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Re: [Xen-devel] Re: Error reporting capabilities for libxc

On Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 09:54:12PM +0100, Ian Pratt wrote:
> > One further issue I've thought of is that the __thread annotation does
> > not provide any way to do cleanup when a thread exists. Fine if the
> > per-thread variable is a simple scalar, but not so good if its a char
> *
> > since I think it'll leak memory. So I think I may have no choice by to
> > re-write with pthread_getspecific(), since that allows registration
> > of a cleanup function to free memory.
> Do we actually need pointers? I'd much rather go with __thread.

Well, we need a char buffer to store the error message, since that has much
more useful info than the error code alone. I could always just do a fixed
200 byte buffer, and truncate anything longer than this which would also
actually remove the annoying OOM problem in copying the error message. 

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