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Re: [Xen-devel] Java support for Xen APIs

On Thu, Mar 29, 2007 at 06:22:17PM +0530, Premjith Rayaroth wrote:

> Hi,
> Is Java support available for Xen APIs. Can I use Java to make XML-RPC 
> calls to the Xen machines? I assume only 'C' and 'Python' are supported. 
> Is there any plan to support Java.

It's something we've thought about, but it's not got further than that.  If
this was something that enough people were interested in, maybe we could
commit some time to make it happen.  Vote now!

On the subject of language bindings, Ingard Mevåg has had a lot of success
using RPC::XML::Client in Perl (he'll be open-sourcing an example script very


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