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[Xen-devel] [FIXED] autoraid crash during boot


(Please reply directy, i'm not a list member)

During the weekend I tried getting Xen3 to work on my RAID-1 RHEL4 system.
Big crash. autoraid during bootup have error that it had an error 19. Great.

Looking a bit better I decided to track the issue. It quickly became an kernel
compilation issue, after finding out how autoraid works in the kernel, esp.
the dectionphase, i noticed all this code was dependend on NOT beeing compiled
as a module! A quick check showed the xen compiled kernel had CONFIG_BLK_DEV_MD
as a MODULE listed. Quick fix was te recompile the kernel with
CONFIG_BLK_DEV_MD=y, and voila: no more problem and a straight boot into
my OS.

No patch, I'm still struggling with mercury, or rather, finding out what
is in what repository :(

/me happy.

    Met vriendelijke groet,
        Pauline Middelink
GPG Key fingerprint = 2D5B 87A7 DDA6 0378 5DEA  BD3B 9A50 B416 E2D0 C3C2
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