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[Xen-devel] logs attached. Re: [Xen-users] Can not find the cdrom device in /dev/ afterbooted into xen(3.0.3)

Hi Tim, Keir and Mats,

I attached all the detailed log files (text file format). The file extension indicate the version of environment. Please take a look.



----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim Post" <tim.post@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Liang Yang" <multisyncfe991@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Can not find the cdrom device in /dev/ afterbooted into xen(3.0.3)

On Fri, 2006-12-01 at 09:12 -0700, Liang Yang wrote:

I just did a fresh installation of Xen 3.0.3. However, I can not find my
cd-rom device under /dev/ after I booted into Xen. If I booted into Linux
native (RHELAS 4.4), CD-ROM device is there and listed as /dev/cdrom. I know Xen changed the CD-ROM access mode from HVM domain. But for Xen domain0, it
should still be listed as /dev/cdrom, right?

Should be.

I think the driver for CD-ROM must be already loaded and it is hided by Xen somehow. I checked a Linux Server beta version which has integrated Xen on
the same platform, I can find the cdrom device in /dev/. I remember Xen
3.0.2 does not have this problem either.

Could anyone share some solutions?

Please post the output of lsmod and lspci so the list can help you
diagnose the issue. My guess is your IDE was loaded via insmod in
linuxrc and was not picked up by a depmod when xen installed.

Uncommon, but not the first time I've seen it in RHEL.



Xen-users mailing list

Attachment: boot.xen
Description: Binary data

Attachment: lspci.native
Description: Binary data

Attachment: lsmod.native
Description: Binary data

Attachment: dmesg_ide.native
Description: Binary data

Attachment: boot.native
Description: Binary data

Attachment: lspci.xen
Description: Binary data

Attachment: lsmod.xen
Description: Binary data

Attachment: dmesg_ide.xen
Description: Binary data

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