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RE: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] Make Xend use consoled and xc_console

> xm console still connects and disconnects to the console.
> xm create -c still works as expected.
> You still disconnect from the console with C-].  The only 
> user facing difference is that xm list does not have a 
> console field (the port it showed previously was meaningless 
> anyway with domain sockets) and xm no longer supports the 
> consoles command (since again, the information it was 
> displaying wasn't all that useful).

Excellent, thanks.

> If we export over tcp then we can add some info back into xm. 
>  However, I'd much rather implement the NSS plugin we talked 
> about at the Summit.


> >Also, should consoled really line in /usr/sbin/ ?  I think 
> it should be 
> >in /usr/lib/xen/bin
> >  
> >
> I put it there since that's where we have xenstored 
> installed.  We can certainly install it somewhere else though.

I generally dislike the idea of having xen-specific daemons that aren't
useful to have on one's path under /usr/sbin/ 
> >(Didn't we decide /usr/libexec was deprecated anyhow?)
> >  
> >
> If it is, I'll submit a patch to relocate the contents of 
> /usr/libexec/xen.

Gerd said it was deprecated, and he works for a distro so it must be
true :-)

I'd go for /usr/lib/xen/bin

It would be good to do an audit of everything we install. I bet there's
random crap in tools/misc that aren't really user tools and shouldn't be
going in /usr/bin/ 

> >BTW: does this fix the console output corruption bug that's on the 
> >books?
> >  
> >
> I've not been able to reproduce it.  I had 50 domains running 
> all cat'ing /dev/urandom and I was able to input/output large 
> amounts of data without corruption to another domain.

Interesting. I've a T42 laptop runing a CentOS4 dom0 that it happens
frequently on, but I haven't seen it on other machines..

> With that said though, I'm still not convinced it's fixed 
> completely because I don't think xcs buffers everything 
> correctly.  The new console drivers should do the trick 
> though since we won't need to go through xcs.

Yep, hopefully.


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