There are a few more files that need to be edited

# nano /etc/ha.d/authkeys

auth 1
1 crc

# chmod 600 /etc/ha.d/authkeys

The builtin drbddisk resource handler had some problems, so I modified
it slightly.

# nano /etc/ha.d/resource.d/drbddisk

# This script is inteded to be used as resource script by heartbeat # #
Jan 2003 by Philipp Reisner.


if [ -f $DEFAULTFILE ]; then

if [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then

case "$CMD" in
        # try several times, in case heartbeat deadtime
        # was smaller than drbd ping time
        while true; do
                $DRBDADM primary $RES && break
                let "--try" || exit 20
                sleep 1
        # exec, so the exit code of drbdadm propagates
        exec $DRBDADM secondary $RES
        if [ "$RES" = "all" ]; then
            echo "A resource name is required for status inquiries."
            exit 10
        ST=$( $DRBDADM state $RES 2> /dev/null )
        if [ "$ST" = "Primary" ]; then
            echo "running"
            echo "stopped"
        echo "Usage: drbddisk [resource] {start|stop|status}"
        exit 1

exit 0

Test the heartbeat resource scripts to ensure they are able to bring
up/down both the drbddisk and the xendomain.

# /etc/ha.d/resource.d/drbddisk r0 start 
# /etc/ha.d/resource.d/drbddisk r0 stop 
# /etc/ha.d/resource.d/xendomains xenu start 
# /etc/ha.d/resource.d/xendomains/xenu stop

Bring up heartbeat on both machines

# /etc/init.d/heartbeat/start

Check status on the primary node

# cat /proc/drbd
version: 0.7.10 (api:77/proto:74)
SVN Revision: 1743 build by phil@mescal, 2005-01-31 12:22:07
 0: cs:Connected st:Primary/Secondary ld:Consistent
    ns:2547816 nr:1052796 dw:3600612 dr:313968 al:1986 bm:436 lo:0 pe:0
ua:0 ap:0
 1: cs:Connected st:Primary/Secondary ld:Consistent
    ns:320 nr:8 dw:328 dr:240 al:1 bm:1 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0
# xm list
Name              Id  Mem(MB)  CPU  State  Time(s)  Console
Domain-0           0      123    0  r----   1361.9
uplink             4      863    1  -b---     56.6    9604

Congratulations, you are a winner!

Please give me some feedback on this documentation style. IE does it
work. It comes from an auto documentation system im fiddling with, using
Plone. It's not quite ready for primetime, but I think you can take a
guess at how it works. The object is to provide a stage between build
prototyping by hand and build scripting. Eventually, semantic processing
should be able to generate a generic script to do any work recorded by
hand. Primarily, this is to document my impending psychonautical journey
into the black hole that is building a five-nines xen cluster. So let me
know if you are able to follow it.


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