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RE: Need debugging help : RE: [Xen-devel] Problems creating DomUs on theES700s

> We have been trying to locate the changeset where this occurs for the
> first time.
> As we roll back through the changesets, we find that even changesets
> that had worked earlier 
> (like 6654) are failing with an alignment check in Xen at the same
> place.
> Could hg update could be messing up?
> Other than the boot message (which shows the appropriate 
> changeset), is
> there another way of telling?
> Is there another way of rolling back to an older changeset 
> other than hg
> update?

Your script looks correct -- I've never had 'hg co' not do the right

You should be careful referring to changesets by the short sequential id
as they can be different between different trees, but if you're always
just cloning the same tree doing so should be fine.

You might like to inspect the tree to check patches that post-date the
version are actually missing.

It's worth checking that you have all remnants of old versions removed.

A classic problem is to have modules from an old kernel left in place
when installing a new one -- I've had this explode things on boot on
various occasions when I've been careless. 


> #!/bin/bash
> echo Removing xen-unstable.hg...
> rm -rf xen-unstable.hg
> hg clone http://xenbits.xensource.com/xen-unstable.hg
> cd xen-unstable.hg
> echo Moving to changeset $1
> hg update $1
> echo Continue? Ctrl-C to break / Enter to continue
> read a
> patch -p1 < ~/xen/rules.diff
> make -j4 world
> ~/xen/xen-unstable.hg/install.sh
> sync
> reboot
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