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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] fix free of event channel in blkfront


I try to do it under your guide as follows
# xm block-attach dom6 file:/vm1/template/tp.img sdb2 w
[root@genode012 vmcserver]# xm block-list dom1
Vdev BE handle state evt-ch ring-ref BE-path
2049 0 0 4 7 8 /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/102/2049
2050 0 0 4 8 815 /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/102/2050

and xm block-detach can work
but xm console dom1, then there is not the new disk in dom1
what is wrong with it?

Perhaps, it seems that xm block-attach/detach can work. Does the specified file have the partition? (/vm1/template/tp.img)

Please attach to sdb if there is a partition.
dom0# xm block-attach dom6 file:/vm1/template/tp.img sdb w

It is recognized with dom1 as follows.(3 partitions)
dom1# cat /proc/diskstats
  8   16 sdb 78 353 927 632 8 1 18 4 0 360 636
  8   17 sdb1 173 346 9 18
  8   18 sdb2 185 185 0 0
  8   19 sdb3 47 188 0 0
dom1# mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt
dom1# ls /mnt
bin   dev  home  lost+found  misc  net  proc  sbin     srv  tmp  var
boot etc lib media mnt opt root selinux sys usr

However, if SCSI driver can work on dom1, it is not possible to attach to sdx.
It is because VBD overlaps with SCSI driver's majors number. In that case, please attach to xvda.
dom0# xm block-attach dom6 file:/vm1/template/tp.img xvda w

Best Regards,

Takanori Kasai

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