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[Xen-devel] vmx status report against changeset 15651

  • To: <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: "Zhao, Yunfeng" <yunfeng.zhao@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 21:24:50 +0800
  • Delivery-date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 06:22:36 -0700
  • List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xensource.com>
  • Thread-index: AcfSrQE9zHDStm7EQsWjc+PLPVjaYw==
  • Thread-topic: vmx status report against changeset 15651

New issue:
1) Errors while compile HVM PV drivers with using gcc 3.X.X

Fixed issues(2):
1) IA32E/PAE: 32bit Vista RTM network doesn't work.(p1)
2)RTM8139 doesn't work.

Old issues (3):
1).time latency is a negative number on window guest when vcpu > 1
       You can reproduce it on SMP windows, it will not happen on UP
2) pcnet network of 32bit win2k/64bit hypervisor is not stable.
3) PAE dom0  keeps printing "Timer ISR/0: Time went backwards"

Testing environments 
CPU                 Paxville
Chipset                         Intel Harwich
Dom0 OS                                 Fedora5
Memory size                 8G

Hostname                     vt-dp6
Dom0 OS                                 RHEL4u3
CPU                 Woodcrest
Chipset                         Intel 5000(Blackford)
Memory size                 12G




+ Build&Boot PAE SMP xen0 without problem

+ Can bootup SMP XenU with  256 M Memory

+ Can bootup unmodified RHEL4U1 IA32 nonPAE SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified RHEL4U1/RHEL4U2/FC5 PAE SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain

+ Can bootup RHEL4U1/RHEL4U2/FC5 PAE SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain & XenU
with different memory size


+ Can bootup RHEL4U1 PAE SMP Linux VMX domain with base kernel

+ xm-test runs well

+ A selected subset of LTP runs well in RHEL4U2 PAE SMP 2.6 Linux VMX

+ Can build base kenerl 2.6.16 in RHEL4U1 PAE SMP VMX domain.

+ Can startX in Dom0

+ Can bootup FC5 PAE SMP 2.6 Linux in VMX with acpi enable

+ Network is OK in RHEL4U1/RHEL4U2/FC5 PAE SMP VMX domain

+ Can startX in RHEL4U2 PAE SMP VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 UP nonACPI Windows2K VMX domain 

+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 UP ACPI WindowXP SP2 VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified PAE UP ACPI Windows2K3 VMX domain 

+ Can bootup unmodified PAE UP ACPI Windows Beta 2 Vista VMX domain 

+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 SMP Win2K3 VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 SMP WinXP VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 SMP Windows Beta 2 Vista VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified PAE SMP Windows RTM Vista VMX domains(network
does not work)   

+ VBD and VNIF work on UP and SMP VMX domain can not work

+ Can not save/restore work

+ Can not Live migration



+ Build&Boot IA32E SMP xen0 without problem

+ Can bootup SMP XenU with  256 M Memory

+ Can bootup unmodified FC5 IA32 nonPAE SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified FC5 PAE SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified FC5/RHEL4U1/RHEL4U3 IA32E SMP 2.6 Linux in VMX

+ Can bootup FC5/RHEL4U1/RHEL4U3 IA32E SMP VMX domain & xenU with
different memory size.


+ Can bootup four FC5 IA32E SMP Linux VMX domain in sequence

+ xm-test runs well

+ A selected subset of LTP runs well in RHEL4U1 IA32E SMP 2.6 Linux VMX

+ Can build base kenerl 2.6.16 in RHEL4U1 IA32E SMP VMX domain.

+ Can boot up FC3 Linux VMX domain with base kernel

+ Can startX in Dom0

+ Can bootup FC5 IA32E 2.6 Linux VMX domain with acpi enable

+ Can startX in RHEL4U3 Ia32E SMP VMX domain

+ Network is OK in FC5/RHEL4U1/RHEL4U3 IA32E SMP VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 UP ACPI WindowXP SP2 VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 UP ACPI Windows 2K3 VMX domain   

+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 SMP Win2K3 VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified IA32 SMP WinXP VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified PAE SMP ACPI Windows Beta 2 Vista VMX domain   

+ Can bootup unmodified PAE SMP ACPI Windows RTM Vista VMX
domain(network does not work)   

+ Can bootup unmodified IA32E UP WinXP VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified IA32E UP Win2K3 VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified IA32E SMP Win2K3 VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified IA32E SMP WinXP VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified IA32E SMP Windows Beta 2 Vista VMX domain

+ Can bootup unmodified IA32E SMP Windows RTM Vista VMX domain

+ Can bootup >4G IA32E SMP Window RTM Vista VMX domain

+ Can bootup >4G IA32E SMP Linux VMX domain

+ VBD and VNIF work on UP and SMP VMX domain can not work

+ Can not xm save/restore work

+ Can 32-bits PAE xenU boot on 64-bits xen0

+ Can Live migration 


For details


Platform: PAE 

Service OS: FC5, PAE, SMP

Hardware: Conroe

Default guest OS: PAE,SMP, 2.6 kernel


1, one xenU domain with memory 256M

2, one IA32 FC5 nonPAE SMP 2.6 VMX domain with memory 256M

3, one FC5 PAE SMP Linux VMX domain with memory 512M

4, one FC5 PAE SMP Linux VMX domain with memory 1500M

5, one RHEL4u1 Linux VMX domain boot with PAE SMP base kernel(2.6.16)

6, one FC5 PAE SMP Linux VMX domain with acpi enable

7, 2 FC5 PAE SMP VMX domains and 2 xenU domains coexist

9, network in xenu domain

10, network in RHEL4U1/RHEL4U2/FC5 PAE SMP Linux VMX domain

11, Startx in RHEL4U2 PAE SMP Linux VMX domain

12, startx in dom0

13, xm-test

14, subset LTP test in RHEL4U2 PAE SMP VMX domain

15, build Linux 2.6.16 base kernel in RHEL4U1 PAE SMP Linux VMX domain

16, one IA32 nonACPI Window VMX domain

17, IA32 UP nonACPI 2K and XPsp2 Windows VMX domains coexist

18, one IA32 UP ACPI Windows 2K VMX domain

19, one IA32 UP ACPI Windows XP sp2 VMX domain

20, one IA32 UP ACPI Windows 2K3 VMX domain

21, one IA32 UP ACPI Windows Beta2 Vista VMX domain

22, one IA32 SMP Windows 2K3 VMX domain

23, one IA32 SMP Windows XP VMX domain

24, one IA32 SMP Windows Beta 2 Vista VMX domain

25, one IA32 SMP Windows RTM Vista VMX domain

26. VBD and VNIF works on UP VMX domain

27. Save and Restore

28. Live migration



Platform : PAE

Service OS : Fedora Core release 5 (Bordeaux)

Hardware : Conroe

Xen package: 15651:5682f899c7ae

Date: Mon Jul 30 13:02:49 EDT 2007


               Summary Test Report of Last Session


                                Total   Pass    Fail    NoResult   Crash


control_panel               12      10      1         1        0

Restart                     1       1       0         0        0

gtest                       14      14      0         0        0


control_panel               12      10      1         1        0

 :XEN_four_vmx_xenu_seq_P   1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_4G_guest_PAE_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_LM_PAE_gPAE           1       0       1         0        0

 :XEN_xenu_pae_on_64_PAE_   1       0       0         1        0

 :XEN_four_dguest_co_PAE_   1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_linux_win_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_SR_PAE_gPAE           1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_vmx_vcpu_pin_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_1500M_guest_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_two_winxp_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_vmx_4vcpu_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_four_sguest_seq_PAE   1       1       0         0        0

Restart                     1       1       0         0        0

 :GuestPAE_PAE_gPAE         1       1       0         0        0

gtest                       14      14      0         0        0

 :boot_up_acpi_PAE_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0

 :ltp_nightly_PAE_gPAE      1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_up_acpi_xp_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_up_vista_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_up_acpi_win2k3_PAE   1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_base_kernel_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k3_PA   1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k_PAE   1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_up_acpi_win2k_PAE_   1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_up_noacpi_win2k_PA   1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_up_noacpi_win2k3_P   1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_up_noacpi_xp_PAE_g   1       1       0         0        0

 :kb_nightly_PAE_gPAE       1       1       0         0        0


Total                       27      25      1         1        0

                  Detail Test Report of Last Session




Platform: IA32E

service os: RHEL4u3. IA32E. SMP

hardware: Woodcrest

default guest os: IA32E.SMP. 2.6 kernel


1. one xenU domain with memory 256M

2. one FC5 IA32 nonPAE SMP 2.6 Linux VMX domain with memory 256M

3. one FC5 PAE SMP Linux VMX domain with 1500M

4. one FC5 PAE SMP Linux VMX domain with 5120M memory

5. one FC5 IA32E SMP Linux VMX domain with 512M memory

6. one FC5 IA32E SMP Linux VMX domain with 5120M memory

7. Two 5120M FC5 IA32E Linux VMX domain coexist

8. one FC3 Linux VMX boot with IA32E SMP base kernel(2.6.16)

9. one FC5 IA32E SMP Linux VMX domain with acpi enable

10. 2 FC5 IA32E SMP Linux VMX domains and 2 xenU VMX domains coexist

11. Four FC5 IA32E SMP Linux VMX domains coexist

12. FC3/FC5/RHEL4u1/RHEL4u3 network in IA32E SMP Linux VMX domain

13. network in XenU domain

14. Startx in RHEL4U3 IA32E SMP Linux VMX domain

15. StartX in Dom0

16. xm-test

17. subset LTP in RHEL4U1 IA32E Linux VMX domain

18. Build base kernel in RHEL4U1 IA32E Linux VMX domain

19. one IA32 UP nonACPI Windows VMX domain

20. one IA32 UP noACPI 2K3 and XPsp2 Windows VMX domains coexist

21. one IA32 UP ACPI Windows 2K VMX domain

22. one IA32 UP ACPI Windows XP VMX domain

23. one IA32 UP ACPI Windows 2K3 VMX domain

25. one IA32 SMP Windows XP VMX domain

26. one IA32 SMP Windows 2K3 VMX domain

27. one IA32 SMP Windows Beta 2 Vista VMX domain

28.one IA32 SMP Windows RTM Vista VMX domain

29. one IA32E UP Windows XP VMX domain

30. one IA32E UP Windows 2K3 VMX domain

31. one IA32E UP Windows Vista VMX domain

32. one IA32E SMP Windows XP VMX domain

33. one IA32E SMP Windows 2K3 VMX domain

34. one IA32E SMP Windows Beta 2 Vista VMX domain

35. one IA32E SMP Windows RTM Vista VMX domain

36. one IA32E SMP Windows Vista with 5120 M memory

37. Two 5120M IA32 SMP Win2K3 VMX domain and

            IA32E Linux VMX domain coexist

38. VBD and VNIF works on UP VMX domain

39. Save / Restore

40. boot 32-bits PAE xenU on 64-bits

41. Live migration


Platform : x86_64

Service OS : Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 3)

Hardware : Woodcrest

Xen package: 15651:5682f899c7ae

Date: Mon Jul 30 14:24:53 CST 2007


               Summary Test Report of Last Session


                                Total   Pass    Fail    NoResult   Crash


control_panel               16      13      1         0        2

Restart                     2       2       0         0        0

gtest                       13      13      0         0        0


control_panel               16      13      1         0        2

 :XEN_1500M_guest_64_g64    1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_256M_xenu_64_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_vmx_4vcpu_64_g64      1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_1500M_guest_64_gPAE   1       0       0         0        1

 :XEN_4G_guest_64_gPAE      1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_SR_64_g64             1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_four_sguest_seq_64_   1       0       0         0        1

 :XEN_vmx_vcpu_pin_64_g64   1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_linux_win_64_g64      1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_LM_64_g64             1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_two_winxp_64_g64      1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_four_vmx_xenu_seq_6   1       0       1         0        0

 :XEN_four_sguest_seq_64_   1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_4G_guest_64_g64       1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_xenu_pae_on_64_64_g   1       1       0         0        0

 :XEN_four_dguest_co_64_g   1       1       0         0        0

Restart                     2       2       0         0        0

 :Guest64_64_gPAE           1       1       0         0        0

 :GuestPAE_64_g64           1       1       0         0        0

gtest                       13      13      0         0        0

 :boot_up_acpi_win2k3_64_   1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_64_g64   1       1       0         0        0

 :bootx_64_g64              1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k_64_   1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_up_vista_64_g64      1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_up_noacpi_win2k_64   1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_base_kernel_64_g64   1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_up_acpi_win2k_64_g   1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_up_acpi_xp_64_g64    1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k3_64   1       1       0         0        0

 :ltp_nightly_64_g64        1       1       0         0        0

 :boot_up_acpi_64_g64       1       1       0         0        0

 :kb_nightly_64_g64         1       1       0         0        0


Total                       31      28      1         0        2

                  Detail Test Report of Last Session



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