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[Xen-devel] Testing for xen 3.1.0

  • To: <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: "Zhao, Yunfeng" <yunfeng.zhao@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 23:14:44 +0800
  • Delivery-date: Tue, 22 May 2007 08:13:44 -0700
  • List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xensource.com>
  • Thread-index: Acecg+2eWvfLIgpCTLKULshZeEBgpw==
  • Thread-topic: Testing for xen 3.1.0

Hi all
        We run a test for xen 3.1.0. Here is the testing result.

Old issues (3):
1).time latency is a negative number on window guest when vcpu > 1
        You can reproduce it on SMP windows, it will not happen on UP

2) IA32E/PAE: 32bit Vista RTM network doesn't work.(p1)

3) HVM VBD doesn't work well on 64bit HVM Linux guest

Platform : PAE
Service OS : Fedora Core release 5 (Bordeaux)
Hardware : Conroe

               Summary Test Report of Last Session
                      Total   Pass    Fail    NoResult   Crash
nightly                3       3       0         0        0
device_model           2       0       0         2        0
control_panel          19      18      1         0        0
nightly                3       3       0         0        0
 :kernel_build         1       1       0         0        0
 :subset_LTP           1       1       0         0        0
 :dom0x11              1       1       0         0        0
device_model           2       0       0         2        0
 :pv_on_up             1       0       0         1        0
 :pv_on_smp            1       0       0         1        0
control_panel          19      18      1         0        0
 :acpi_nightly         1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32up_acpi_win2k3   1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32up_two_noacpi_   1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32_smp_win2k3      1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32up_acpi_vista    1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32_smp_winxp       1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32up_noacpi_win    1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32up_acpi_winxp    1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32_guest_256M      1       1       0         0        0
 :one_VMX              1       1       0         0        0
 :base_kernel          1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32_vistartm        1       0       1         0        0
 :ia32pae_VMX_1500M    1       1       0         0        0
 :one_XENU             1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32_smp_vista       1       1       0         0        0
 :two_xenu_vmx_seq     1       1       0         0        0
 :guestx11             1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32up_acpi_win2k    1       1       0         0        0
 :saverestore          1       1       0         0        0
Total                  24      21      1         2        0

Platform: IA32E
service os: RHEL4u3. IA32E. SMP
hardware: Woodcrest
default guest os: IA32E.SMP. 2.6 kernel

               Summary Test Report of Last Session
                      Total   Pass    Fail    NoResult   Crash
device_model           2       0       0         2        0
nightly                3       2       1         0        0
control_panel          31      25      6         0        0
device_model           2       0       0         2        0
 :pv_on_up             1       0       0         1        0
 :pv_on_smp            1       0       0         1        0
nightly                3       2       1         0        0
 :kernel_build         1       1       0         0        0
 :subset_LTP           1       1       0         0        0
 :dom0x11              1       0       1         0        0
control_panel          31      25      6         0        0
 :ia32e_vistartm       1       1       0         0        0
 :acpi_nightly         1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32up_acpi_win2k3   1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32up_two_noacpi_   1       1       0         0        0
 :fourG_2linux         1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32_smp_win2k3      1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32_smp_winxp       1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32up_noacpi_win    1       1       0         0        0
 :fourG_linuxwindows   1       1       0         0        0
 :four_vmx_seq         1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32up_acpi_winxp    1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32e_smp_winxp      1       0       1         0        0
 :ia32e_up_win2k3      1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32_guest_256M      1       1       0         0        0
 :one_VMX              1       0       1         0        0
 :base_kernel          1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32e_up_winxp       1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32_vistartm        1       0       1         0        0
 :ia32pae_VMX_1500M    1       1       0         0        0
 :fourG_paelinux       1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32e_smp_win2k3     1       1       0         0        0
 :fourG_linux          1       1       0         0        0
 :one_XENU             1       0       1         0        0
 :fourG_windows        1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32_smp_vista       1       1       0         0        0
 :two_xenu_vmx_seq     1       0       1         0        0
 :xenu_pae_on_64       1       0       1         0        0
 :guestx11             1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32up_acpi_win2k    1       1       0         0        0
 :saverestore          1       1       0         0        0
 :ia32e_smp_vista      1       1       0         0        0
Total                  36      27      7         2        0


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