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[Xen-devel] [Patch] start on filling in README missing pieces

  • To: xen-devel <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: Nivedita Singhvi <niv@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 20:08:50 -0700
  • Delivery-date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 03:08:01 +0000
  • List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xensource.com>

This is a patch to the README file to provide the missing
info on building from the source tree. It's by no means
clean, complete or even necessarily correct - just a first
draft to get the doc/instructions going.

All cleanups would be appreciated.

Signed-off by: Nivedita Singhvi (niv@xxxxxxxxxx)

diff -urN xen-unstable-0615/README niv-unstable-0615/README
--- xen-unstable-0615/README    2005-06-14 20:24:37.000000000 -0700
+++ niv-unstable-0615/README    2005-06-15 20:00:11.535585124 -0700
@@ -79,3 +79,62 @@

 [NB. Unless noted otherwise, all the following steps should be
 performed with root privileges.]
+1. Download and untar the source tarball file. This will be a
+   file named xen-unstable-src.tgz, or xen-$version-src.tgz.
+   You can also pull the current version from the SCMS
+   that is being used (Bitkeeper, scheduled to change shortly).
+       # tar xzf xen-unstable-src.tgz
+   Assuming you are using the unstable tree, this will
+   untar into xen-unstable. The rest of the instructions
+   use the unstable tree as an example, substitute the
+   version for unstable.
+2. cd to xen-unstable (or whatever you sensibly rename it to).
+   The Linux (2.4 and 2.6), netbsd and freebsd kernel source
+   trees are in the $os-$version-xen-sparse directories.
+On Linux:
+3. For the very first build, or if you want to destroy existing
+   .configs and build trees, perform the following steps:
+       1. make world
+       2. make install
+   This will create the directories linux-2.6.11-dom0/ and
+   linux-2.6.11-domU/ after first cleaning everything. It will
+   create and install into the dist/ directory which is the
+   default install location. It will build the xen binary
+   (xen.gz), the boot images for dom0 and an unpriviledged
+   guest kernel (vmlinuz-2.6.11-xen0 and vmlinuz-2.6.11-xenU
+   respectively), the tools and the documentation.
+4. To rebuild an existing tree without modifying the config:
+       1. make dist
+   This will build and install xen, kernels, tools, and
+   docs into the local dist/ directory.
+5. To rebuild a kernel with a modified config:
+       1. cd linux-2.6.11-xen0         # or linux-2.6.11-xenU
+       2. make ARCH=xen menuconfig     # or xconfig
+       3. cd ..
+       4. make dist
+       5. make install
+   You can copy your own config into linux-2.6.11-xen0 first.
+   Alternatively, you can also copy your config file to
+   dist/install/boot/config-$version-xen0/U.  This is picked up
+   when a make dist is done. Include the ARCH=xen directive for
+   all make commands when building the kernels.
+6. To see a full list of targets and a brief description, type:
+       # make help
+7. Edit your grub.conf file as described above to have an
+   appropriate entry for your new kernel.

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