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[Xen-devel] [PATCH 6/8] HVM save restore: guest memory handling

[PATCH 6/8] HVM save restore: guest memory handling

Signed-off-by: Zhai Edwin <edwin.zhai@xxxxxxxxx>

add support for save/restore HVM guest memory

diff -r bb1c450b2739 tools/libxc/xc_hvm_restore.c
--- a/tools/libxc/xc_hvm_restore.c      Thu Jan 11 21:03:11 2007 +0800
+++ b/tools/libxc/xc_hvm_restore.c      Thu Jan 11 21:05:45 2007 +0800
@@ -31,6 +31,40 @@
 #include <xen/hvm/ioreq.h>
 #include <xen/hvm/params.h>
 #include <xen/hvm/e820.h>
+/* max mfn of the whole machine */
+static unsigned long max_mfn;
+/* virtual starting address of the hypervisor */
+static unsigned long hvirt_start;
+/* #levels of page tables used by the currrent guest */
+static unsigned int pt_levels;
+/* total number of pages used by the current guest */
+static unsigned long max_pfn;
+/* A table mapping each PFN to its new MFN. */
+static xen_pfn_t *p2m = NULL;
+static ssize_t
+read_exact(int fd, void *buf, size_t count)
+    int r = 0, s;
+    unsigned char *b = buf;
+    while (r < count) {
+        s = read(fd, &b[r], count - r);
+        if ((s == -1) && (errno == EINTR))
+            continue;
+        if (s <= 0) {
+            break;
+        }
+        r += s;
+    }
+    return (r == count) ? 1 : 0;
 int xc_hvm_restore(int xc_handle, int io_fd,
                      uint32_t dom, unsigned long nr_pfns,
@@ -38,5 +72,289 @@ int xc_hvm_restore(int xc_handle, int io
                      unsigned int console_evtchn, unsigned long *console_mfn,
                      unsigned int pae, unsigned int apic)
-    return 0;
+    /* The new domain's shared-info frame number. */
+    unsigned long shared_info_frame;
+    /* A copy of the CPU context of the guest. */
+    vcpu_guest_context_t ctxt;
+    char *region_base;
+    unsigned long buf[PAGE_SIZE/sizeof(unsigned long)];
+    xc_dominfo_t info;
+    unsigned int rc = 1, n, i;
+    uint32_t rec_len, nr_vcpus;
+    hvm_domain_context_t hvm_ctxt;
+    unsigned long long v_end, memsize;
+    unsigned long shared_page_nr;
+    unsigned long mfn, pfn;
+    unsigned int prev_pc, this_pc;
+    int verify = 0;
+    /* Types of the pfns in the current region */
+    unsigned long region_pfn_type[MAX_BATCH_SIZE];
+    /* hvm guest mem size (Mb) */
+    memsize = (unsigned long long)*store_mfn;
+    v_end = memsize << 20;
+    DPRINTF("xc_hvm_restore:dom=%d, nr_pfns=0x%lx, store_evtchn=%d, 
*store_mfn=%ld, console_evtchn=%d, *console_mfn=%ld, pae=%u, apic=%u.\n", 
+            dom, nr_pfns, store_evtchn, *store_mfn, console_evtchn, 
*console_mfn, pae, apic);
+    max_pfn = nr_pfns;
+    if(!get_platform_info(xc_handle, dom,
+                          &max_mfn, &hvirt_start, &pt_levels)) {
+        ERROR("Unable to get platform info.");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    DPRINTF("xc_hvm_restore start: max_pfn = %lx, max_mfn = %lx, 
hvirt_start=%lx, pt_levels=%d\n",
+            max_pfn,
+            max_mfn,
+            hvirt_start,
+            pt_levels);
+    if (mlock(&ctxt, sizeof(ctxt))) {
+        /* needed for build dom0 op, but might as well do early */
+        ERROR("Unable to mlock ctxt");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    p2m        = malloc(max_pfn * sizeof(xen_pfn_t));
+    if (p2m == NULL) {
+        ERROR("memory alloc failed");
+        errno = ENOMEM;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /* Get the domain's shared-info frame. */
+    domctl.cmd = XEN_DOMCTL_getdomaininfo;
+    domctl.domain = (domid_t)dom;
+    if (xc_domctl(xc_handle, &domctl) < 0) {
+        ERROR("Could not get information on new domain");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    shared_info_frame = domctl.u.getdomaininfo.shared_info_frame;
+    if(xc_domain_setmaxmem(xc_handle, dom, PFN_TO_KB(max_pfn)) != 0) {
+        errno = ENOMEM;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    for ( i = 0; i < max_pfn; i++ )
+        p2m[i] = i;
+    for ( i = HVM_BELOW_4G_RAM_END >> PAGE_SHIFT; i < max_pfn; i++ )
+        p2m[i] += HVM_BELOW_4G_MMIO_LENGTH >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+    /* Allocate memory for HVM guest, skipping VGA hole 0xA0000-0xC0000. */
+    rc = xc_domain_memory_populate_physmap(
+        xc_handle, dom, (max_pfn > 0xa0) ? 0xa0 : max_pfn,
+        0, 0, &p2m[0x00]);
+    if ( (rc == 0) && (max_pfn > 0xc0) )
+        rc = xc_domain_memory_populate_physmap(
+            xc_handle, dom, max_pfn - 0xc0, 0, 0, &p2m[0xc0]);
+    if ( rc != 0 )
+    {
+        PERROR("Could not allocate memory for HVM guest.\n");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /**********XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX******************/
+    if (xc_domain_getinfo(xc_handle, dom, 1, &info) != 1) {
+        ERROR("Could not get domain info");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    domctl.cmd = XEN_DOMCTL_getdomaininfo;
+    domctl.domain = (domid_t)dom;
+    if (xc_domctl(xc_handle, &domctl) < 0) {
+        ERROR("Could not get information on new domain");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    for ( i = 0; i < max_pfn; i++)
+        p2m[i] = i;
+    prev_pc = 0;
+    n = 0;
+    while (1) {
+        int j;
+        this_pc = (n * 100) / max_pfn;
+        if ( (this_pc - prev_pc) >= 5 )
+        {
+            PPRINTF("\b\b\b\b%3d%%", this_pc);
+            prev_pc = this_pc;
+        }
+        if (!read_exact(io_fd, &j, sizeof(int))) {
+            ERROR("HVM restore Error when reading batch size");
+            goto out;
+        }
+        PPRINTF("batch %d\n",j);
+        if (j == -1) {
+            verify = 1;
+            DPRINTF("Entering page verify mode\n");
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (j == 0)
+            break;  /* our work here is done */
+        if (j > MAX_BATCH_SIZE) {
+            ERROR("Max batch size exceeded. Giving up.");
+            goto out;
+        }
+        if (!read_exact(io_fd, region_pfn_type, j*sizeof(unsigned long))) {
+            ERROR("Error when reading region pfn types");
+            goto out;
+        }
+        region_base = xc_map_foreign_batch(
+            xc_handle, dom, PROT_WRITE, region_pfn_type, j);
+        for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ )
+        {
+            void *page;
+            pfn = region_pfn_type[i];
+            if ( pfn > max_pfn )
+            {
+                ERROR("pfn out of range");
+                goto out;
+            }
+            if ( pfn >= 0xa0 && pfn < 0xc0) {
+                ERROR("hvm restore:pfn in vga hole");
+                goto out;
+            }
+            mfn = p2m[pfn];
+            /* In verify mode, we use a copy; otherwise we work in place */
+            page = verify ? (void *)buf : (region_base + i*PAGE_SIZE);
+            if (!read_exact(io_fd, page, PAGE_SIZE)) {
+                ERROR("Error when reading page (%x)", i);
+                goto out;
+            }
+            if (verify) {
+                int res = memcmp(buf, (region_base + i*PAGE_SIZE), PAGE_SIZE);
+                if (res) {
+                    int v;
+                    DPRINTF("************** pfn=%lx mfn=%lx gotcs=%08lx "
+                            "actualcs=%08lx\n", pfn, p2m[pfn],
+                            csum_page(region_base + i*PAGE_SIZE),
+                            csum_page(buf));
+                    for (v = 0; v < 4; v++) {
+                        unsigned long *p = (unsigned long *)
+                            (region_base + i*PAGE_SIZE);
+                        if (buf[v] != p[v])
+                            DPRINTF("    %d: %08lx %08lx\n", v, buf[v], p[v]);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } /* end of 'batch' for loop */
+        munmap(region_base, j*PAGE_SIZE);
+        n+= j; /* crude stats */
+    }/*while 1*/
+/*    xc_set_hvm_param(xc_handle, dom, HVM_PARAM_APIC_ENABLED, apic);*/
+    xc_set_hvm_param(xc_handle, dom, HVM_PARAM_PAE_ENABLED, pae);
+    xc_set_hvm_param(xc_handle, dom, HVM_PARAM_STORE_EVTCHN, store_evtchn);
+    if ( v_end > HVM_BELOW_4G_RAM_END )
+        shared_page_nr = (HVM_BELOW_4G_RAM_END >> PAGE_SHIFT) - 1;
+    else
+        shared_page_nr = (v_end >> PAGE_SHIFT) - 1;
+    xc_set_hvm_param(xc_handle, dom, HVM_PARAM_STORE_PFN, shared_page_nr-1);
+    xc_set_hvm_param(xc_handle, dom, HVM_PARAM_BUFIOREQ_PFN, shared_page_nr-2);
+    xc_set_hvm_param(xc_handle, dom, HVM_PARAM_IOREQ_PFN, shared_page_nr);
+    /* caculate the store_mfn , wrong val cause hang when introduceDomain */
+    *store_mfn = (v_end >> PAGE_SHIFT) - 2;
+    DPRINTF("hvm restore:calculate new store_mfn=0x%lx,v_end=0x%llx..\n", 
*store_mfn, v_end);
+    /* restore hvm context including pic/pit/shpage */
+    if (!read_exact(io_fd, &rec_len, sizeof(uint32_t))) {
+        ERROR("error read hvm context size!\n");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (rec_len != sizeof(hvm_ctxt)) {
+        ERROR("hvm context size dismatch!\n");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (!read_exact(io_fd, &hvm_ctxt, sizeof(hvm_ctxt))) {
+        ERROR("error read hvm context!\n");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (( rc = xc_domain_hvm_setcontext(xc_handle, dom, &hvm_ctxt))) {
+        ERROR("error set hvm context!\n");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (!read_exact(io_fd, &nr_vcpus, sizeof(uint32_t))) {
+        ERROR("error read nr vcpu !\n");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    DPRINTF("hvm restore:get nr_vcpus=%d.\n", nr_vcpus);
+    for (i =0; i < nr_vcpus; i++) {
+        if (!read_exact(io_fd, &rec_len, sizeof(uint32_t))) {
+            ERROR("error read vcpu context size!\n");
+            goto out;
+        }
+        if (rec_len != sizeof(ctxt)) {
+            ERROR("vcpu context size dismatch!\n");
+            goto out;
+        }
+        if (!read_exact(io_fd, &(ctxt), sizeof(ctxt))) {
+            ERROR("error read vcpu context.\n");
+            goto out;
+        }
+        if ( (rc = xc_vcpu_setcontext(xc_handle, dom, i, &ctxt)) ) {
+            ERROR("Could not set vcpu context, rc=%d", rc);
+            goto out;
+        }
+    }
+    rc = 0;
+    goto out;
+ out:
+    if ( (rc != 0) && (dom != 0) )
+        xc_domain_destroy(xc_handle, dom);
+    free(p2m);
+    DPRINTF("Restore exit with rc=%d\n", rc);
+    return rc;
diff -r bb1c450b2739 tools/libxc/xc_hvm_save.c
--- a/tools/libxc/xc_hvm_save.c Thu Jan 11 21:03:11 2007 +0800
+++ b/tools/libxc/xc_hvm_save.c Thu Jan 11 21:05:10 2007 +0800
@@ -32,9 +32,696 @@
 #include "xg_private.h"
 #include "xg_save_restore.h"
+** Default values for important tuning parameters. Can override by passing
+** non-zero replacement values to xc_hvm_save().
+** XXX SMH: should consider if want to be able to override MAX_MBIT_RATE too.
+#define DEF_MAX_ITERS   29   /* limit us to 30 times round loop   */
+#define DEF_MAX_FACTOR   3   /* never send more than 3x nr_pfns   */
+/* max mfn of the whole machine */
+static unsigned long max_mfn;
+/* virtual starting address of the hypervisor */
+static unsigned long hvirt_start;
+/* #levels of page tables used by the currrent guest */
+static unsigned int pt_levels;
+/* total number of pages used by the current guest */
+static unsigned long max_pfn;
+** During (live) save/migrate, we maintain a number of bitmaps to track
+** which pages we have to send, to fixup, and to skip.
+#define BITS_PER_LONG (sizeof(unsigned long) * 8)
+#define BITMAP_SIZE   ((max_pfn + BITS_PER_LONG - 1) / 8)
+#define BITMAP_ENTRY(_nr,_bmap) \
+   ((unsigned long *)(_bmap))[(_nr)/BITS_PER_LONG]
+#define BITMAP_SHIFT(_nr) ((_nr) % BITS_PER_LONG)
+static inline int test_bit (int nr, volatile void * addr)
+    return (BITMAP_ENTRY(nr, addr) >> BITMAP_SHIFT(nr)) & 1;
+static inline void clear_bit (int nr, volatile void * addr)
+    BITMAP_ENTRY(nr, addr) &= ~(1UL << BITMAP_SHIFT(nr));
+static inline int permute( int i, int nr, int order_nr  )
+    /* Need a simple permutation function so that we scan pages in a
+       pseudo random order, enabling us to get a better estimate of
+       the domain's page dirtying rate as we go (there are often
+       contiguous ranges of pfns that have similar behaviour, and we
+       want to mix them up. */
+    /* e.g. nr->oder 15->4 16->4 17->5 */
+    /* 512MB domain, 128k pages, order 17 */
+    /*
+             QPONMLKJIH
+      GFEDCBA
+     */
+    /*
+                  EDCBA
+             QPONM
+      LKJIHGF
+      */
+    do { i = ((i>>(order_nr-10)) | ( i<<10 ) ) & ((1<<order_nr)-1); }
+    while ( i >= nr ); /* this won't ever loop if nr is a power of 2 */
+    return i;
+static uint64_t tv_to_us(struct timeval *new)
+    return (new->tv_sec * 1000000) + new->tv_usec;
+static uint64_t llgettimeofday(void)
+    struct timeval now;
+    gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
+    return tv_to_us(&now);
+static uint64_t tv_delta(struct timeval *new, struct timeval *old)
+    return ((new->tv_sec - old->tv_sec)*1000000 ) +
+        (new->tv_usec - old->tv_usec);
+#define RATE_IS_MAX() (0)
+#define ratewrite(_io_fd, _buf, _n) write((_io_fd), (_buf), (_n))
+#define initialize_mbit_rate()
+static inline ssize_t write_exact(int fd, void *buf, size_t count)
+    if(write(fd, buf, count) != count)
+        return 0;
+    return 1;
+static int print_stats(int xc_handle, uint32_t domid, int pages_sent,
+                       xc_shadow_op_stats_t *stats, int print)
+    static struct timeval wall_last;
+    static long long      d0_cpu_last;
+    static long long      d1_cpu_last;
+    struct timeval        wall_now;
+    long long             wall_delta;
+    long long             d0_cpu_now, d0_cpu_delta;
+    long long             d1_cpu_now, d1_cpu_delta;
+    gettimeofday(&wall_now, NULL);
+    d0_cpu_now = xc_domain_get_cpu_usage(xc_handle, 0, /* FIXME */ 0)/1000;
+    d1_cpu_now = xc_domain_get_cpu_usage(xc_handle, domid, /* FIXME */ 0)/1000;
+    if ( (d0_cpu_now == -1) || (d1_cpu_now == -1) )
+        DPRINTF("ARRHHH!!\n");
+    wall_delta = tv_delta(&wall_now,&wall_last)/1000;
+    if (wall_delta == 0) wall_delta = 1;
+    d0_cpu_delta = (d0_cpu_now - d0_cpu_last)/1000;
+    d1_cpu_delta = (d1_cpu_now - d1_cpu_last)/1000;
+    if (print)
+        DPRINTF(
+                "delta %lldms, dom0 %d%%, target %d%%, sent %dMb/s, "
+                "dirtied %dMb/s %" PRId32 " pages\n",
+                wall_delta,
+                (int)((d0_cpu_delta*100)/wall_delta),
+                (int)((d1_cpu_delta*100)/wall_delta),
+                (int)((pages_sent*PAGE_SIZE)/(wall_delta*(1000/8))),
+                (int)((stats->dirty_count*PAGE_SIZE)/(wall_delta*(1000/8))),
+                stats->dirty_count);
+    d0_cpu_last = d0_cpu_now;
+    d1_cpu_last = d1_cpu_now;
+    wall_last   = wall_now;
+    return 0;
+static int analysis_phase(int xc_handle, uint32_t domid, int max_pfn,
+                          unsigned long *arr, int runs)
+    long long start, now;
+    xc_shadow_op_stats_t stats;
+    int j;
+    start = llgettimeofday();
+    for (j = 0; j < runs; j++) {
+        int i;
+        xc_shadow_control(xc_handle, domid, XEN_DOMCTL_SHADOW_OP_CLEAN,
+                          arr, max_pfn, NULL, 0, NULL);
+        DPRINTF("#Flush\n");
+        for ( i = 0; i < 40; i++ ) {
+            usleep(50000);
+            now = llgettimeofday();
+            xc_shadow_control(xc_handle, domid, XEN_DOMCTL_SHADOW_OP_PEEK,
+                              NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &stats);
+            DPRINTF("now= %lld faults= %"PRId32" dirty= %"PRId32"\n",
+                    ((now-start)+500)/1000,
+                    stats.fault_count, stats.dirty_count);
+        }
+    }
+    return -1;
+static int suspend_and_state(int (*suspend)(int), int xc_handle, int io_fd,
+                             int dom, xc_dominfo_t *info,
+                             vcpu_guest_context_t *ctxt)
+    int i = 0;
+    if (!(*suspend)(dom)) {
+        ERROR("Suspend request failed");
+        return -1;
+    }
+ retry:
+    if (xc_domain_getinfo(xc_handle, dom, 1, info) != 1) {
+        ERROR("Could not get domain info");
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if ( xc_vcpu_getcontext(xc_handle, dom, 0 /* XXX */, ctxt))
+        ERROR("Could not get vcpu context");
+    if (info->shutdown && info->shutdown_reason == SHUTDOWN_suspend)
+        return 0; // success
+    if (info->paused) {
+        // try unpausing domain, wait, and retest
+        xc_domain_unpause( xc_handle, dom );
+        ERROR("Domain was paused. Wait and re-test.");
+        usleep(10000);  // 10ms
+        goto retry;
+    }
+    if( ++i < 100 ) {
+        ERROR("Retry suspend domain.");
+        usleep(10000);  // 10ms
+        goto retry;
+    }
+    ERROR("Unable to suspend domain.");
+    return -1;
 int xc_hvm_save(int xc_handle, int io_fd, uint32_t dom, uint32_t max_iters,
                   uint32_t max_factor, uint32_t flags, int (*suspend)(int))
-    return 0;
+    xc_dominfo_t info;
+    int rc = 1, i, last_iter, iter = 0;
+    int live  = (flags & XCFLAGS_LIVE);
+    int debug = (flags & XCFLAGS_DEBUG);
+    int sent_last_iter, skip_this_iter;
+    /* The new domain's shared-info frame number. */
+    unsigned long shared_info_frame;
+    /* A copy of the CPU context of the guest. */
+    vcpu_guest_context_t ctxt;
+    /* A table containg the type of each PFN (/not/ MFN!). */
+    unsigned long *pfn_type = NULL;
+    unsigned long *pfn_batch = NULL;
+    /* A copy of hvm domain context */
+    hvm_domain_context_t hvm_ctxt;
+    /* Live mapping of shared info structure */
+    shared_info_t *live_shinfo = NULL;
+    /* base of the region in which domain memory is mapped */
+    unsigned char *region_base = NULL;
+    uint32_t nr_pfns, rec_size, nr_vcpus;
+    unsigned long *page_array = NULL;
+    /* power of 2 order of max_pfn */
+    int order_nr;
+    /* bitmap of pages:
+       - that should be sent this iteration (unless later marked as skip);
+       - to skip this iteration because already dirty; */
+    unsigned long *to_send = NULL, *to_skip = NULL;
+    xc_shadow_op_stats_t stats;
+    unsigned long total_sent    = 0;
+    DPRINTF("xc_hvm_save:dom=%d, max_iters=%d, max_factor=%d, flags=0x%x, 
live=%d, debug=%d.\n",
+            dom, max_iters, max_factor, flags,
+            live, debug);
+    /* If no explicit control parameters given, use defaults */
+    if(!max_iters)
+        max_iters = DEF_MAX_ITERS;
+    if(!max_factor)
+        max_factor = DEF_MAX_FACTOR;
+    initialize_mbit_rate();
+    if(!get_platform_info(xc_handle, dom,
+                          &max_mfn, &hvirt_start, &pt_levels)) {
+        ERROR("HVM:Unable to get platform info.");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    if (xc_domain_getinfo(xc_handle, dom, 1, &info) != 1) {
+        ERROR("HVM:Could not get domain info");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    nr_vcpus = info.nr_online_vcpus;
+    if (mlock(&ctxt, sizeof(ctxt))) {
+        ERROR("HVM:Unable to mlock ctxt");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    /* Only have to worry about vcpu 0 even for SMP */
+    if (xc_vcpu_getcontext(xc_handle, dom, 0, &ctxt)) {
+        ERROR("HVM:Could not get vcpu context");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    shared_info_frame = info.shared_info_frame;
+    /* A cheesy test to see whether the domain contains valid state. */
+    if (ctxt.ctrlreg[3] == 0)
+    {
+        ERROR("Domain is not in a valid HVM guest state");
+        goto out;
+    }
+   /* cheesy sanity check */
+    if ((info.max_memkb >> (PAGE_SHIFT - 10)) > max_mfn) {
+        ERROR("Invalid HVM state record -- pfn count out of range: %lu",
+            (info.max_memkb >> (PAGE_SHIFT - 10)));
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /* Map the shared info frame */
+    if(!(live_shinfo = xc_map_foreign_range(xc_handle, dom, PAGE_SIZE,
+                                            PROT_READ, shared_info_frame))) {
+        ERROR("HVM:Couldn't map live_shinfo");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    max_pfn = live_shinfo->arch.max_pfn;
+    DPRINTF("saved hvm domain info:max_memkb=0x%lx, max_mfn=0x%lx, 
nr_pages=0x%lx\n", info.max_memkb, max_mfn, info.nr_pages); 
+    /* nr_pfns: total pages excluding vga acc mem
+     * max_pfn: nr_pfns + 0x20 vga hole(0xa0~0xc0)
+     * getdomaininfo.tot_pages: all the allocated pages for this domain
+     */
+    if (live) {
+        ERROR("hvm domain doesn't support live migration now.\n");
+        goto out;
+        if (xc_shadow_control(xc_handle, dom,
+                              XEN_DOMCTL_SHADOW_OP_ENABLE_LOGDIRTY,
+                              NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL) < 0) {
+            ERROR("Couldn't enable shadow mode");
+            goto out;
+        }
+        /* excludes vga acc mem */
+        nr_pfns = info.nr_pages - 0x800;
+        last_iter = 0;
+        DPRINTF("hvm domain live migration debug start: logdirty enable.\n");
+    } else {
+        /* This is a non-live suspend. Issue the call back to get the
+           domain suspended */
+        last_iter = 1;
+        /* suspend hvm domain */
+        if (suspend_and_state(suspend, xc_handle, io_fd, dom, &info, &ctxt)) {
+            ERROR("HVM Domain appears not to have suspended");
+            goto out;
+        }
+        nr_pfns = info.nr_pages;
+        DPRINTF("after suspend hvm domain nr_pages=0x%x.\n", nr_pfns);
+    }
+    DPRINTF("after 1st handle hvm domain nr_pfns=0x%x, nr_pages=0x%lx, 
max_memkb=0x%lx, live=%d.\n",
+            nr_pfns,
+            info.nr_pages,
+            info.max_memkb,
+            live);
+    nr_pfns = info.nr_pages;
+    /*XXX: caculate the VGA hole*/
+    max_pfn = nr_pfns + 0x20;
+    skip_this_iter = 0;/*XXX*/
+    /* pretend we sent all the pages last iteration */
+    sent_last_iter = max_pfn;
+    /* calculate the power of 2 order of max_pfn, e.g.
+       15->4 16->4 17->5 */
+    for (i = max_pfn-1, order_nr = 0; i ; i >>= 1, order_nr++)
+        continue;
+    /* Setup to_send / to_fix and to_skip bitmaps */
+    to_send = malloc(BITMAP_SIZE);
+    to_skip = malloc(BITMAP_SIZE);
+    if (!to_send ||!to_skip) {
+        ERROR("Couldn't allocate to_send array");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    memset(to_send, 0xff, BITMAP_SIZE);
+    if (lock_pages(to_send, BITMAP_SIZE)) {
+        ERROR("Unable to lock to_send");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    /* (to fix is local only) */
+    if (lock_pages(to_skip, BITMAP_SIZE)) {
+        ERROR("Unable to lock to_skip");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    analysis_phase(xc_handle, dom, max_pfn, to_skip, 0);
+    /* get all the HVM domain pfns */
+    if ( (page_array = (unsigned long *) malloc (sizeof(unsigned long) * 
max_pfn)) == NULL) {
+        ERROR("HVM:malloc fail!\n");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    for ( i = 0; i < max_pfn; i++)
+        page_array[i] = i;
+    /* We want zeroed memory so use calloc rather than malloc. */
+    pfn_type  = calloc(MAX_BATCH_SIZE, sizeof(*pfn_type));
+    pfn_batch = calloc(MAX_BATCH_SIZE, sizeof(*pfn_batch));
+    if ((pfn_type == NULL) || (pfn_batch == NULL)) {
+        ERROR("failed to alloc memory for pfn_type and/or pfn_batch arrays");
+        errno = ENOMEM;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (lock_pages(pfn_type, MAX_BATCH_SIZE * sizeof(*pfn_type))) {
+        ERROR("Unable to lock");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /* Start writing out the saved-domain record. */
+    if (!write_exact(io_fd, &max_pfn, sizeof(unsigned long))) {
+        ERROR("write: max_pfn");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    while(1) {
+        unsigned int prev_pc, sent_this_iter, N, batch;
+        iter++;
+        sent_this_iter = 0;
+        skip_this_iter = 0;
+        prev_pc = 0;
+        N=0;
+        DPRINTF("Saving HVM domain memory pages: iter %d   0%%", iter);
+        while( N < max_pfn ){
+            unsigned int this_pc = (N * 100) / max_pfn;
+            if ((this_pc - prev_pc) >= 5) {
+                DPRINTF("\b\b\b\b%3d%%", this_pc);
+                prev_pc = this_pc;
+            }
+            /* slightly wasteful to peek the whole array evey time,
+               but this is fast enough for the moment. */
+            if (!last_iter && xc_shadow_control(
+                    xc_handle, dom, XEN_DOMCTL_SHADOW_OP_PEEK,
+                    to_skip, max_pfn, NULL, 0, NULL) != max_pfn) {
+                ERROR("Error peeking HVM shadow bitmap");
+                goto out;
+            }
+            /* load pfn_type[] with the mfn of all the pages we're doing in
+               this batch. */
+            for (batch = 0; batch < MAX_BATCH_SIZE && N < max_pfn ; N++) {
+                int n = permute(N, max_pfn, order_nr);
+                if (debug) {
+                    DPRINTF("%d pfn= %08lx mfn= %08lx %d \n",
+                            iter, (unsigned long)n, page_array[n],
+                            test_bit(n, to_send));
+                }
+                if (!last_iter && test_bit(n, to_send)&& test_bit(n, to_skip))
+                    skip_this_iter++; /* stats keeping */
+                if (!((test_bit(n, to_send) && !test_bit(n, to_skip)) ||
+                      (test_bit(n, to_send) && last_iter)))
+                    continue;
+                if (n >= 0xa0 && n < 0xc0) {
+/*                    DPRINTF("get a vga hole pfn= %x.\n", n);*/
+                    continue;
+                }
+                /*
+                ** we get here if:
+                **  1. page is marked to_send & hasn't already been re-dirtied
+                **  2. (ignore to_skip in last iteration)
+                */
+                pfn_batch[batch] = n;
+                pfn_type[batch]  = page_array[n];
+                batch++;
+            }
+            if (batch == 0)
+                goto skip; /* vanishingly unlikely... */
+            /* map_foreign use pfns now !*/
+            if ((region_base = xc_map_foreign_batch(
+                     xc_handle, dom, PROT_READ, pfn_batch, batch)) == 0) {
+                ERROR("map batch failed");
+                goto out;
+            }
+            /* write num of pfns */
+            if(!write_exact(io_fd, &batch, sizeof(unsigned int))) {
+                ERROR("Error when writing to state file (2)");
+                goto out;
+            }
+            /* write all the pfns */
+            if(!write_exact(io_fd, pfn_batch, sizeof(unsigned long)*batch)) {
+                ERROR("Error when writing to state file (3)");
+                goto out;
+            }
+            if (ratewrite(io_fd, region_base, PAGE_SIZE * batch) != PAGE_SIZE 
* batch) {
+                ERROR("ERROR when writting to state file (4)");
+                goto out;
+            }
+            sent_this_iter += batch;
+            munmap(region_base, batch*PAGE_SIZE);
+        } /* end of this while loop for this iteration */
+      skip:
+        total_sent += sent_this_iter;
+        DPRINTF("\r %d: sent %d, skipped %d, ",
+                iter, sent_this_iter, skip_this_iter );
+        if (last_iter) {
+            print_stats( xc_handle, dom, sent_this_iter, &stats, 1);
+            DPRINTF("Total pages sent= %ld (%.2fx)\n",
+                    total_sent, ((float)total_sent)/max_pfn );
+        }
+        if (last_iter && debug){
+            int minusone = -1;
+            memset(to_send, 0xff, BITMAP_SIZE);
+            debug = 0;
+            DPRINTF("Entering debug resend-all mode\n");
+            /* send "-1" to put receiver into debug mode */
+            if(!write_exact(io_fd, &minusone, sizeof(int))) {
+                ERROR("Error when writing to state file (6)");
+                goto out;
+            }
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (last_iter) break;
+        if (live) {
+            if(
+                ((sent_this_iter > sent_last_iter) && RATE_IS_MAX()) ||
+                (iter >= max_iters) ||
+                (sent_this_iter+skip_this_iter < 50) ||
+                (total_sent > max_pfn*max_factor) ) {
+                DPRINTF("Start last iteration for HVM domain\n");
+                last_iter = 1;
+                if (suspend_and_state(suspend, xc_handle, io_fd, dom, &info,
+                                      &ctxt)) {
+                    ERROR("Domain appears not to have suspended");
+                    goto out;
+                }
+                DPRINTF("SUSPEND shinfo %08lx eip %08lx edx %08lx\n",
+                        info.shared_info_frame,
+                        (unsigned long)ctxt.user_regs.eip,
+                        (unsigned long)ctxt.user_regs.edx);
+            }
+            if (xc_shadow_control(xc_handle, dom, 
+                                  XEN_DOMCTL_SHADOW_OP_CLEAN, to_send, 
+                                  max_pfn, NULL, 0, &stats) != max_pfn) {
+                ERROR("Error flushing shadow PT");
+                goto out;
+            }
+            sent_last_iter = sent_this_iter;
+            print_stats(xc_handle, dom, sent_this_iter, &stats, 1);
+        }
+    } /* end of while 1 */
+    DPRINTF("All HVM memory is saved\n");
+    /* Zero terminate */
+    i = 0;
+    if (!write_exact(io_fd, &i, sizeof(int))) {
+        ERROR("Error when writing to state file (6)");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /* save hvm hypervisor state including pic/pit/shpage */
+    if (mlock(&hvm_ctxt, sizeof(hvm_ctxt))) {
+        ERROR("Unable to mlock ctxt");
+        return 1;
+    }
+    if (xc_domain_hvm_getcontext(xc_handle, dom, &hvm_ctxt)){
+        ERROR("HVM:Could not get hvm context");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    rec_size = sizeof(hvm_ctxt);
+    if (!write_exact(io_fd, &rec_size, sizeof(uint32_t))) {
+        ERROR("error write hvm ctxt size");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if ( !write_exact(io_fd, &hvm_ctxt, sizeof(hvm_ctxt)) ) {
+        ERROR("write HVM info failed!\n");
+    }
+    /* save vcpu/vmcs context */
+    if (!write_exact(io_fd, &nr_vcpus, sizeof(uint32_t))) {
+        ERROR("error write nr vcpus");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    /*XXX: need a online map to exclude down cpu */
+    for (i = 0; i < nr_vcpus; i++) {
+        if (xc_vcpu_getcontext(xc_handle, dom, i, &ctxt)) {
+            ERROR("HVM:Could not get vcpu context");
+            goto out;
+        }
+        rec_size = sizeof(ctxt);
+        DPRINTF("write %d vcpucontext of total %d.\n", i, nr_vcpus); 
+        if (!write_exact(io_fd, &rec_size, sizeof(uint32_t))) {
+            ERROR("error write vcpu ctxt size");
+            goto out;
+        }
+        if (!write_exact(io_fd, &(ctxt), sizeof(ctxt)) ) {
+            ERROR("write vmcs failed!\n");
+            goto out;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Success! */
+    rc = 0;
+ out:
+    if (live) {
+        if(xc_shadow_control(xc_handle, dom, 
+                             XEN_DOMCTL_SHADOW_OP_OFF,
+                             NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL) < 0) {
+            DPRINTF("Warning - couldn't disable shadow mode");
+        }
+    }
+    free(page_array);
+    free(pfn_type);
+    free(pfn_batch);
+    free(to_send);
+    free(to_skip);
+    return !!rc;

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